Activates the biomagnetic, bioelectrical and biocrystalline properties in the physical body, thereby enhancing communication between the subtle bodies; amplifies the discharge of ethereal toxicity from the system by dispelling any mental or emotional toxins (negative thought-forms) into the subtle bodies and ethers, where they are ultimately transformed and disintegrated; strengthens the mental and etheric bodies, while balancing, cleansing, relaxing and strengthening the emotional body; promotes more expansion or fullness and greater flexibility within the etheric body, and enhances the acceleration of energy-flows from the etheric body through the lymphatic system; removes any confusion from the emotional body by providing more organization, which allows the cyclical nature of the emotional body to be better understood; provides a greater state of resonance between the astral, mental and etheric bodies, and aligns the causal, mental and emotional bodies; stimulates the brow and crown chakras, while energizing the heart and throat chakras; clarifies and focuses the energy-patterns that flow between all the chakras, while providing higher states of energy to all the upper chakras; activates the minor chakra located on the palm of the hand over the area known as the "mount of Venus", as well as the minor chakras situated on both heels in order to generate more self-confidence and a sense of emotional stability; strengthens all the meridians and nadis, while allowing the flow of energy to be more easily transferred throughout the entire meridian system.



Alleviates any physical, sexual, mental or emotional forms of abuse that are absorbed unconsciously "in utero" or as a small infant, which often leads to emotional or sexual repression; relieves the feelings of shame and guilt associated with frequent abuse or exploitation as a child or with one's sexual partner, and removes the tendency towards self-abuse or neglect due to prior guilt, shame or other abusive circumstances; relieves any mental or emotional degradation associated with shattering or destructive forces in the form of certain acts of crime, violence, abuse or trauma, and eases one's overall suffering caused by extreme abuse or exploitation; alleviates the inability to connect positively with one's sexual Self, due to a lack of sexual warmth or vitality caused by prior sexual abusive or exploitative relationships; eliminates the desire to become involved in destructive or violent relationships or lifestyles, and eases any unconscious need to repeat an abusive pattern with oneself or towards others; enhances one's ability to better understand the cyclical patterns associated with abuse or destructive tendencies, and eliminates any difficulty in breaking away from patterns of violence or destruction (especially when entangled in abusive or addictive relationships); eases various forms of alienation from one's own mother or from the mothering process itself, due to childhood trauma and emotional wounding caused by abuse or abandonment; eliminates the tendency to avoid or repress the painful parts of one's personality or traumatic episodes from the past that have been kept locked away in the recesses of one's psyche, and eases any feelings of pain or trauma about past events which directly affect one's present emotional life; assists an individual in better coming to terms with any deeply unreconciled parts of the past, thereby relieving the pain associated with past abuse that has been recently brought to the surface of one's conscious awareness; eases the fear of intense feelings or the repression of powerful emotions (such as rage or screaming) by promoting more direct and clear communication of one's deep feelings, and removes any sense of separateness or alienation from the past by enhancing one's ability to make greater emotional contact with their prior abuse in order to re-experience the painful feelings that may have been numbed or blotted out; eliminates the tendency to suffer from certain forms of emotional amnesia or paralysis by encouraging an individual to move forward rather than remain entangled in feelings of self-deprecation or emotional paralysis, and promotes more emotional openness and honesty by removing any tendency towards the continued avoidance or lack of acknowledgement regarding one's prior abuse or exploitation; removes any emotionally self-destructive behavior caused by the excessive condemnation of oneself or one's past, and eases the tendency to "beat up" on oneself; eliminates any self-destructive attitudes associated with obsessive tendencies towards one's own imperfections or impurities, and relieves any fear of exposure or rejection by hiding one's essential Self from others or by masking one's feelings; removes the tendency towards brooding, vengeful or even morbid thoughts, and transforms any surly or withdrawn individuals into happier and more sensitive or sentimental people; eliminates any complex states of depression, gloominess or despair, including manic-depressive mood-swings; alleviates any self-destructive behavior whenever an individual is feeling depressed, due to insufficient eating or sleeping habits; eases any feelings of deep despair or anguish caused by severe abuse, whereby an individual feels that life is no longer worth living; relieves the trauma of being physically beaten or