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compiled by
Master Herbalist
The immune system is
one of the most complex systems in the human body, and the study
of the immune system (immunology) is one of the most dynamic
fields of study involving the human body.
The immune system is
composed of the lymphatic vessels and organs (thymus gland,
spleen, adrenals, lymph nodes, tonsils and adenoids), white blood
cells (lymphocytes, neutrophils, basophils, eosinophils,
monocytes, etc.), specialized cells residing in various tissues
(macrophages, mast cells, etc.) and specialized serum factors
(including interferon, interleukin II and complement).
The immune system's
primary function involves the protection of the body against
various diseases, infections or the development of cancer by
functioning as an internal defense mechanism. This activity on
the part of the immune system guarantees that the organism is not
continuously overwhelmed by an excessive accumulation of harmful
microorganisms or pathogens (disease-bearing agents) such as
bacteria, fungi or viruses. The immune system responds in an
identical manner to all forms of disease, regardless of its
location in the body or its cause.
Microorganisms enter
the body continuously by way of the ears, eyes, mouth and nose,
as well as through the food we consume, the water we ingest, and
the air that we breathe. Some of these take up permanent
residence without doing any harm. However, whenever certain
states (such as an over-acid condition or an improper
acid/alkaline balance) develop that allow for invading or
threatening microorganisms to reproduce or multiply within the
body, a chain reaction (known as the immune response) involving a
specialized group of cells (known collectively as the white blood
cells) begins to occur. Then the various cell types and unique
chemical substances of the immune response mechanism act to
isolate the problem quickly and thereby prevent it from spreading
any further.
There are two basic
defense mechanism responses; namely, the specific and the
This immune system response is able to produce a specific antibody against a particular invader, especially since the protein molecules on the surface of the viruses are as unique as fingerprints. In the case of a repeated infection or illness, it is by virtue of this system's "memory" that the intruder is immediately recognized and quickly rendered harmless (which is why human beings usually experience certain childhood diseases only once). Immunizations also function by way of this same mechanism. By introducing a weakened form of a specific bacteria or virus into the body, a specific antibody is produced that protects against further "invasions" of that particular infection or illness. However, the specific immune system response is somewhat slow, and in the case of a primary infection, it will not reach its full effectiveness until somewhere between five and fourteen days have elapsed.
If the body is invaded by germs that produce an outbreak of disease within a very short period of time (as is the case with colds and influenzal infections), then the initial symptoms begin to manifest within eighteen to forty-eight hours after the onset of infection. It is crucial that the organism is able to wage an intense campaign of defense against these invaders, and only the non-specific immune system response is capable of accomplishing this feat. Its primary agents are specialized white blood cells (known as macrophages) that maintain a constant vigilance or protective force that continuously attacks pathological germs (pathogens) and swallows them up before they become a more significant threat. The more quickly these invaders are eliminated, then the less likely is there any danger that the symptoms of disease or illness will appear. It is important to note that most viruses that produce head colds or influenza will continually alter their appearance (i.e., their surface structure). Hence, they do not usually provoke a specific immune system response, and therefore require more constant vigilence by the non-specific immune system.
Inflammation and
fever are also considered to be a part of the immune system.
Inflammation is created by a histamine reaction --- the
same thing that causes allergy symptoms to manifest. Histamine
produces an expansion of the blood vessels at the site of the
problem in order to increase the flow of warm blood to that
particular area. The dilation of the blood vessels makes them
more permeable so that blood plasma (essentially, blood that does
not contain either red or white cells) can seep through and
transport another defense substance known as
"complement", which is vitally important to the proper
functioning of the antibodies. Fever improves the body's defenses
by promoting the activity of germ-fighting cells, and also
enhances the overall effectiveness of interferon.
