Activates the biomagnetic, bioelectrical and biocrystalline properties in the physical body, thereby enhancing communication between the subtle bodies; amplifies the discharge of ethereal toxicity from the system by dispelling any mental or emotional toxins (negative thought-forms) into the subtle bodies and ethers, where they are ultimately transformed and disintegrated; enhances the acceleration of energy-flows from the etheric body through the lymphatic system, and improves the ability of the etheric body to absorb and interact with the various vibrational levels that comprise all the other subtle bodies; strengthens the ethereal fluidium in order to more evenly distribute it throughout the physical body on the cellular level, and allows the energies to flow from the integrated spiritual body into the various other subtle bodies in a more natural and organized manner; creates a greater understanding of the relationship between the mental, emotional and etheric bodies to that of the integrated spiritual body, while drawing the emotional body into a greater state of clarity and focus; energizes the mental body, while balancing and cleansing the emotional body; strengthens the etheric body, and enhances the connection between the etheric and physical bodies; strengthens the thermal body, which consists of a combination of the etheric body and the internal heat of the physical body; calms the emotional body, which creates more emotional stability; removes any confusion from the emotional body, thereby providing more increased mental clarity; attracts all the chakras, meridians, nadis and subtle bodies into a temporary state of alignment, and aligns all the other subtle bodies closer to what the integrated spiritual body is perceiving; aligns the astral, mental, emotional and causal bodies, and aligns the emotional body with the etheric body; activates and energizes the splenic/sacral chakra, while magnifying the properties of all the chakras; aligns all the major chakras, and augments the brow, crown and solar plexus chakras; draws the 2nd and 3rd chakras into a much deeper state of balance and harmony, and balances the creativity of the 2nd chakra with the sensitivity of the emotional (3rd) chakra in order to provide greater feeling to one's personal expression; nourishes the 1st and 2nd chakras, while enhancing the energies that flow from the chakras into the glandular systems; cleanses and focuses additional energy into the heart chakra, which provides increased caring and greater sensitivity; balances the relationship between the crown chakra and the lower energy-centers, and removes any congestion of one's spiritual forces in the upper chakras that results in the accumulation of psychic energy that is not properly circulated throughout the physical body; strengthens and energizes the 1st, 2nd and 3rd chakras, as well as the minor chakras located in the feet and hands, the hip region, and on the back of the knees; activates the minor chakras that are situated on both heels, which generates increased self-confidence and a sense of greater stability; strengthens all the meridians, while invigorating and energizing all the nadis (especially those located throughout the front of the physical body); balances the yin and yang qualities, as well as the yin and yang energies throughout the entire meridian system.



Alleviates all emotional extremes, and eases any emotional problems; removes any negative thought-forms by elevating one's thought processes, and eases any retarded phases of emotional development; relieves any inner tension, as well as any inner torment or conflict that is hidden from others; eliminates the inability to cope with one's inner conflict, which results in the desire to retreat or insulate oneself from others; relieves any form of addictive behavior that is used to anesthetize one's feelings, and removes the inability to express one's inner feelings; alleviates any form of deep-seated social alienation, and eases any communication problems in various interpersonal relationships that may lead to inner conflict; addresses any rebellious tendencies in one's emotional life by refining these into positive qualities of awareness and insight, and catalyzes one's emotional awareness by allowing for greater emotional release; assists an individual in processing their emotional blocks by allowing them to maintain a healthy relationship to their inner child, and increases the tendency to work with one's emotions more easily by enabling an individual to better understand their emotional Self; allows an individual to better comprehend how a certain feeling provides greater peacefulness while another feeling produces great difficulty, and focuses or concentrates more energy into the heart as one's emotions are being dealt with or resolved; alleviates the fear associated with losing oneself in a group situation, and removes any personality conflict in group situations by producing greater harmony between all the individuals in the group; eliminates any self-doubts or confusion, especially when an individual feels a higher destiny or "calling" that they are unable to integrate into their daily life; eases any confusion about one's life purpose, career choices or family life, and removes any form of psychological split in terms of one's relationship to their feminine principle; relieves any tension between the sexual and spiritual aspects of oneself, and provides more emotional calmness or relaxation (as well as greater emotional warmth and presence).



