Alleviates any parasympathetic or central nervous system disorders, as well as any nervous conditions associated with restlessness or nervous headaches; augments the parasympathetic ganglia, and strengthens the entire parasympathetic nervous system; eases any general deterioration of the nervous system, due to the long-term effects of caffeine, nicotine, and the heavy metal or petrochemical miasms; amplifies the discharge of toxicity from the nervous system, and activates the removal of toxins from the nerve tissues; alleviates any neurological discharge imbalances while strengthening the entire neurological system, and increases synapse (junctions or relay points between the nerve cells) activity between the individual neurons and the cranial capacity; energizes the pituitary gland, thereby activating the entire neurological system; strengthens those neurological tissues that are directly associated with the heart, and augments the entire nervous system by connecting the sympathetic and autonomic nervous systems; amplifies the biocrystalline properties located throughout the nervous system, while strengthening and regenerating all the nervous tissues.



Aids in improving the absorption or assimilation of calcium and all the B-vitamins.



Activates the biomagnetic, bioelectrical and biocrystalline properties in the physical body, thereby enhancing communication between the subtle bodies; amplifies the discharge of ethereal toxicity from the system by dispelling any mental or emotional toxins (negative thought-forms) into the subtle bodies and ethers, where they are ultimately transformed and disintegrated; increases the intensity of the energy-flow between the mental and etheric bodies, and enhances the various processes of interdimensional energy attunement, transmission, reception and utilization; strengthens the etheric body in order to maintain a proper balance between the physical and subtle bodies, and strengthens the mental body while cleansing and relaxing the emotional body; provides greater alignment of the etheric body to the cellular level, and aligns the mental and emotional bodies; aligns the emotional and etheric bodies, thereby sensitizing and merging the emotions with one's spiritual forces; activates the crown chakra in order to stimulate the pineal gland and the neurological processes, especially the synapses (junctions or relay points between the nerve cells); allows the meridians and nadis to transfer energy more easily, and weakens the heavy metal miasm.



Alleviates any unresolved emotional imbalances associated with anguish, anxiety, fear, guilt or stress, and dispels or destroys any form of negativity or negative thought-forms that are lodged in the aura by elevating one's thought processes; improves one's overall mental health and clarity by clearing the conscious mind of any negative thinking or negative thoughts, and releases any hidden fears, tensions or traumas that are stored in the subconscious mind (including general paranoia or feelings of being watched by others); removes all emotional extremes that contribute to stress, including hysteria, melancholy, disorientation or a lack of self-confidence; eliminates any psychological or emotional blockages in one's personality structure, while gradually resolving and releasing any emotional confusion; relieves any low self-esteem or feelings involving an inability to cope with life, and alleviates any deterioration of one's mental abilities that are associated with neurological disorders; eases various tensions in the muscular structure of the jaw or shoulder blades, including tempero-mandibular (TMJ) imbalances; activates certain natural morphines, which engenders a sense of physical and emotional relaxation; balances, stabilizes and transforms one's emotional nature into more harmonious qualities, while providing more objective thinking and greater control over one's emotions.



Addresses the soul's experience of compression and restriction by quickening the thinking and perception processes, while enhancing one's overall attention span and sense of direction or purpose; increases an individual's ability to trust the flow and process of life, and provides a greater sense of self-identity and purpose in one's life-pattern; removes any form of self-centeredness or the belief that life is a struggle while promoting greater stability and self-confidence. and provides the ability to confront and actively transform any abusive, destructive, negative or threatening situations or circumstances; assists the soul in centering and grounding its tremendous enthusiasm by regulating and harmonizing its spiritual forces, and encourages an individual to develop a better relationship with the spiritual realms; provides stronger forces of passionate idealism, and promotes stronger ideals or convictions that are embodied directly within one's Self; increases one's joyfulness and overall flexibility, while promoting greater tranquility.