The various
components of the immune system are described as follows:
The thymus is the major gland in our immune system. It is composed of two soft, pinkish-grey lobes (primarily of lymphoid structure) lying like a bib just below the thyroid gland, and situated in the upper part of the chest cavity above the heart region. The thymus is responsible for many functions of the immune system, including the production of T-lymphocytes (or T-cells). This is a type of white blood cell that is responsible for cell-mediated immunity, which refers to immune mechanisms that are not controlled or mediated by antibodies. Cell-mediated immunity is extremely important for providing greater resistance to infection or infectious diseases caused by mold-like bacteria, yeast (including Candida albicans), fungi, parasites and viruses (including Herpes simplex and Epstein-Barr). Cell-mediated immunity is also critical in protecting an organism against the development of cancer and various allergies.
The thymus gland releases several polypeptide hormones (such as thymosin, thymopoeitin and serum thymic factor) which regulate many immune functions. The prevention of thymic involution (or shrinkage), the use of nutrients that act as co-factors for the thymic hormones, and the stimulation of thymus gland activity are all necessary in order to insure optimal thymus gland activity, thymic hormone levels and cell-mediated immunity.
The lymphatic system plays an active role in the immune response by forming some of the white blood cells that manufacture antibodies in order to suppress the growth and activity of harmful bacteria and viruses. The lymphatic system provides a vehicle for those elements of the immune system that circulate throughout the body and monitor its internal environment, as well as maintain the stability of the bodily functions. Therefore, the lymphatic system provides greater accessibility to the entire physical body. In addition to protecting the body against disease and infection, the lymphatic system supplies nutriment to every cell in the body.
Approximately one-sixth of the entire physical body consists of the space between the cells. This space is collectively referred to as the interstitium, and the fluid contained within this space is known as the interstitial fluid. This fluid flows into the lymphatic vessels and becomes the lymph.
Lymphatic vessels usually run parallel to the arteries and veins, draining metabolic waste products from tissues and transporting the lymph to the lymph nodes (which are lymphatic vessels with filters) that interact with white blood cells in order to incapacitate certain disease-carriers or disease-bearing agents (pathogens). The lymph is then filtered in the lymph nodes by large cells called macrophages, which phagocytize (engulf and destroy) various foreign particles or substances (including bacteria and cellular debris). The lymph nodes also contain B-lymphocytes, which are those white blood cells that are capable of initiating antibody production in response to the presence of viruses, bacteria, yeast and various other microorganisims. Each group of lymph nodes protects a particular part of the body. For example, there are nodes located on the neck (to protect the head region), at the top of the thighs (to protect the legs and genitals), etc. The activity of the lymph nodes is greatly stimulated during an infection or infectious condition, and the subsequent accumulation of cells and bacteria may cause the lymph nodes to become enlarged. This is usually experienced as swelling and possible tenderness in the neck, armpits and groin region, and may also lead to the formation of pimples, boils, sore throat, ear infection, herpes, etc. This is merely an indication that the body is healing itself.
This organ is the largest mass of lymphatic tissue in the physical body. In addition to producing lymphocytes while engulfing and destroying bacteria and cellular debris, the spleen is responsible for destroying any worn-out red blood cells and platelets. The spleen also serves as a blood reservoir. During times of increased demand (such as hemorrhage), the spleen can release its stored blood and thereby prevent the occurrence of shock.
Although not considered to be a lymphatic organ, the liver produces the majority of lymph in the body. In addition to this, the integrity of the lymphatic system is highly dependent upon special types of macrophage (Kupffer cells) that exist in the liver. Kupffer cells are responsible for filtering bacteria, yeast (such as Candida albicans), and toxic foreign compounds that are absorbed by the gastro-intestinal tract. When functioning properly, these cells have been shown to engulf and destroy a single bacteria in less than 1/100th of a second. Those factors which enhance Kupffer cell and macrophage activity are discussed below.
The adrenal glands also play an important role in the immune response by secreting various hormones that act as a catalyst for activating certain necessary processes within the immune system.
These cells are transported by the bloodstream, but are found in large numbers in the lymph nodes, spleen, thymus and tissue fluids. It is the white blood cells that have the overall responsibility of defending the body against disease, as well as disposing of bacteria and cellular debris. They are outnumbered 500:1 by the red blood cells, whose sole function is the transport of oxygen.
White blood cells are classified into two major groups; namely, granular and non-granular.
