any burning sensations or offensive bodily discharges, as well as
any painful hemorrhoidal conditions; relieves the early stages of
all inflammatory conditions, including viral, rectal or bacterial
inflammations; eliminates any chronic suppuration, as well as any
septic or fistula processes; neutralizes those uric acid
properties that are associated with hemorrhoidal disorders while
releasing toxicity from the cellular level, and eases any heavy
metal poisoning; flushes various harmful microorganisms from the
excretory system, and normalizes the flora located throughout the
intestinal tract; stimulates general tissue regeneration, and
alleviates those energetic processes (on a microbial level) that
allow for the replication of any invading organisms.
Activates the biomagnetic, bioelectrical and biocrystalline
properties in the physical body, thereby enhancing communication
between the subtle bodies; amplifies the discharge of ethereal
toxicity from the system by dispelling any mental or emotional
toxins (negative thought-forms) into the subtle bodies and
ethers, where they are ultimately transformed and disintegrated;
amplifies the amount of ethereal fluidium in the etheric body, as
well as the life force (prana) in the physical body; aligns the
emotional and etheric bodies with the mental body, thereby
alleviating any tension throughout the intestinal tract; aligns
and strengthens all the meridians and nadis, and eases all the
Alleviates various forms of low self-esteem, and eases any
emotional stress associated with dysfunctional relationships or
family environments (including any dysfunctional merging with
others); protects an individual from extreme emotionalism,
thereby easing any extremely changeable mood-swings or
ever-fluctuating emotions; eliminates any lack of emotional
clarity, including any emotional confusion or over-sensitivity;
removes the tendency to absorb emotional debris from others, and
activates greater passivity towards the original activity that
created one's anxiety, guilt or remorse; alleviates any
compulsive neuroses, fear or paranoia, thereby crystallizing
greater objectivity in the mental and emotional bodies; enhances
one's ability to overcome their fears and inhibitions by allowing
any insecurities associated with hidden fear or anger to be
gradually confronted and released; releases any suppressed
memories that are stored in the subconscious mind, and provides
greater emotional balance by regulating and harmonizing one's
emotional life.
Assists in increasing one's ability to more effectively integrate
any positive aspects of the Self, thereby allowing an individual
to function better in life; increases one's overall
self-acceptance, and generates an increased capability for
tremendous psycho-spiritual self-confidence; allows more
penetrating insight towards developing a willingness to accept
new ideas that may contradict one's old processes, and develops a
sense of wholeness in order to impart greater strength and active
resistance; restores greater wholeness by assisting an individual
to consolidate and unify their astral body, as well as to
harmonize it with their physical and etheric bodies and their
spiritual ego; addresses many forms of nervous fear, due to the
overly intense activity of various elemental beings in one's
astral body; removes any accumulations of psychic tension,
particularly in the stomach and solar plexus regions; harmonizes
one's inner solar forces for greater emotional peace and
stability, and promotes more unitive consciousness; subdues the
many small emotions that vex the soul life by helping to
consolidate these into a more fundamental soul essence of
serenity and equanimity, and removes any overly-sympathetic
identification with others by imparting greater objectivity and
containment; promotes a serene disposition and more loving
awareness of others from a Self-contained level of consciousness,
and enhances one's ability to more effectively handle the
"letting go" process.