The following is excerpted from The Professional's Herbal Formula Handbook No. 18, comprising 111 pages of traditional information and recent scientific data that describes the medical properties, physiological action and therapeutic uses for each of the 24 ingredients outlined in this formula.


Adaptogenic, alterative, anabolic, analgesic, anodyne, anti-bilious, antibiotic, anti-cachexic, anti-catarrhal, anti-dyscratic, anti-exudative, anti-infective, antioxidant, antiphlogistic (anti-inflammatory), anti-scrofulous, antiseptic, antispasmodic, aperient, astringent, bacteriostatic (anti-bacterial), balsamic, biocatalyst, calmative, carminative, mild cathartic, cell proliferant, cholagogue, choleretic, cytophylactic, cytotoxic, decongestant, deobstruent, depurative, detoxicant, disinfectant, diuretic, expectorant, fungistatic (anti-fungal), immuno-potentiating, immuno-stimulant, laxative, microbicidal (anti-microbial), nutritive, mild purgative, rejuvenative, systemic relaxant, sedative, sialagogue, spasmolytic, stimulant (circulatory and secretolytic), stomachic, tonic, constitutional tropho-restorative, vasodilator, vasotonic and viricidal (anti-viral).



Alleviates any general fluids dyscrasia (abnormal or pathological condition) throughout the entire gastro-intestinal tract accompanied by intermittent visceral pain, abdominal cramping, epigastric fullness or distension, and various inflammatory conditions associated with the retention of excessive by-products of protein metabolism (due to improper food combinations) that leads to the onset of colitis (especially amoebic, mucous, regional, spastic, transmural and ulcerative), colic (including biliary, flatulent, gallstone, gastric, heavy metal, hepatic, intestinal, menstrual, ovarian, pancreatic, renal, stercoral, ureteral, uterine, vermicular, verminous and wind), irritable bowel syndrome, spasmodic colon, or intestinal gas, and eliminates any form of cachexia (state of malnourishment and general debility) throughout the stomach and bowels while removing any abscesses, fistulas, perforation of the colon, pseudopolyps or ulceration associated with excessive accumulations of toxic waste materials, pathogenic bacteria and microbes or putrefactive fecal matter throughout the duodenum and colon; eases any infantile flatulent colic or chronic enteritis accompanied by dull epigastric pain in the stomach and bowels, and acts as a mild sedative and muscle relaxant (due to the presence of the alkaloid canadine); removes any atonic ulcerated consitions throughout the gastro-intestinal tract caused by hyperacidity or gastric hypersecretion, and relieves any abdominal spasms or cramping sensations; demonstrates significant antispasmodic, balsamic, calmative, relaxant, sedative and spasmolytic effects upon the smooth muscles of the stomach and bowels in order to soothe and relieve any localized abdominal griping pains or cramping sensations associated with various spasmodic conditions, due to the presence of excessive accumulations of flatulence or intestinal gas throughout the gastro-intestinal tract; eases any nervous spasmodic conditions, and displays powerful spasmolytic effects upon any isolated smooth muscle tissues; demonstrates powerful antispasmodic and spasmolytic properties in order to modify or regulate any intestinal spasms (spastic colitis) associated with excessive accumulations of various food irritants in the bowels, and acts as an effective analgesic and anodyne in order to soothe and relieve any sharp, intermittent griping pains or dull epigastric pain in the intestines associated with various forms of colitis, colic, irritable bowel syndrome, spastic colon or intestinal gas; exhibits carminative activity in order to facilitate the expulsion of any excessive accumulations of flatus (intestinal gas) from the stomach and bowels, and displays stomachic properties in order to enhance the functional capabilities of the stomach, duodenum and colon; exhibits stomachic effects in order to increase the production of gastric and pancreatic digestive fluids, which are necessary for the proper digestion of sugars and various other essential nutrients; acts as a preventative against any overgrowth of yeast in the intestinal tract (due to the presence of the alkaloid berberine) caused by the excessive use of synthetic antibiotics, and inhibits the development of any superfluous muscular tissue or abnormal growth patterns within the musculature of the stomach and bowels; acts as a preventative against any elevation of serum tyramine by inhibiting the formation of the enzyme tyrosine decarboxylase within the colonic bacteria (intestinal flora), and enhances greater convalescence from any severe or depleting intestinal suppurative discharges and various other stomach or bowel disorders; exhibits significant choleretic and cholagogue properties in order to remove any intestinal putrefaction or septicemia, which ultimately leads to the development of autointoxication (auto-toxemia) throughout the mucous membranes and tissue-systems of the intestines; displays aperient and mild laxative properties in order to promote gentle evacuations of toxic debris or fecal matter from the intestines, and acts as a mild cathartic and purgative in order to stimulate increased peristaltic movement and the accelerated defecation of any toxic accumulations or metabolic waste materials from the lower bowels; exhibits astringent activity upon the gastric, enteric and renal mucosa in order to stimulate the production of mucus