Consumer's Guide to Food Labels (Reading Nutrition Labels, Definition of Terms, Ingredients and Quality of Nutrients, Grades and Standards, Universal Product Code and Other Symbols); Advertising Deception and Misrepresentation; Acceptable Foods Versus Foods to Avoid.





General Rules for the Proper Selection of Foods.





Preliminary Steps and Food Availability; The Basic Kitchen; Selecting and Using Kitchen Utensils; The Rational Preparation of Foods (Food Combining Techniques); Effects of Food Preparation (Cooking, Fermenting, etc.); Preserving Nutrients in the Kitchen (Retention of Vitamins, Minerals, Enzymes, etc.); Basic Principles of Cooking; Nutrient Losses During the Cooking Process; Cooking with Honey Versus Sugar; Effects of Food Temperature.





The Law of Wholeness (Cooked Versus Unfired (Raw) or Frozen Foods); General Dietary Rules; Basic Food Categories; Optimal Dietetic Utilization of Nutrients; Planning and Composition of Recommended Daily Meals (Principal and Supplementary Foods); Complementary Table Setting.





Seven Levels of Eating; Factors That Influence Proper Eating Habits (Mental and Emotional States, Snack Foods, etc.); Sample Menus and Recipes for Hygienic Meals; Meatless Main Dishes; Seasonings and Ingredient Substitutions; Effects of Proper Consumption of Foods.





Modern Food Technology and Preventative Food Storage; Controlled Atmosphere Storage; The Effects of Food Preservation (Cold Storage, Drying, Salting, Pickling or Fermenting, Smoking, Canning, Freezing, Chemical Preservatives and Other Food Additives, and Food Irradiation); Food Dehydration (Selection, Preparation, Processing, Labeling and Storage Techniques); Canning of Fruits and Vegetables (Equipment, Methods and Processing); Retention of Nutrients in Canned and Frozen Foods; Honey-Based Syrups for Canning and Freezing Fruits; Storage of Spices and Seasonings.