These cells are formed from the same basic cell of the bone marrow (called a "stem cell"), and are characterized by the presence of granules within the cytoplasm and lobed nuclei. Some of these stem cells are transformed into T-cells in the thymus gland, while B-cell conversion usually occurs in the bone marrow. The three types of granular white blood cells are called neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils.
These cells actively phagocytise (engulf and destroy) harmful bacteria, yeasts, fungi, tumor cells and dead particulate matter. Neutrophils are particularly important for the prevention of bacterial infection.
These cells are directly involved in allergic conditions by secreting histamine and various other compounds that are designed to decompose any antigen-antibody complexes, as well as activate increased allergic mechanisms.
These cells possess no granules, and their nuclei are spherical rather than lobed. The two types of non-granular white blood cells are known as the lymphocytes and the monocytes.
There are several types of lymphocytes, namely, T-cells, B-cells, NK (natural killer) cells, etc. The term "T-cells" stands for thymus-derived lymphocytes. These cells orchestrate many functions in the immune system, and are the major components of cell-mediated immunity. There are different kinds of T-cells, including helper T-cells (which assist in the various functions of the other white blood cells), suppressor T-cells (which inhibit and control all white blood cell functions), and cytotoxic T-cells (which attack and destroy any foreign tissue, cancer cells or virus-infected cellular tissue).
B-cells are responsible for initiating the formation of antibodies, which are large protein molecules that bind themselves to foreign molecules (antigens) on harmful bacteria, viruses, tumor cells and various other microorganisms. After the antibody binds itself to the antigen, it develops a sequence of events that ultimately destroys the infectious organism or tumor cell. These antibodies are the immune system's most effective killers. Once the antibody is established, it can clone itself whenever it is required to defend itself from that particular antigen again. Approximately 14 days are required in order for the body to prepare the proper antibodies. By this time, most of the existing problems have been removed by the various other immune responses. However, those antibodies that had been previously formed will continue to maintain a state of health in the body. Furthermore, those antibodies that were formed during a particular illness will remain available in order to prevent the body from becoming vulnerable or susceptible to that same ailment whenever it becomes exposed to it again.
Natural killer (NK) cells are so-named because of their ability to destroy cells that have become cancerous or infected with harmful viruses. They are the body's first line of defense against the development of cancer.
These large white blood cells are responsible for cleaning up and removing any cellular debris after an infection, and are also responsible for triggering many immune responses.
As stated earlier, the lymph is filtered by specialized cells known as macrophages. These large cells are actually monocytes that have taken up residence in specific tissues, such as the liver, spleen and lymph nodes. Macrophages are especially equipped to digest the antigen (foreign substance) by removing the ribonucleic acids (RNA), which are then utilized by the B-cells to produce antibodies. Macrophages are essential in protecting the body against invasion by harmful microorganisms (as well as against any further damage to the lymphatic system) by phagocytising (or engulfing) various foreign particles (including bacteria and cellular debris).
These cells consist of basophils that have situated themselves primarily along the blood vessels, and are also responsible for releasing histamine and various other compounds that are directly involved in allergic reactions.
During the late nineteenth century, a Russian bacteriologist and colleague of Louis Pasteur discovered that circulating white cells actually protect the human body from bacterial invasion. This was the advent of humankind's understanding of the purpose of the immune system, and these white blood cells were considered to be the body's first line of defense for many years afterwards until a substance known as interferon was discovered in 1957 by a British virologist and his Swiss colleague.
Interferon is now recognized as the first line of defense, and is one of a number of special chemical factors (interferon, interleukin II, complement, etc.) that enhances the immune system. These compounds are produced by various white blood cells (e.g., interferon is produced primarily by T-cells, interleukins are produced by macrophages and T-cells, and complement fractions are manufactured in the liver and spleen). These special chemical factors are extremely important in activating the white blood cells to destroy both cancer cells and viruses.
Interferon is a protein that is produced by cells which have been subjected to viral attack. These infected cells release interferon into the system in order for it to make contact with the surrounding healthy cells, thereby making them less susceptible to the virus. This virus is then unable to utilize those cells in order to reproduce (replicate) itself, while the healthy cell remains fully capable of carrying on its normal functions. The overall effects of interferon are not long-lasting, but it does adequately defend the healthy cells long enough for the various other immune responses to take effect.
