Activates the biomagnetic, bioelectrical and biocrystalline properties in the physical body, thereby enhancing communication between the subtle bodies; amplifies the discharge of ethereal toxicity from the system by dispelling any mental or emotional toxins into the subtle bodies and ethers, where they are ultimately transformed and disintegrated; strengthens the life force (prana) throughout the physical body, and expands the astral and etheric bodies; cleanses, relaxes and strengthens the emotional body, and allows a deeper sense of peacefulness to permeate throughout the mental, emotional and etheric bodies; enhances the mental and etheric bodies, while energizing the soul body; aligns the astral, mental, emotional, causal and integrated spiritual bodies, while drawing the causal and integrated spiritual bodies closer to the physical body; aligns the causal body with the mental and emotional bodies in a more balanced manner, and magnifies the properties of all the chakras; balances the 1st, 3rd and 6th chakras, while energizing the 4th and 5th chakras; cleanses the heart chakra, which produces increased caring and sensitivity; strengthens the 3rd chakra while stimulating the brow chakra, and focuses the energy-patterns that flow among all the chakras; activates the minor chakra that is located near each armpit, which creates a greater sense of vitality; energizes the minor chakra point where the breast bones meet below the throat, thereby spiritualizing one's emotions; strengthens and tonifies all the meridians and nadis, and enhances the transfer of energy throughout all the meridians and nadis; balances the yin and yang qualities, as well as the yin and yang energies throughout the entire meridian system.
Alleviates any unresolved issues surrounding one's childhood, and eases any retarded phases of physical, mental or emotional development during childhood or adolescence; eliminates any internalized feelings of sadness, grief or melancholy, as well as feelings of extreme vulnerability, insecurity, self-pity or low self-worth; allows a child to better handle and cope with puberty, both mentally and emotionally; assists a child in maintaining a healthy relationship to their inner child, as well as in locating any hidden resources in order to attain greater mental or emotional health and well-being; alleviates any feelings of alienation towards one's mother or the mothering process itself, due to experiencing abuse, abandonment or trauma during early childhood; eases any excessive hardening of one's emotions from past trauma (especially when caused by physical, mental or emotional abuse) that leads to the removal of innocence and child-like trust; promotes the gentle release of any repressed trauma or related emotional impurities, and eases any tendency towards the development of respiratory trauma; eases any form of melancholy or wistfulness that is often associated with family traumas (such as divorce or death), and rebuilds a sense of wholeness from any past traumatic experiences; eliminates any deep-seated social alienation in children who feel that they do not belong, due to a difficult incarnation experience or birth trauma; removes any form of low self-esteem in a child, especially when they feel diminished in the family unit; heals the deeply traumatic wounds of an adopted or unwanted child who has unconsciously absorbed feelings of rejection or abandonment, and eliminates the adverse effects caused by the emotional need of parents to have a child of the opposite sex from the one in which they conceived and birthed; eases any difficulty associated with a child who receives mixed emotional signals concerning their sexual identity, and assists a child in overcoming any insecurity about their physical appearance; lessens any form of emotional introversion associated with feelings of extreme shame, guilt, unworthiness or the fear of exposure, redicule and rejection by others, due to childhood abuse or exploitation; heals any abusive, exploitative or incestuous childhood relationships or experiences that continually maintain a dark psychic hold upon the soul; eliminates any expectations of failure or harsh judgement by others, and strengthens a child's ability to cope with an environment of harsh criticism and the perfectionist expectations of others; assists those children who must assume adult responsibilities in a dysfunctional or broken family environment, and eases the lack of parental bonding or nurturance (especially with one's mother); aids in the integration of a healthier sense of oneself, particularly when the relationship with one's father is disturbed or imbalanced; addresses any obsessive or compulsive behavioral patterns in the personality structure of the child, and alleviates any form of self-centeredness or needy expressions of love; relieves any tendency towards extreme neediness and clinginess or the demand for excessive attention in the form of negative behavioral patterns, and eliminates the feeling that there is insufficient love being distributed to all family members; eases a child's reliance upon pleasing others in order to receive self-validation, and removes the desire to be a compulsive "pleaser" in order to become the