throughout the stomach and bowels, thereby soothing and healing any ulcerated conditions; displays anti-catarrhal and expectorant properties in order to accelerate and strengthen the functional capabilities of the entire expectoration process, thereby facilitating the loosening and expulsion of any excessive gummy or viscid mucoid or phlegmatic accumulations from the entire gastro-intestinal tract (especially the duodenum and colon); demonstrates significant anti-catarrhal, expectorant and tonifying effects in order to eliminate any atonic or catarrhal conditions throughout the stomach and bowels (gastric, duodenal or intestinal catarrh or atony), and removes any mucous colitis or nervous indigestion; relieves any chronic gastritis (chronic gastric catarrh), as well as any gastro-enteritis accompanied by catarrhal conditions; eliminates any duodenal catarrh aggravated by biliary concretions, and alleviates any biliousness while stimulating the secretion of bile and bilirubin (due to the presence of the alkaloid berberine); exhibits cytophylactic and cytotoxic activity in order to provide stronger cellular defense mechanisms against many physical or chemical agents, and displays anti-infective and disinfectant properties in order to promote increased resistance by destroying any invasive or harmful pathogenic bacteria, microbes or viruses that are often responsible for various infectious states or inflammatory conditions; exhibits bacteriostatic, microbicidal and viricidal activity in order to strengthen and increase the resistance of the gastro-intestinal tract against any invasive or harmful bacteria, fungi, microbes or viruses, as well as to inhibit the further development of any infectious or inflammatory conditions associated with the onset of colitis or irritable bowel syndrome; removes any gastro-intestinal infections caused by various enterotoxins (e.g., Vibrio cholerai and E. coli), and promotes increased macrophage activity in order to engulf and destroy any harmful pathogenic bacteria, microbes, viruses, yeasts and other forms of particulate matter throughout the stomach and bowels; displays broad-spectrum antibiotic, bacteriostatic, carminative, immuno-stimulatory and microbicidal activity (due to the presence of the alkaloid berberine) in order to destroy a wide range of harmful pathogenic bacteria, including Staphlococcus spp., Streptococcus spp., Chlamydia spp., Corynebacterium diphtheria, Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhi, Vibrio cholerae, Diplococcus pneumonia, Pseudomonas spp., Shigella meningitidis, Treponema pallidum, Giardia lamblia, Leishmania donovani, and Candida albicans; inhibits the adhesion of Streptococcus spp. to host cells (due to the presence of berberine) by (1) causing these bacteria to lose lipoteichoic acid (LTA), and (2) preventing the adhesion of fibronectin to the streptococci (as well as eluting or "washing out" any previously bound fibronectin), and displays tropho-restorative activity during conditions involving any irritated, inflamed or ulcerated mucous membranes throughout the gastro-intestinal tract; demonstrates significant antiphlogistic effects (due to the presence of the alkaloid berberine) in order to inhibit the formation of certain inflammatory compounds (such as histamine, leukotrienes, prostaglandin, serine proteases and thromboxanes), as well as to reduce any severe inflammatory swelling associated with any degenerative conditions by exerting an extremely positive influence towards correcting any internal inflammatory conditions throughout the entire gastro-intestinal tract (especially the duodenum and colon); exhibits significant antiseptic activity by destroying the vitality of any organized living ferments in order to prevent the onset of putrefaction or septicemia, and precipitates the proteins in any inflamed tissues in order to provide a mildly antiseptic and protective coating (under which the regeneration of new tissue occurs) for the mucous membranes and tissue-systems throughout the entire gastro-intestinal tract; acts as an effective antiseptic in order to remove any septic conditions associated with tissue degeneration or ulceration, and promotes increased suppuration and a steady toning or restorative impression to the entire glandular system (especially the liver, spleen and lymph glands); displays biocatalytic activity in order to enhance greater assimilation of those essential nutrients that are necessary for the increased production of energy and vitality, thereby accelerating certain rejuvenative processes associated with the repair of any damaged blood vessels, mucous membranes or tissue-systems throughout the entire gastro-intestinal tract; acts as a biocatalyst in order to accelerate and accentuate the transport of all the other herbal ingredients throughout the entire organism to specific areas of the body, and displays significant antioxidant effects in order to enhance the transport of additional oxygen directly into the cells and tissue-systems throughout the stomach, duodenum and colon; exhibits anabolic activity in order to accelerate the production of DNA and RNA (which enhances the production of proteins in the form of antibodies), while increasing protein and lipid synthesis in the bone marrow and DNA/RNA content in the adrenals and lymph nodes (along with increased body weight and enhanced re-synthesis of glycogen and high-energy phosphate compounds); demonstrates powerful adaptogenic (balancing and strengthening) activity in order to increase the