Ingredients Traditionally Used to Alleviate


Aloe Vera
Black Quartz
Carbon Steel
Dark Pearl
Fire Agate
Light Pearl
Picture Agate
Stinging Nettle
White Quartz
White Yarrow
Yerba Santa


(Abdominal Cramps or Pain) Fear; stopping the process; desire for attention from others.
(Belching) Fear; gulping life too quickly; attitude of being deprived.
(Catarrh) Layered deposits of old, confused thoughts clogging the channels of elimination; wallowing in the gummed mire of the past; need to release ideas of the past.
(Cramps) Tension; fear; gripping or holding on; force; pretending that the Self is different from one's present state of awareness.
(Crohn's Disease or Ileitis) Fear; worry; not feeling good enough; blame; passivity that is created whenever there is a lack of fulfillment towards one's desires, and there is a giving up process that becomes a form of defense; anger directed towards missing and not using opportunities in the past or the present.
(Gastritis) Prolonged uncertainty; feeling of doom; scattered thinking in conjunction with information that is being accumulated, so that any new ideas are not easily digestible within one's thinking processes; worry or anger, especially when eating.
(Nausea) Fear; rejection of an idea or experience; anxiety concerning the present, and too much attention being given to future worries.
(Peptic Ulcers) Fear; belief that one is not good enough; anxious to please; attention being placed upon what one does not want to occur; worry.
(Regional Enteritis) Fear; worry; not feeling good enough.
(Stomach) Holds nourishment; digests ideas.
(Stomach Problems) Dread; fear of the new; inability to assimilate the new; difficulty in receiving new information; anxiety or worry, resulting in the unproductive direction of one's energy.
(Ulcers) Fear; strong belief that one is not good enough; something is eating away at an individual; worry or anxiety.
(Vomiting) Violent rejection of ideas; fear of the new; refusing to assimilate the experiences of one's life.


(Abdominal Cramps or Pain) I trust the process of life. I use my experiences for learning.
(Belching) There is time and space for everything I need to do. I am at peace. The Universe is abundant, and there is enough substance to fulfill my needs.
(Catarrh) I release and dissolve the past. I am a clear thinker. I live in the present in peace and joy. I practice loving my Self in order to forgive myself for the past that no longer exists.
(Cramps) I relax and allow my mind to be peaceful. I have nothing to lose by being honest. I express myself, and make my words match my thoughts, so that I will know where I am in terms of my awareness.
(Crohn's Disease or Ileitis) The present is always better than the past when one's imagination is used to initiate a constructive cycle.
(Gastritis) I love and approve of myself. I am safe. I adopt the idea of being able to accomplish what is desired by slowing down the conscious mind to the point of listening to what is being offered. I give my full attention to the food I consume.
(Nausea) I am safe. I trust the process of life to bring only good to me. I create my future by concentrating on being effective in the present.
(Peptic Ulcers) I love and approve of myself. I am at peace with myself. I am wonderful. I imagine my desires, and not my fears.
(Regional Enteritis) I love and approve of myself. I am doing the best that I can. I am wonderful. I am at peace.
(Stomach) I digest life with ease.
(Stomach Problems) Life agrees with me. I assimilate the new, each moment of every day. I mentally picture what I desire to occur, and not what I fear or do not want to happen.
(Ulcers) I love and approve of myself. I am at peace. I am calm. All is well. I keep my attention on the present moment.
(Vomiting) I digest life safely and joyously. Only good comes to me, and through me. I make learning my number one love in my life.


Base ingredients consist of flower essences and gem elixirs that assist in alleviating the underlying mental/emotional causes for various stomach disorders, including belching, catarrh, cramps, Crohn's disease, gastritis, nausea, regional enteritis, ulcers and vomiting; removes the negative mental/emotional attitudes (see
Mental/Emotional Causes) associated with these conditions or imbalances.

The specific physiological, biochemical, subtle/energetic, psychological and psycho-spiritual actions of this formula (as described in The Professional's Vibrational Formula Handbook No. 137) can be viewed here, or individually as follows:

Physiological (Physical)
Biochemical (Nutritional)
Subtle/Energetic (Vibrational)
Psychological (Mental/Emotional)
Psycho-Spiritual (Spiritual Psyche)


 Vibrational Formulas

5 to 10 drops directly under the tongue for up to 60 seconds (in order for it to interact with the enzymes in the saliva for better assimilation), or in a glass of distilled or natural spring water, 4 times a day.

(CAUTION: Do not ingest with hot water or other similar beverages. Shake well (10 to 12 times) prior to ingesting in order to activate the subtle/energetic properties.)


(Note: 15 drops is equivalent to 1/2 dropperful)


The best times to ingest these formulas during the day: (1) Upon awakening, (2) around noon, (3) late afternoon or before the evening meal, and (4) before bedtime.



 All of our vibrational formulas are consistently manufactured under strict laboratory supervision, using only the freshest and finest ingredients possible. The ingredients in the Professional Vibrational Formulas are homeopathically potentized using a solution of 70% distilled water and 30% Korbel brandy (with only a 40-proof alcohol content, and made from fermented grapes), which acts as a natural preservative in order to prevent molding or fermentation. However, those of you who are extremely sensitive (or who display adverse reactions) to alcohol may choose to select the option for apple cider vinegar instead. Each of the 1-ounce bottles of the vibrational formulas will provide an approximate 3-week supply, while the 2-ounce bottles will usually last up to 6 weeks when using the recommended dosage.