peacemaker in a dysfunctional family by neglecting one's own needs and feelings; alleviates any inappropriate clinging to a child-like role or identity beyond the normal maturation cycle, and removes the tendency to cling to an over-dependent, child-like personality in order to avoid full adult maturation; eliminates the tendency to develop a protective shell of defensiveness or intellectual cynicism, while easing any cynical mistrust of the world in general; removes the tendency to create mental or emotional barriers as a result of a fear of reaching out to others or feeling socially insecure, and eases the desire to avoid any deep emotional contact or bonding by catalyzing one's emotional awareness; imparts greater insight into the broader meanings and larger patterns of one's mental or emotional experiences, thereby enabling the Self to re-integrate and re-pattern their emotional life into a new self-identity and wholeness; assists those children who experience much difficulty with learning experiences and who often need to repeat such learning so as not to lag behind others, and liberates a child from the compulsive need to repeat mistakes or re-create any regressive patterns; removes any form of sibling rivalry or jealousy while easing any conflict with one's siblings or peers, especially when they are intolerant or judgemental; removes any constriction of feeling, particularly in the chest region; eases any form of emotional congestion or misdirected love forces, and allows the child to remain open and risk vulnerability in order to experience the warmth of human love and affection; provides more free-flowing emotion and renewed emotional presence, and instills greater emotional warmth and positive childhood forces of innocence and trust.
Allows a soul to become more positive and open in its actions or expressions, and encourages a more delicate and gentle expression of the Self; eliminates any tendency to constrict one's creative expression or stifle one's spontaneity, thereby promoting more free-flowing spontaneity and providing greater self-confidence in one's creative expression or speech; develops greater balance and harmonious soul expression by liberating the creative potential of the soul, thereby providing the child with renewed self-confidence and expressiveness; assists those children whose creativity has been suppressed by their parents, or by society at large; develops and sustains both artistic and soulful sensitivities in a child's overall development, and allows the child to liberate itself from any overly repetitive or habitual karmic patterns that retard the soul's full development; stimulates the cognitive capabilities of a child in order to more completely and rapidly grasp the essential nature of the experience at hand, and thereby learn the appropriate lessons; allows the soul to experience greater wholeness and meaning in terms of its understanding of life, thereby activating greater forces of intelligence and insight into one's overall life experiences; enhances child-like attitudes that provide new knowledge and awareness to an individual, and strengthens the ability to gain vast amounts of knowledge through the childish way of playing, having fun and doing things (from a child-like frame of reference); develops greater joyfulness and happiness, and provides an accentuation or enhancement of a solitary child-like state of joy; impels the soul from a self-limiting to a self-transcending mode of behavior, and assists the child in making and sustaining the shift from a limited and narrow conception of the Self to one that is more expansive and inclusive of others; develops greater social impulses associated with warmth and sharing, and encourages the child towards greater social involvement by promoting more open-hearted sharing, friendliness and social exchange; restores the soul's ability to feel unity and wholeness, thereby providing greater integration with the emerging identity of a child; enhances the ability of the soul to feel and embrace the warm and loving presence of maternal consciousness, while stimulating the ability to awaken greater love and sweetness; balances and re-directs various psychic energy-currents, especially as they flow through the heart and solar plexus regions; encourages greater interest or involvement in one's tasks at school or at home, while providing greater protection to the etheric sheaths of extremely psychic or overly sensitive children; provides greater courage to confront and actively transform any abusive, destructive, negative or threatening situations or circumstances, and prevents the hardening of one's soul forces (due to any bitter life experiences or abandonment and abuse); removes the inability to trust in the goodness of others, thereby restoring the soul's original innocence and child-like trust; promotes greater innocence and ease during one's childhood, and assists the soul in developing a proper orientation to their sexuality by integrating both the masculine and feminine qualities into a more harmonious form of expression; provides a more balanced sense of individuality, and promotes a deeper understanding of loving compassion and a greater sense of overall well-being.