overall resistance of an organism towards any adverse influences or stressful conditions (whether they be physical, chemical or biological), especially throughout the blood vessels, mucous membranes and tissue-systems of the gastro-intestinal tract, and both the central (cerebro-spinal centers) and peripheral nervous systems; exhibits immuno-potentiating and immuno-stimulatory effects in order to enhance greater long-term immune potential and overall non-specific systemic immunity (or immune cell activity) and increased immune response (by activating the body's natural defense mechanisms), particularly in relation to the repair and restoration of any damaged or congested blood vessels, tissue-systems or mucous membranes throughout the entire organism; acts as a secretolytic stimulant in order to promote increased gastric, pancreatic or intestinal secretory and motor activity, and enhances greater peripheral circulation (due to its antioxidant activity); exhibits significant antioxidant effects in order to provide greater oxygen-transport capabilities throughout the entire circulatory and cardiovascular systems, as well as enhance the transport of additional oxygen directly into the cells and tissue-systems throughout the blood vessels (arteries, veins and capillaries); acts as a circulatory stimulant by increasing the blood flows throughout the circulatory system in order to enhance greater nutrient transport, absorption and utilization, thereby accelerating the healing processes associated with the repair of any nutritional deficiencies or insufficiency throughout the entire organism; acts as an effective nutritive and rejuvenative tonic to the stomach, duodenum and colon during convalescence (due to the presence of rich sources of carbohydrates, chromium, cobalt, fats, iron, magnesium, manganese, niacin, protein, selenium, silicon, zinc and vitamins B1 and C) in order to enrich, nourish and replenish any nutritional deficiencies or insufficiency throughout the gastro-intestinal tract, which leads to the development of various degenerative or debilitative conditions (such as abdominal distension, griping pains or cramps, heartburn, gas or flatulence, gastralgia [gas pains], gastrodynia [gastric neuralgia], fermentative or putrefactive conditions, nutritional anemia, chronic fatigue or general weakness, intestinal, venous or capillary stasis [stagnation], and impaired circulatory flows); demonstrates significant rejuvenative and restorative properties upon the basic plasma tissue-systems throughout the entire organism, thereby enhancing the production of vital bodily fluids while providing greater enrichment through increased assimilation of the various organic mineral salts; accelerates the recuperative processes that are essential in order to overcome any chronic degenerative or debilitative diseases or illnesses, while facilitating greater recovery response during convalescence in order to fully regain optimal health and well-being; enhances the functional capabilities of the bowels, and stimulates normal fibrillar contractibility and increased muscular tonicity throughout the walls of the stomach and intestines; strengthens, invigorates and revitalizes the entire organism, and cleanses the bowels while stimulating and tonifying the entire digestive system by promoting increased gastric and intestinal secretions or secretory flows; exhibits beneficial effects upon the entire portal and venous systems (due to its stimulating vasotonic properties), and accelerates the healing processes throughout the stomach and bowels; eliminates any lymphatic congestion, and removes any chronic blood stasis (diminution of the flow of blood or other bodily fluids) in the abdomen; activates the bodily processes of detoxification and elimination in order to cleanse and purify the bloodstream and tissue-systems, and removes any extreme toxemia (chronic systemal toxicity) or various protoplasmic poisons throughout the gastro-intestinal tract; acts as an eliminative vasotonic to the blood, liver and splenic functions, as wellas upon the eliminative functions of the lymphatic system; enhances the overall cleansing process by dilating the surface capillaries in order to more effectively remove any toxic debris or metabolic waste materials through the pores of the skin, and increases the secretion and elimination of urine in order to provide further support to the inner cleansing process; displays alterative activity in order to correct any disordered bodily function, thereby activating increased alterations in both metabolic and tissue functions as a defensive measure against the onset of acute or chronic disease; exhibits restorative effects in order to regain increased vigor or vitality and greater strength, while enhancing normal tissue and metabolic functional capabilities; demonstrates alterative and restorative properties in order to re-establish healthy systemic functional capabilities, as well as to establish greater vascular tone throughout the entire organism (due to its ability to stimulate increased secretory flows); exhibits alterative effects in order to stimulate the anabolic growth processes, thereby enhancing the repair of any degenerated, deteriorated and debilitated cells or tissues (while promoting the elimination of any catabolic waste materials); displays tonifying effects in order to permanently enhance the overall energy-levels throughout the entire organism, without adversely affecting the functional capabilities of any particular organ or system.