Several of these
chemical mediators of our immune system are currently being
investigated for the treatment of cancer, AIDS, and various other
conditions or imbalances involving the immune system.
A normal, healthy,
well-nourished individual usually manifests a strong and natural
immunity to germs. The most sophisticated defense system against
disease consists of personal hygiene (both internal and
external), coupled with regular exercise and a strongly
functioning immune system. Every human body is biologically
equipped to function as a whole and independent organism, and is
quite capable of resisting any "invasion" of its bodily
tissues by foreign or harmful microorganisms.
The immune system
has opened up a completely new perspective on defenses against
disease, and immunology has provided viable explanations for a
great number of previously unrelated conditions. The immune
system includes every defense mechanism in the body, but it is
more accurate to limit this system to two general types of
biochemical reactions that result in an immune response to
"attacks" from foreign or invading substances (or what
are commonly referred to as "infections"). These two
types of biochemical reactions usually interact with two
different kinds of "delivery" systems in the body,
namely, the blood and the lymphatic. Immune response is therefore
classified as either of the antibody type (immunoglobulins)
occurring in the bloodstream (humoral), or of the cellular type
(lymphocytes) that takes place in the lymphatic system. When
antibodies are not produced in sufficient quantities (or when
lymphocytes are inadequate), then certain distinct forms of
disease (or infections) may overwhelm the physical body. Only
five different types of immunoglobulins have been identified
(Immunoglobulin (Ig) G, M, A, E and D), and any deficiencies in
these may result from inherited conditions or may be transient
(with the latter most often occurring in the fourth to twelfth
week of life). Lymphocytes are occasionally inadequate because of
deficiencies in the thymus gland, where they are originally
produced. Furthermore, deficiencies in either antibodies or
lymphocytes may be acquired, as in the currently prevalent
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (A.I.D.S.).
There are many
reasons for the increasing prevalence of immune system
imbalances. A lowered or weakened immune system generally leads
to colds, infections, viruses, influenzas, allergies, asthmas,
eczemas or persistent headaches, and may occur as a result of any
combination of negative factors that tend to impede the body's
attempts to eliminate that which is harmful to its overall health
and well-being (as well as to place an additional burden or
strain on the immune system itself). When the normal chemistry of
the body is thrown out of balance by these factors (which are
basically in our control), then various forms of dormant germs or
bacteria are revived. These microorganisms, in turn, replicate
(reproduce) into highly toxic accumulations, and the entire
organism marshals its healing forces in an effort to confront the
emergency and make the proper adjustments. Such an effort is
expressed in various symptomatic responses of the body's
self-healing process, including fever, disturbed breathing, an
accelerated circulation (swelling and inflammation), intensified
bowel movements (diarrhea), lymphatic glandular swelling, pain
(which indicates the presence of irritants), skin eruptions
and/or catarrhal discharge (in order to expel excessive
accumulations of mucus and toxins).
Those negative
factors that result in these defensive reactions include:
1. Exposure to electromagnetic and environmental pollutants, in cluding inorganic fertilizer or pesticide residues, food additives, toxic metals (such as lead, aluminum, cadmium, or mercury amalgam dental fillings), carbon monoxide, radiation, polluted air and water, etc.
2. Widespread use of synthetic drug medications, steroids, hormones, birth control pills, vaccinations or inoculations, tobacco and alcohol, anti-perspirants (or any other suppressive creams, lotions and ointments containing harsh chemicals), etc.
3. Nutritional deficiencies, routine "pig-outs", coffee, refined white sugar, inherited genetic traits, underactive thyroid, etc.
4. Modern urban ("fast lane") living habits and sedentary lifestyles.
5. Stressful influences, mental/emotional imbalances, overwork, negative thought-patterns, suppressed feelings, etc.
6. Recurrent sexually-transmitted diseases.
7. Extremely poor living conditions (such as widespread famine or the introduction of infectious agents with which humankind has not previously been exposed to).
