any female pelvic disorders, including amenorrhea, hormonal
imbalance, irregular menstruation, vaginal tract infection or
excessive dryness; destroys any harmful bacteria that are
directly associated with fibroid tumors or painful menstruation,
and dissolves cysts while cleansing the womb; dispels and
releases various forms of toxicity from the cellular level of the
body, and removes any excessively positive or negative imbalances
in the female organs; eliminates any imbalances associated with
the genital region, including sterility caused by over-exposure
to radiation; eases any female problems involving infertility or
an inability to become multi-orgasmic, and activates increased
fertility in barren women; stimulates general tissue regeneration
throughout all the female organs, and rejuvenates the entire
reproductive system; revitalizes the vaginal fluids, and
regulates the hormones and hormonal activity; increases blood
flows to the cervix, clitoris, fallopian tubes, ovaries, uterus
and vaginal lining, while enhancing a smoother blood flow during
the menstrual cycle; improves the iron levels during the
menstruation process, thereby providing greater stamina;
increases the biomagnetic forces, while balancing the male and
female portions of the body.
Aids in the absorption or assimilation of essential nutrients.
Activates the biomagnetic, bioelectrical and biocrystalline
properties in the physical body, thereby enhancing communication
between the subtle bodies; amplifies the discharge of ethereal
toxicity from the system by dispelling any mental or emotional
toxins (negative thought-forms) into the subtle bodies and
ethers, where they are ultimately transformed and disintegrated;
strengthens the etheric body, thereby amplifying the amount of
the ethereal fluidium throughout the etheric body; acts as a
retardant or grounding element to the radical patterns of the
emotional body, and aligns the mental, emotional and etheric
bodies in order to activate greater sensitivity; aligns the root,
splenic/sacral and solar plexus chakras while activating the 2nd
chakra, thereby releasing any imbalances associated with the
reproductive organs (due to suppressed emotions or a lack of
emotional attunement to the higher spiritual levels); strengthens
all the meridians and nadis, and balances the entire meridian
system while easing all the miasms.
Alleviates any form of nervous tension, as well as any mental or
emotional stress-related disorders; dispels any fear or
negativity, while removing any unclear or negative thought-forms;
eases any cyclical patterns that are difficult for an individual
to handle, as well as any blockages on the emotional body level
that prevent a deeper understanding of the cyclical feelings of
acceptance and rejection; eliminates any confusion in the
emotional body, and relaxes the process associated with the
shielding of one's emotional response; relieves the tendency
towards brooding or morbid thought-patterns, and removes the
inability to release any emotional tension; eases any tendency
towards extremely changeable mood-swings or ever-fluctuating
emotions by regulating and harmonizing one's emotional life, and
removes any anxiety or emotional pain associated with resentment
towards one's mate while easing any sense of separateness or
alienation from the past; addresses any rebellious tendencies in
one's emotional life by refining these into more positive
qualities of awareness and insight, and assists in the proper
assimilation of any newly-released emotions; alleviates various
forms of depression associated with sexual organ imbalances or
issues that involve the sexual make-up of an individual, and
eases any form of identity crisis associated with an excessive
interest in one's sexuality; eliminates any form of ambivalence
or confusion about the focus of one's feminine creativity, and
overcomes any insecurities concerning the acceptance of one's
femininity; releases any frustration or anger by balancing the
yin and yang qualities, especially in females who have suppressed
their creativity or creative abilities because of personality
difficulties or cultural conditions; eases any fear when
confronting issues or insecurities associated with anger or
tension towards one's father (or the father parental image),
especially any personality imbalances caused by a domineering
parent; resolves any sharp hostilities between people (or various
disagreements in marriages or partnerships) by assisting an
individual to better understand the other person's position, and
eases the inability to articulate one's feelings (especially in
the family unit); allows an individual's emotions to be examined
with greater objectivity, thereby enhancing one's emotional
Assists an individual in becoming more actively productive and
nurturing, and promotes more positive feminine creativity;
removes one's inability to fully realize their feminine creative
forces, due to inner confusion or turmoil; promotes more
conscious alignment with the feminine creative Self, and provides
greater acceptance and approval of one's femininity and the
feminine principle; rekindles the imaginative or creative
faculties, and enhances the creative process by amplifying the
thought-force that is the source of an individual's creativity;
strengthens one's personal expression by providing greater
self-acceptance, self-esteem and self-respect while generating an
overall sense of mental or emotional stability, and develops
greater mental balance and increased insight into various
personal problems by enhancing one's ability to comprehend any
repetitive behavioral patterns; eases any tendency towards
accumulating psychic tension throughout the day, particularly in
the stomach and solar plexus region; enhances one's ability to
confront and actively transform any abusive, destructive,
negative or threatening situations or circumtances, and generates
increased self-confidence and greater personal courage to speak
up about various concerns; restores greater balance and increased
clarity in personal relationships, and develops better
understanding and empathy between couples; establishes a deeper
psychological attunement (or understanding) and sympathetic bond
between a couple desiring to conceive a child, while enhancing
the development of a proper attitude before, during and after
conception; increases sex appeal between couples in relation to
the birthing process, and activates or transforms an individual
from baser sexual responses to more true levels of sensitivity;
enhances greater sensitivity towards one's sexuality, while
stimulating and balancing the feminine qualities (along with the
male and female polarities); harmonizes one's inner solar forces
for greater emotional peace and stability, and subdues the many
small emotions that vex the soul life by helping to consolidate
these into a more fundamental soul essence of serenity and
equanimity; provides inner peace and greater trust, and generates
a sense of joyfulness and increased lightness or gaiety.