Alleviates various nervous system disorders (including neuralgia), and removes any neurological disturbances; releases any tension located throughout the nervous system, and eases any inflammation of the neurological nerve-endings; neutralizes any uric acid accumulations in the muscle or bone tissues, and releases toxicity from the cellular level; tonifies and integrates any diverse aspects of the nervous system, while activating and strengthening the neurological functions; strengthens and energizes the sciatic nerve and the parasympathetic nervous system, while activating the parasympathetic nervous system's responsiveness to light as a stimulus for healing; augments the central nervous system by connecting the sympathetic and autonomic nervous systems, and energizes the motor nerves while acting as a powerful tonic for the autonomic nervous system; enhances any neurological discharge or response, and activates general tissue regeneration; invigorates the activity of the synapses (junctions or relay points between the nerve cells), thereby awakening the nervous system and enhancing a sense of physical and emotional relaxation; heals the nerve-endings, thereby allowing an individual to have greater strength and control over the healing process.



Aids in the absorption or assimilation of calcium and all the B-vitamins.



Activates the biomagnetic, bioelectrical and biocrystalline properties in the physical body, thereby enhancing communication between the subtle bodies; amplifies the discharge of ethereal toxicity from the system by dispelling any mental or emotional toxins (negative thought-forms) into the subtle bodies and ethers, where they are ultimately transformed and disintegrated; enhances various subtle energy-patterns associated with the nerves, and increases the transference of energy from the etheric body to the physical body; amplifies the ethereal fluidium in the etheric body and the biocrystalline properties in the nervous system, and increases or decreases neurological activity in various parts of the physical body; augments and strengthens that portion of the etheric body which surrounds the neurological tissues, thereby allowing the ethereal fluidium to flow more freely between the cells; aligns and integrates all the chakras, meridians, nadis and subtle bodies, and re-establishes a proper balance between the emotional and etheric bodies; aligns, cleanses and relaxes the emotional and etheric bodies, thereby enhancing greater tissue regeneration; activates the minor chakra located behind each knee, which increases one's physical flexibility; strengthens all the meridians and nadis, while mildly influencing the entire meridian system in order to strengthen an otherwise depleted or deteriorated nervous system.



Alleviates all emotional extremes that contribute to various forms of stress, including judgementalism or narrow-mindedness associated with various hypocritical or judgemental behavioral patterns; removes any negative thought-forms that are lodged in one's aura, and elevates one's overall thought processes; alleviates any psychological imbalances associated with a lack of self-confidence, and eases any self-doubts and confusion or disorientation; releases any tensions that are stored in the nervous system or the subconscious mind, and removes any hidden fears in the conscious or subconscious minds that are associated with money or the future; eliminates any form of escapist or addictive tendencies, and removes any patterns of procrastination or resistance; allows any previously unconscious thought-patterns or ideas from the subconscious mind to surface and be released, and establishes proper psychological behavioral patterns; removes those feelings associated with an inability to cope with life (especially in relation to any form of sensory congestion), and attracts greater warmth and vitality to one's thinking processes.



Assists an individual in becoming more capable of initiating and sustaining both their emotional and spiritual development, as well as to engage in a balanced process of spiritual growth; encourages greater self-responsibility and quiet inner development, and eases any tendency towards complacency or stagnation in one's growth cycle; promotes more fiery and energetic qualities, and stimulates an energetic response in the body and soul in order to overcome any apparent blocks to one's progress or personal transformation; activates a greater sense of self-identity or understanding concerning the purpose and direction of one's life, along with less nervousness or fear towards confronting these issues; addresses the soul's experience of compression and restriction by quickening the thinking and perception processes, and enhances the perception, understanding and removal of any obstacles in one's life; strengthens one's ability to integrate information into their personality structure in conjunction with the reality of the world, while enabling an individual to release those aspects of their personality that are no longer required; actualizes clearer insight into the causes and nature of one's problems, and provides greater intellectual or rational information in order to resolve such issues; uplifts an individual to a lighter and more expanded form of consciousness, which allows them to move past their basic difficulties in order to examine them more objectively; integrates the influences of the mental body evenly throughout the nervous system, thereby allowing the conscious mind to exert greater control over the normal reflexive actions of the body; promotes a sense of inner confidence and balance, and provides greater attunement to one's choices in life; assists an individual in directing their light-energy towards the practical experiences of daily life and physical reality, while easing any depletion of one's life forces or emotional verve; increases one's clearsightedness pertaining to their inner attitudes, and greatly enhances the ability to "let go" and trust; improves one's overall ability to absorb and experience the fullness of life (especially sensorial impressions), and allows the soul to further learn how to discriminate and clarify its sensorial experiences; promotes more creative activity that is balanced and centered in vital life energy, and harmonizes the psychic life within the context of one's daily work and modern living conditions; provides more spiritualized heart forces, and encourages an individual to develop a relationship with the spiritual realms by transforming an overly abstract understanding of spiritual forces into a greater feeling for spiritual presence and spiritual beings; creates a greater sense of harmony and joyfulness, and aligns one's thinking forces with their lower metabolic forces that results in more glowing vitality, radiant energy and personal warmth.