In addition to the
above, the widespread use of illicit drugs is one of the leading
factors in a lowered or weakened immune system. For example, the
active ingredient in marijuana (THC) alters the normal immune
response. This causes the white blood cells to become anywhere
from 35 to 40 percent less effective, thereby weakening the
entire immune defense mechanisms.
Furthermore, any
thymus gland imbalance will directly affect the immune,
circulatory, glandular and nervous systems. This gland releases
several hormones (such as thymosin, thymopoeitin
and serum thymic factor) that regulate many immune functions. Low
levels of these hormones in the blood are usually associated with
depressed immunity and an increased susceptibility to infection.
Thymic hormone levels typically become extremely low in the
elderly, in AIDS patients, and whenever an individual is exposed
to undue stress. The attainment of optimal thymus gland activity
(along with proper thymic hormone levels and cell-mediated
immunity) is usually dependent upon the prevention of thymic
involution (or shrinkage), as well as the use of nutrients that
act as co-factors for the thymic hormones and the proper
stimulation of thymus gland activity.
The thymus gland displays its maximum development immediately after birth, and begins to deteriorate during the onset of puberty. During the aging process, this gland undergoes a process of shrinkage (or involution). The reason for this activity is that the thymus gland is extremely susceptible to free radical and oxidative damage caused by stressful living habits, faulty nutrition or poor diet, environmental pollutants (such as radiation and ELF waves), infection and chronic illness.
For well over a
century, the Western world has consistently upheld a
belief-system (or mind-set) that disease indiscriminately attacks
humankind from outside of themselves, and that they live their
lives as apparent victims of invisible germs against which they
have little defense (except for the so-called magic of Western
science and the mystique that surrounds the commercialized
medical/pharmaceutical technology).
This pervasive
cultural belief-system extends all the way back to the 17th
century with the onset of a Cartesian/Newtonian mechanical and
reductionistic viewpoint of the human body, as well as humanity's
overall relationship with the universe. This reductionistic
approach towards investigating and understanding the physical
organism and its relationship to health and disease usually
involves a further division of the body into as many parts as
possible. Each of these body parts are then analyzed separately
(under "medical specialization") in the belief that a
greater comprehension of the entire human anatomy will eventually
occur. Many 19th and 20th century beliefs can be traced back
directly to these 17th century assumptions about health and
disease, such as:
1. The human body is merely a biological machine.
2. There is an "in here" inside the body and an "out there" outside the body that are separate and quite distinct from one another.
3. Disease is a separate organism unto itself, or a foreign and hostile entity that is separate from a human being, and capable of entering and causing harm to a physical body.
4. Illness is a calamity that strikes from outside of the body, and must be endured with the assistance of palliative medications.
5. Health is merely the absence of disease symptoms.
6. As with disease, healing occurs independently of the mind, emotions and human consciousness.
7. The level of health depends upon the quality of medicine.
8. Health (or the healing process) occurs as a result of what someone (or something) does for us (or to us), rather than what we do for ourselves.
During the 1800's,
Western cultural science continued to perceive the human body as
an accumulation of various parts that existed as primarily
separate from the mind, emotions and spirit. Along with this
perception, Western civilization began to embrace a mind-set that
has gradually evolved into practically a religious belief;
namely, that Western science and its particular scientific method
is a uniquely objective, dispassionate and direct insight into
truth and reality.
It is important to
note that "science" is not absolute, but merely a
cultural form of knowingness, and therefore is relative to a
civilization's already existing cultural beliefs. A particular
culture's science is merely a subjective, deeply-conditioned
cultural attitude toward the world in general, which has
gradually formed in the collective consciousness of that culture
over an extended period of time.
In reality, many
cultural sciences are vastly different (but equally valid)
concepts of knowing and experiencing reality. Although each of
these sciences evolved from a different cultural perception of
reality, each of them are no less real (or unreal) than our own,
for we ultimately live what we know. If we believe the universe
and ourselves to be mechanical and vulnerable to attack by
microorganisms, then our belief-systems will cause us to live
mechanically and provide overwhelming power to these
microorganisms. According to Norman Cousins, the greatest force
in the human body is its natural drive to continually heal
itself. However, this force is not independent of one's
belief-system, which can translate mental or emotional
expectations into physiological change and outcome. For example,
note the ability of the fifteen billion neurons in the human
brain to convert our thoughts, hopes, ideas and attitudes into
actual chemical substances that ultimately create our own
individual reality.
