Activates the biomagnetic, bioelectrical and biocrystalline properties in the physical body, thereby enhancing communication between the subtle bodies; amplifies the discharge of ethereal toxicity from the system by dispelling any mental or emotional toxins (negative thought-forms) into the subtle bodies and ethers, where they are ultimately transformed and disintegrated; strengthens the astral, mental and etheric bodies, and establishes a proper balance between the emotional and etheric bodies; cleanses the emotional and etheric bodies, and activates the emotional body in order to absorb additional energy from the etheric body; energizes the mental body, while easing any tensions that are stored in the emotional body; harmonizes the mental, emotional and causal bodies, and strengthens the soul body; calms and subdues the astral body so that an animal's spiritual ego can gain greater awareness and inner strength, and aligns the mental, etheric and integrated spiritual bodies; fuses the emotional and causal bodies together, thereby producing a universal form of emotionalism; activates the heart chakra while energizing the root chakra, and strengthens the 5th and 6th chakras; enhances the ability of the 3rd and 5th chakras to exchange their energies, thereby providing greater clarity of expression and motivation; balances and re-directs an animal's psychic currents of energy, especially as they flow through the heart and solar plexus regions; strengthens all the meridians (particularly the heart meridian), and invigorates all the nadis.



Alleviates any obsessive or compulsive behavioral patterns in an animal's personality structure, and eases any hidden fears, nightmares, vague anxiety or apprehension, or any fear of the unknown; removes any hysteria or deep anxiety among those animals that are forced to reside in a group setting, such as a laboratory, kennel or "pound"; eliminates various forms of shock, trauma or terror in an animal, especially when interacting with wild, impulsive or nervous ("high-strung") animals; alleviates any extreme tension or stress, such as a scared or frightened animal that is trapped or restricted in terms of their movement; eases any nervous or "jittery" conditions in animals, as well as the many small fears that an animal associates with ordinary and everyday events; provides greater recovery from any deep-seated shock or trauma while providing an effective calming influence for hysterical animals (particularly cats), especially when they are being taken to a veterinarian for treatment; eases any form of psychosomatic illness or excessive desire for attention, and relieves any confusion or overwhelming feelings (such as those that usually occur during travel or upsetting schedules); dispels any sorrow, and assists barking dogs who are emotionally upset by engendering a more relaxed state of mind; removes any emotional congestion or negative forms of gaining attention, as well as various forms of sensory congestion or hypersensitivity to one's environment; protects an animal against any negative emotions or influences (such as negative thought-forms caused by psychic attack or extreme emotionalism), and eliminates the projection of negative emotions from one animal towards another; assists those animals who become heavy-hearted or disheartened, while regulating and harmonizing an animal's emotional life by removing any fluctuating emotional states or mood-swings; eases any hostile or aggressive tendencies in animals (such as biting or sucking), and assists an animal in transmuting any overly hostile or aggresive behavior into positive social impulses; harmonizes any affairs of the heart, including extreme attachments by animals towards humans; alleviates any jealousy among pets, especially when it involves another pet who is competing for the attention of their caretaker; removes any undue attachments to one's caretaker, such as whining cats or moping dogs who are waiting for their owner to return; assists those pets who "take on" or mirror the emotional states of their human caretakers, as well as those animals who have been mentally or emotionally abused by humans; eases any adverse effects upon those animals that experience a deep sense of fear when around their human owners, who themselves are experiencing some emotional distress; assists those animals who are exposed to humans in a relationship that is undergoing some difficulty (such as personal struggles, anger, or domestic arguments and fighting), particularly when it is verbal or when direct emotional impacts are directly experienced or felt by the animal; alleviates any form of alienation an animal may have towards its own mother or to the mothering process itself, due to prior abandonment, abuse or trauma during its infancy; eliminates various forms of emotional co-dependence, and allows animals to release any emotional tensions that are stored in the heart; activates an animal's emotional memory, and affords an animal with the intellectual opportunity to more objectively examine an emotional problem or situation; provides a deeper sense of the purpose behind an animal's emotions, and liberates new expressions of energy regarding one's emotional state; develops increased inner clarity and purpose, and enhances deeper states of relaxation while providing more inner peacefulness.



Allows the animal soul to attain greater awareness of those parts of the psyche or physical body that may be insufficiently utilized in the individuality's full expression of its Self, and assists an animal in making and sustaining the shift from a limited or narrow conception of the Self to one that is more expansive and inclusive of other animals; imparts greater objectivity and containment in order to counteract any overly sympathetic identification with other animals, and assists in the adjustment process of those animals that are residing together in a group or "herd" (especially when a new animal has been introduced); establishes greater psychic bonds in any one-to-one relationships between animals by encouraging greater inter-species communication, especially where different animals are gathered together; assists in severing any connections to an animal's former place of residence, as well as providing assistance to younger animals that are adjusting to a new home; aids an animal both before and after a major move, or while giving birth; assists in the process of mother-infant bonding, especially if the animal is being introduced to a surrogate mother; enhances communication and a greater sense of love between animals and humans, as well as greater bonding and a deeper sense of oneness; provides a greater ability for animals to manifest love and patience by enhancing an animal's ability to respond to loving kindness from people, especially when negative reactions that are occurring around certain humans or specific behavioral patterns on the part of a person have caused an animal to withdraw from human contact; assists any shy or timid animals who usually hide from people, and removes any lack of confidence when confronting difficult circumstances by increasing an animal's degree of personal courage; provides greater encouragement and more inner strength in animals during any adverse circumstances by helping the animal soul to overcome its extreme tension or fear, and strengthens an animal's ability to forbear any difficult life situations with more inner fortitude and resilience; allows an animal to break through any deeply-resistant karmic problems, as well as remove any overly repetitive or habitual patterns that retard the full development of the animal's soul; eases an animal's failure to learn from direct experience, and liberates an animal from the compulsive need to re-create any regressive patterns; develops a more expanded form of consciousness in animals, and stimulates an animal's cognitive capabilities so that they can more effectively grasp the essential nature of the present experience as rapidly and completely as possible in order to learn the appropriate lessons; provides a more balanced exchange of heart energies, and eases the tendencies of certain animals to dominate younger or weaker animals; assists those animals that display any apathetic or listless tendencies, and elevates or "lifts" the spirit of an animal that may be depressed because of illness or old age; allows animals to be instilled with more effective learning and training techniques by humans, while calming and harmonizing the innate psychic capabilities of certain animals by allowing their conscious mind to receive and process additional information; promotes more self-aware behavior in animals, and activates an animal's ability to retain their training techniques by not repeating any mistakes; generates greater composure while developing increased harmonious expressions, and balances an animal's overall individuality with that of its social identity; promotes greater singularity of purpose by activating an animal's Will-forces, thereby providing greater focus towards their overall life purpose; enhances an animal's ability to absorb and experience the fullness of life (especially any sensorial impressions), and allows the sensorial life of an animal to become a vehicle for greater enlightenment; promotes more balanced use of an animal's soul forces, and harmonizes an animal's thinking and speaking patterns with their higher soul functions; provides more enhanced awareness of an animal's spiritual world and spiritual forces, and restores an animal's ability to feel unity and wholeness; allows an animal's inner Self to become more receptive to the unfolding moment, and strengthens an animal's soul qualities of serenity and equanimity; assists an animal in terms of contacting the strength and purpose of its Higher Self, thereby liberating it in order to experience life with greater curiosity, exuberance and joyfulness.

