Activates the biomagnetic, bioelectrical and biocrystalline properties in the physical body, thereby enhancing communication between the subtle bodies; amplifies the discharge of ethereal toxicity from the system by dispelling any mental or emotional toxins (negative thought-forms) into the subtle bodies and ethers, where they are ultimately transformed and disintegrated; strengthens and energizes the ethereal fluidium throughout the physical body on the cellular level, and stimulates the magnetic forces that directly affect the etheric body; enhances the transfer of information from the etheric body to the mental body, while balancing and harmonizing the action of the astral body with the physical body; cleanses the etheric body while calming and balancing the emotional body, thereby providing more emotional stability; attracts all the chakras, meridians, nadis and subtle bodies into a temporary state of alignment, and magnifies the properties of all the chakras; aligns the mental, emotional and causal bodies, while aligning the emotional body with the etheric body; activates the root and throat chakras, and augments the brow, crown and solar plexus chakras; aligns the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th chakras, thereby creating total awareness of the Self; fuses the emotional and crown chakras together, thereby activating higher inspiration from the level of the hara; balances the creativity of the 2nd chakra with the sensitivity of the emotional (3rd) chakra in order to provide greater feeling to one's personal expression, and allows the vibrations of each chakra and the various subtle bodies to draw additional energy from the soul and one's Higher Self; activates the solar plexus chakra, which increases one's overall sensitivity; strengthens all the meridians and nadis, and enhances greater movement or energy-flow up the front and down the rear of all the meridians; balances the yin and yang qualities, as well as the yin and yang energies throughout the entire meridian system.



Alleviates all emotional extremes, and eases any emotional problems; removes any negative thought-forms, while promoting more lively, vital and penetrating thought processes; eliminates any anti-social behavioral patterns, and eases any indifference towards life by developing stronger forces of enthusiasm; alleviates any form of apathetic thought-patterns, mental lethargy or sluggishness, as well as any overly stagnant or phlegmatic energy-states; eliminates the tendency to avoid any deep emotional contact or bonding with others, and removes any avoidance mechanisms that are used for emotional distancing or coping; eases any feelings of separateness or feelings of being unloved, and provides greater emotional connection with others; removes any form of pessimism towards one's outlook on life, and assists an individual in locating any hidden resources in order to attain complete mental or emotional well-being; develops greater commitment in one's interpersonal relationships by resolving any childhood trauma, abuse or feelings of abandonment and rejection, and activates a more rapid mental state by increasing one's mental clarity; manifests more objective thinking by providing greater mindfulness and mental alertness, and catalyzes one's emotional awareness while enhancing greater emotional presence.



Allows an individual to gradually achieve balance within all levels of their form and being, and generates the capability for tremendous psycho-spiritual self-confidence; eliminates any apathetic behavioral patterns that suppress the soul's interest in life, and eases any feelings of indifference towards one's earthly existence; alleviates any reclusive qualities within the soul by promoting more enthusiastic involvement in the tasks of life and public affairs, despite any form of innate sensitivity; removes the tendency to withdraw from social or artistic involvement, due to one's profound sensitivity; provides more complete attention and a positive connection to one's work or life tasks, and promotes more self-directed, decisive and goal-oriented activity; removes the inability to catalyze the Will-forces through the heart, and stimulates the love forces of the heart so that the soul discovers greater enthusiasm for earthly life and wordly tasks; eases the tendency to procrastinate when making decisions or commitments by allowing an individual to become more decisive and straightforward in their response to others, and removes any habit-patterns that undermine or subvert the real intentions of the Self; provides an inner realization that a new approach or lifestyle is necessary in order for the soul to completely recapture its full energy, and nourishes the soul with renewed strength and vitality; addresses a state of resignation in the soul, which depletes the Self of vitality; provides more deep and abiding faith and optimism, as well as greater hope and equanimity; develops a greater sense of joyfulness, and restores the soul quality of hope in order to perceive a brighter, more expectant, and joyful outlook on one's life situations; promotes more open-hearted sharing, friendliness and social exchange, and enhances one's ability to share with others while remaining true to oneself; encourages an individual towards greater social involvement by removing the inability to reach out to others, or the tendency to create barriers between oneself and others; allows an individual to develop a stronger social commitment to life by creating a greater sense of social responsibility, and removes any excessive concern for one's own personal well-being; develops greater warmth and caring in friendships with others, as well as a more humanized form of spirituality or consciousness that is warmed with caring for all that is human and earthly; increases one's ability to share spiritually with others, and provides greater emotional balance so that one's spiritual nature and mental Self are more properly aligned; enhances greater acceptance of humanity, as well as one's participation in community or family life; removes the inability to establish roots in family or community life as a form of social connectedness, and assists the human soul in making the transition to a more inclusive state of consciousness in order to experience a compassionate and joyful connection to the human family; increases one's overall self-acceptance, and develops increased integration of the Self; enhances the ability to project the Self to others, especially the sensitive and delicate aspects of oneself; encourages and protects the delicate and gentle expression of the Self, and provides more awake presence; enhances one's ability to trust the warmth of others, as well as the ability of the soul to feel and embrace the warm and loving presence of the maternal consciousness; balances any over-developed spirituality in relation to one's social forces, and promotes more highly perceptive sensitivity and elevated spiritual perspective; encourages an individual to shift their awareness to a more transpersonal level in order to derive a sense of personal well-being from a relationship to a Higher Power, and balances the masculine and feminine qualities while allowing an individual to acquire true objectivity; balances and re-directs one's spiritual forces, and develops greater meditative insight and synthesis.