Alleviates any form of apathy or indifference towards one's life-pattern or destiny, and eases any feelings of profound alienation with one's work; allows an individual to perceive the greater purpose in their life, and provides greater attunement to one's inner purpose; assists an individual in recognizing and responding to their true life calling in order to allow them to seek work experiences that motivate the Self with a sense of higher purpose or meaning, and provides greater integration of one's spiritual purpose with their daily work by drawing an increased amount of spiritual power into their physical body; promotes more decisiveness, inner resolve and clarity of purpose, and increases one's overall decision-making capabilities; eliminates any difficulties associated with one's decision-making capabilities that involves wavering or fluctuating between specific choices or alternatives, and enables an individual to make better choices in those situations in which one's intuitive knowledge is required in order to make the correct decision; allows an individual to better understand the source of their doubts by trusting oneself more deeply, thereby converting the energy associated with doubt or worry into whatever decisions they are seeking to make; develops a greater sense of inner knowingness, and allows an individual to act from the certainty of such knowingness; relieves any inner conflict about growing up and having to choose between one's emotional child-like personality and one's adult responsibilities, and allows the soul to overcome any lack of inner strength that is necessary in order to confront wordly tasks or shoulder their personal responsibilities while providing a greater sense of personal power and inner strength regarding one's worldly affairs; assists an individual in regaining their inner composure or spiritual strength, and provides the ability to summon forth deeper levels of personal courage and inner strength when necessary; alleviates any inner conflict concerning how to use one's soul forces, especially when choosing between inner peacefulness or worldly involvement; develops greater enthusiasm for earthly life and worldly tasks, and promotes greater acceptance and involvement in the activities of the earthly world; removes any aversion to one's physical body or the earthly world, and lessens any form of ambivalence associated with being incarnated in a physical body; alleviates any inner conflict associated with the father image or in relationship to the masculine aspect of oneself, and eases any distorted connection with the inner masculine Self (or "animus"); eliminates any conflict about the feminine aspect of the Self, especially between the earthly and spiritual feminine principle; promotes greater conscious alignment with the feminine creative Self in order to more fully realize one's proper choices or destiny, and activates the further integration of the soul's feminine or female Self by promoting greater circulation and exchange of energy between the higher and lower energy-centers (or chakras); relieves any inner conflict concerning one's masculine or feminine power in relationship to love or nurturance, and enables the soul to fully utilize the psychic energy-currents that are associated with the sexual or reproductive organs; assists the soul in learning how to establish its own inner balance by experiencing the tension of polarity, and removes any inner conflict between the polarities of one's sexuality or one's purity; eases any form of ambivalence towards the parenting process, as well as any inner conflict between one's career or family (particularly for women); removes any ambivalent feelings associated with making a commitment in one's interpersonal relationships, due to traumatic experiences or circumstances involving previous rejection in the past; eliminates any ambivalent feelings towards one's family or local community by promoting greater social connectedness and commitment to one's community, and develops greater acceptance towards being on Earth or being a part of humanity in general; creates a sense of social responsibility by developing a greater social commitment to life while assisting the soul in balancing its individuality with its social identity, and provides a more harmonious form of social consciousness; develops a more balanced sense of individuality, as well as greater enthusiasm and self-confidence; balances the active and receptive modes of communication, and clarifies one's expressive capabilities; allows the soul to acquire true objectivity by providing greater meditative insight and synthesis, and establishes a more conscious relationship to spiritual authority or guidance; removes any conflicting or rebellious feelings that are directed towards authority figures in general, and eases any form of estrangement from one's inner authority; balances and re-directs one's spiritual forces, while enhancing and harmonizing the higher consciousness in order to integrate one's open and expansive spirituality with the other energy-centers (chakras) in a more balanced manner; enhances one's ability to share with others while remaining true to oneself, and allows an individual to achieve greater wholeness through the ability to choose and define who they actually are; eases any uncertainty of one's power to achieve greater well-being by providing a deeper sense of wellness and wholeness, and motivates an individual to seek and affirm the wholeness of life.