Western science still adheres to the belief that germs cause
disease, and few of us question this so-called "fact"
of life. The infamous "germ theory" as initially
proposed by Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch during the late 1800's
is over-simplified, inaccurate and tragically misleading when
applied to one's daily life experience. Nevertheless, it
continues to reign as the cornerstone and foundation of our
culture's common conceptual understanding of the cause and cure
of human disease.
The overwhelming
rapidity with which the germ theory of disease became accepted by
the Western allopathic medical profession was a spectacular
historical phenomenon. Even though the current grouping of
allopathic physicians no longer accept the belief that germs are
the sole cause of disease, there has been very little public
educational information to the contrary either promoted or
sponsored by this influential group of health authorities, as
well as equally little informed or insightful media coverage that
would assist in further educating the lay population to believe
otherwise. This is not meant to demean the persistent and
informed efforts of the allopathic general practitioners and
family doctors who spend the bulk of their professional careers
imploring their patients to alter their lifestyle habits in order
to stop killing themselves with self-destructive diets, drinking
and smoking.
The historic
one-germ/one-disease theory that was initially proposed by
Pasteur and Koch in 1881 basically postulated that each type of
germ is solely responsible for invading an unsuspecting
individual and producing a specific type of ailment. In their
historic "Doctrine of Specificity", they indicated that
"certain microscopic entities, whose appearance in space and
time correlates well with other physical manifestations of
illness, are causative of illness". This Doctrine of
Specificity was quickly refuted and disproven by a number of his
contemporaries, most notably Claude Bernard and I. M. Setchenov.
In spite of the
published research findings of Pasteur's and Koch's
contemporaries that definitively demonstrated the profound
limitations in their overall conclusion, Pasteur's initial theory
was dynamically reinforced by the actions of the then current
university-trained allopathic physicians (at that time referred
to as the "regular" doctors). These so-called regular
doctors were desperately seeking a nucleus around which to create
some sort of "science" in order to develop a form of
prominent healing profession, thereby setting themselves apart
from the various other diverse systems of health care that were
co-existent at that time. Historically speaking, this development
manifested at a time when the regular doctors' heroic use of
bleeding, leeches, and the administration of mercury and various
other questionable chemical drugs was literally killing their
patients. Therefore, the initial postulates of Pasteur and his
co-proponent Robert Koch unintentionally provided the
"regulars" with an eagerly-adopted scientific nucleus.
In 1882, little
notice was taken when Pasteur revised and re-stated his theory
describing germs as a secondary (rather than primary) cause of
disease, with the body's debilitated terrain being considered the
initial cause. The linear events and politics of the
misinterpretation and subsequent rise into prominence of his
initial theory of disease and the succeeding medical practices
thereof definitely illustrates how belief-systems based on
certain assumptions (which are marketed as a science, though not
necessarily based on irrefutable evidence) can affect and alter
the collective consciousness of an entire culture.
The unsung work of
Pasteur's fellow contemporary research scientists is far more
revelant and significant for the layperson of today. In rebuttal
to Pasteur's doctrine of specific etiology, they clearly
demonstrated that:
1. Disease microorganisms seek out their own natural habitats; namely, diseased tissue.
2. Germs vary their fermentative effect in conformity with the medium in which they find themselves.
3. The host must be in a certain state of debility before germs can settle into bodily tissue or produce a state of disease.
4. The disease process is largely dependent upon the terrain, or the underlying health of the body itself.
The scientific
assumption that infectious diseases are caused by the
transmission of bacteria and viruses has led to the widespread
abuse of synthetic antibiotics. These products have caused
irreparable harm to the health of individuals in all the
industrialized nations throughout the world (and the United
States in particular), even extending to delayed reactions such
as Candida albicans and a tremendous increase in
allergies. A senseless urge to destroy these "enemy"
microorganisms is foremost even nowadays in the minds of many
patients and physicians alike, even though there is more than
sufficient awareness that it is not the presence (or lack
thereof) of these microbes, but rather the present state of our
defense mechanisms that ultimately determines the existence of
infection. In other words, it isn't the causative agent that is
the decisive factor, but rather the medium in which it is allowed
to flourish. We have at last come to realize that our health
greatly depends upon the reactive ability of our immune system.
