Alleviates any viral or bacterial inflammations by removing stored toxins from the gastro-intestinal tract, particularly in the colon; assists the body's eliminative processes by cleansing the intestinal tract of any harmful parasites or pathogenic (disease-bearing) bacteria, and reduces any intestinal spasms or ulcerative colitis by balancing the entire intestinal tract; alleviates any ulcerous conditions in the intestines where a general breakdown or degeneration of tissue exists, and eases those conditions in which there is an over-stimulation of the intestinal walls or a constant emptying of the bowels (such as inflammatory disorders).



Assists in the digestion and assimilation of most foods, and enhances a greater understanding of the vibrations associated with food; acts as a digestive aid for the abdomen and the upper intestinal tract, thereby allowing essential nutrients to be transported more rapidly through the excretory system; stimulates the digestive juices in the abdominal region, thereby allowing the intestinal tract to more effectively assimilate the proper nutrient values and alleviate any physical body cravings in order to enhance proper food absorption; aids in the absorption of essential nutrients, particularly calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, silica, sulfur, zinc, and vitamins A, B-Complex, E, and K (all of which stabilize one's emotional nature); improves the assimilation of the full spectrum of proteins, as well as those enzymes that are utilized during the detoxification process; adjusts the abdominal and intestinal activities, thereby allowing the body to more effectively assimilate and utilize the heavier proteins; increases the body's capability to more efficiently assimilate proteins and chlorophyll, particularly throughout the lower intestinal tract.



Activates the biomagnetic, bioelectrical and biocrystalline properties in the physical body, thereby enhancing communication between the subtle bodies; amplifies the discharge of ethereal toxicity from the system by dispelling any mental or emotional toxins (negative thought-forms) into the subtle bodies and ethers, where they are ultimately transformed and disintegrated; acts as a bonding agent in order to connect the various subtle bodies to the ethereal fluidium in the etheric body, thereby enhancing the assimilation process; activates complete cleansing and detoxification on the cellular level, due to the pulsation of crystalline-like structures (from the crystal state to the liquid state) and the alignment of the physical and etheric bodies; re-establishes a proper balance between the emotional and etheric bodies whenever these bodies become excessively bound together, thereby lessening any exposure of the body to various forms of inflammation associated with stress; aligns the emotional body with the mental body, thereby alleviating any tension in the intestinal tract; repairs any disruptions to the proper alignment of the physical and astral bodies that produce spastic conditions in the intestinal tract, and activates the solar plexus and brow chakras in order to stimulate the complete regeneration of the entire intestinal tract; strengthens all the chakras, meridians, nadis and subtle bodies, and slightly energizes the small intestine meridian.



Alleviates any anger or extreme frustration, as well as any constant self-condemnation towards various conditions that are occurring in one's life-pattern; gradually eases any insecurities related to hidden fears or anger, and removes any accumulations of extreme tension (especially throughout the musculature); eliminates any intense emotional stress that affects the interior secretions and fluids of the abdominal region, thereby re-channeling it through the meridian system.



Alleviates any form of behavioral difficulties associated with resistance towards learning new patterns, and provides a sense of wholeness that imparts greater strength and active resistance; develops coordinated energies that display new pathways, as well as new forms of personal expression or new methods to channel one's energy; enhances one's ability to experience life in a more heartfelt manner, and increases one's motivation to seek and affirm the wholeness of life; restores greater wholeness, thereby assisting the soul to consolidate and unify its astral body in order to more effectively harmonize it with the physical and etheric bodies and one's spiritual ego; promotes more unitive consciousness, and provides a deep sense of wellness and wholeness; eases various forms of sensory congestion, thereby enhancing one's ability to absorb and experience the fullness of life (especially sensorial impressions); allows the soul to learn how to clarify and discriminate its sensorial experiences, and harmonizes an individual's psychic life within the context of their daily work and modern living conditions; addresses many forms of nervous fear, due to the overly intense activity of various elemental beings in one's astral body; promotes more creative activity that is balanced and centered in one's vital life energy, and provides a tremendous outpouring of positive creativity and spirituality; eases any overuse or misuse of one's fiery creative forces, and allows an individual's spiritual forces to flow through the body in a more dynamic and effortless manner; promotes more lively activity that is balanced with inner ease, and provides more contained moments of reflective activity.