violated, as well as being made to feel ugly or unwanted; eases any feelings of disconnection with one's physical body (due to physical abuse), and removes the inability to feel warm and secure in one's physical body; eases any delinquent or destructive behavior that is motivated by rebelliousness towards authority figures, and eliminates the need to control or exploit others through various forms of mental, emotional or physical abuse; alleviates the tendency to absorb the emotional violence of others by eliminating the dysfunctional desire to accept such abusive behavior or exploitation from others, especially among those who were severely beaten or physically violated during early childhood; eliminates any form of anger or intolerance towards others that is easily aroused and sometimes leads to violence or abuse, and eases any over-impulsive behavior or quickness to anger (including throwing or breaking things); removes any tendency towards sudden or blind rage and extreme anger that is often repressed and then suddenly released, and relieves any fears associated with the tendency to lose control of one's ego forces when under extreme stress; eases the tendency towards verbal abuse or any misuse of the spoken word in a harsh or destructive manner, including biting sarcasm, derogatory comments or lashing criticism; alleviates any verbal aggression or hostility by enhancing verbal communication that is more emotionally balanced, and eliminates any form of mental irritation by strengthening those mental faculties that are lacking in vibrancy or coherency; alleviates any unconscious fears or hatreds, and develops more appropriate emotional boundaries.



Addresses any rebellious tendencies in one's emotional life by refining these into positive qualities of awareness and insight, and provides more awake consciousness that is capable of acknowledging all aspects of the Self; assists the soul in surrendering and opening itself to a new spiritual identity by stimulating and awakening the true inner Self, and restores the soul's true Self-identity and inherent sense of essential dignity; enhances one's ability to contact and maintain an integrated sense of Self, especially when severely challenged by devastating assaults upon one's positive spiritual identity; allows the inner Self to become more receptive to the unfolding moment by developing greater harmony and a practical form of balance in an individual, and promotes greater equanimity (despite any extreme stress or environmental pressure); promotes greater equilibrium and equanimity by helping the Self to balance any extreme polarities of light or darkness, and allows the human soul to learn to balance its ego forces between the polarities of servitude and selfishness; provides more objective acknowledgement of one's faults and the ability to forgive oneself, as well as greater courage to actively acknowledge and confront any unpleasant or lower emotional states; catalyzes one's overall emotional awareness, especially the original and devastating core incarnation experiences; promotes greater healing of the inner child, and allows an individual to become better attuned with their inner child as a source of one's true spirituality; restores more conscious awareness by helping the soul to integrate and transform any unclaimed parts of the psyche, and imparts greater warmth and full-bodied presence to one's soul forces; allows an individual to experience a state of inner peace, and to learn who they are from their own level and range of perception; provides more beneficial strength and core integrity by assisting an individual in assuming greater self-awareness and self-responsibility, and allows an individual to act from the strength of their inner purpose; eases any tendency to become entangled in a vicious cycle of destructive energy by providing greater courage, and strengthens one's ability to confront and actively transform any abusive, destructive, negative or threatening situations or circumstances; heals the deepest form of soul anguish or despair, often referred to as the "dark night of the soul"; removes any psychic toxicity or congestion, and relieves any excessive sympathetic forces (due to an overly-absorbent auric field); eases any dysfunctional merging with others, as well as any reliance towards pleasing others in order to validate oneself; allows an individual to develop stronger Will-forces in order to resist any exploitation by others, and provides a more healthy recognition of one's own needs; removes any compulsive need to be in control, and balances any difficulties associated with the father figure or masculine image; develops a stronger response towards feminine warmth and positive sexuality, and enhances the ability of the soul to feel and embrace the warm and loving presence of the maternal; increases one's courage to take emotional risks with others, and allows an individual to learn that only by remaining open and risking vulnerability can they experience the warmth of human love and affection; imparts greater objectivity and containment, and increases one's loving awareness of others from a more Self-contained level of consciousness; allows an individual to feel more gentleness and inner sanctity, and develops greater self-acceptance and inner esteem as a pathway to the soul's recognition of its own sacredness and divinity.