Our cultural
belief-system needs to dispel its exaggerated and misleading fear
of germs and replace this conditioned response with a more
positive attitude involving the proper nourishment and
maintenance of a spontaneously disease-resistant condition of
health and well-being. Whether or not we ultimately succumb to
the natural activities of microbes depends much more on the
ecological state of our communities, our bodies and our diets
than on the presence of bacteria and viruses. We breathe in (and
swallow) many thousands of microbes every hour without any ill
effects. In fact, human beings in good health harbor many
potentially pathogenic microbes (such as diptheria, meningitis, Staphlococci
bacilli and the polio virus), and sometimes disease symptoms are
present without any specific "causative" germs. As
Lewis Thomas clearly points out in his work, The Lives of a
"Most bacteria are totally preoccupied
with browsing, altering the configurations of organic molecules
so that they become usable for the energy-needs of other forms of
life. In real life, even in our worst
circumstances, we have always been a relatively minor interest of
the vast microbial world. Pathogenicity is not the rule. Indeed,
it occurs so infrequently and involves such a relatively small
number of species, considering the huge population of bacteria on
the Earth, that it has a freakish aspect. Disease usually results
from inconclusive negotiations for symbiosis, an overstepping of
the line by one side or the other, a biologic misinterpretation
of borders."
If the body's
underlying health has been significantly lowered and the bodily
tissues have been adversely affected by microorganisms, then the
body will usually require assistance in order to decrease the
number of bacteria through the activation of a healing crisis.
During this crisis (or healing response), an alteration in one's
nutritional patterns without the concurrent use of more
concentrated medicinal preparations will often be insufficient to
effect total healing. On the other hand, the timely usage of
concentrated (herbal and vibrational) medicine is appropriate and
often necessary. Various herbal products (such as herbal teas,
concentrated extracts or formulations, etc.) are active
nutritional medicines that strongly activate, vitalize and
support the body's own natural healing capabilities, with the
most concentrated and effective herbal agents being formulations
of botanicals (crude plant extracts or tablets), flower essences
(signatures) and pure essential oils (aromatherapy). After the
healing crisis has subsided, a change in one's general
nutritional habits and lifestyle is essential in order to assist
in rebuilding and strengthening the body's terrain, as well as to
enhance its immune system.
Germs are companion
species to all living beings on this planet, and are an essential
and normal part of our internal and external environment by
assisting us in maintaining a balanced and efficient biological
economy. When we allow our bodies to become saturated with
accumulations of morbid or metabolic waste material, these germs
begin to proliferate around this matter and create a dynamic
process in the body that is often referred to by non-medical
practitioners as a cleansing or "healing crisis". This
process is the end result of every bodily system working in
concert with one another in order to eliminate, cleanse or
purify, and regenerate any old, worn-out or diseased tissues in
the body. This "feeling worse before feeling better"
syndrome is quite similar to that of a cleansing fast, with
reactions that may include skin eruptions or rashes, nausea,
dizziness, pain, cramps, headaches, stuffiness, sleepiness or
unusual fatigue, diarrhea, boils, ear infections and a head or
chest cold, or any other forms of therapeutic symptoms that the
body may employ in order to loosen and eliminate toxins. A normal
healing crisis is only temporary, and may last up to as many as
three to seven days during the initial cleanse. During this time,
the body's requirement for cleansing fluids (such as water, fruit
juices or herbal teas) may increase significantly. Healthy cells
are extremely resistant to any microbial invasion or
proliferation until the bodily tissue develops a
disease-condition (along with weakened defense mechanisms),
thereby allowing the infection to spread. Unfortunately, we have
come to associate microbes with various disorders that manifest
during these periods of proliferation, and we subsequently regard
them as causes rather than symptoms.