Activates the biomagnetic, bioelectrical and biocrystalline properties in the physical body, thereby enhancing communication between the subtle bodies; amplifies the discharge of ethereal toxicity from the system by dispelling any mental or emotional toxins (negative thought-forms) into the subtle bodies and ethers, where they are ultimately transformed and disintegrated; calms and strengthens the mental body, and enhances the connection between the physical and etheric bodies; calms, cleanses and clarifies the emotional body, while energizing the astral, mental and etheric bodies; cleanses the integrated spiritual body and draws it closer to the physical body so that decisions are made from a more spiritual perspective, and attracts all the chakras, meridians, nadis and subtle bodies into a temporary state of alignment; aligns the mental, emotional and causal bodies, while increasing the cyclical nature of the emotional body; strengthens and energizes the 1st, 2nd and 3rd chakras, as well as the minor chakras that are situated in the feet; activates the minor chakra that is located on the palm of the hand over the area known as the "mount of Venus", and energizes all the meridians and nadis in order for them to transfer energy more easily.



Alleviates all emotional extremes, and eases any emotional problems; eliminates any self-destructive tendencies or obsessive states, and eases any suicidal tendencies or manic-depressive mood-swings; removes the experience of darkness that is characterized by isolation and despair, as well as any form of depression that is related to seasonal darkness; eases various forms of depressive states, especially when the depression descends upon an individual suddenly and for unknown reasons; removes the fear associated with physical darkness, and eliminates any morbid thought-forms or the tendency towards brooding, gloominess or despair; lessens any form of brooding, as well as the powerful sense of darkness (both within oneself and one's environment) that is usually characterized by violent or destructive elements in one's lifestyle; removes any negative thought-forms in the personality structure, and alleviates the tendency to over-identify with the negative parts of the Self; provides greater insight into one's inner darkness or the hidden aspects of the Self, and develops more conscious acknowledgement of any disowned parts of the Self; removes any fear that is directly associated with the soul's own "shadow Self" or lower emotions, and enhances one's ability to actively confront or wrestle with the "shadow" side of their own personality or the "shadow" aspects of another; eliminates any avoidance or repression of various traumatic experiences, negative emotions or painful parts of the personality, and promotes clearer insight into any covered-up or darkened emotions; eases any form of emotional repression (especially the inability to express one's deeper feelings), and removes the tendency to mask one's true feelings with any psychosomatic symptoms or various states of hyper-emotionality; promotes greater awareness and transformation of the "darker" emotions, especially anger and lust for power; transforms anger and other deep and powerful emotions by removing the inability to recognize the authentic feelings of one's libido, which are often masked as anger or aggression towards others; allows an individual to transmute their hostility and aggressiveness, as well as overcome any form of greed or lust for power; eliminates any excessive ambition that is directed towards issues of personal power or personal welfare, and alleviates any compulsive need to be in control; allows an individual to release any guilt or self-blame more easily, as well as to convert the energy associated with doubt and worry into making better choices or the correct decision; removes any excessive concern for one's own personal well-being, and develops the proper harnessing of one's raw instincts or animal power; eases any tendency towards biting sarcasm or lashing criticism by promoting verbal communication that is more emotionally balanced, and removes the tendency to remain entangled in self-deprecation and emotional amnesia or paralysis; removes any form of alienation or rejection of the female organs as being "lower", as well as the perception or unconscious belief that one's female Self is "lower" or inferior; eases any form of mental irritation, as well as any disturbed sleep- or dream-states; assists an individual closer towards an emotional catharsis, so that one's feeling life becomes more genuine and conveys greater depth and presence; aids an individual in learning how to recognize pain and other deep feelings more immediately, thereby liberating the soul life to become more emotionally authentic and vital; enables an individual to better understand and comprehend their emotional Self, and imparts greater emotional depth, honesty and vitality to the soul on its journey towards true wholeness.



Acts as a powerful catalyst for confronting certain aspects of the personality or any traumatic events from the past that have been stored in the deep recesses of one's psyche, which act as "shadow" parts of the personality structure; enhances one's ability to draw increased insight and awareness about the darker areas of the psyche, and restores one's conscious awareness by helping the soul to integrate and transform any unclaimed parts of the psyche; provides more flowing warmth throughout the body and soul, and allows more inner radiance to shine forth whenever one's physical countenance or body seems darkened or masked; eases any overwhelming or burdensome feelings that darken the psyche, especially the feeling of impending doom or apocalypse that paralyzes the positive forces of the soul; allows the soul to shift from an unconscious identification with world darkness or apocalyptic scenarios of the future, to the vision of a more hopeful and positive world future; provides greater tenacity and inner strength, thereby enabling an individual to move from personal despair to more impersonal caring and service for the welfare of the world; promotes more altruistic sacrifice of one's personal desires for those of the common good, and eases the tendency to use one's Will-forces in order to control others; eliminates any form of soul darkness characterized by personal despair and hopelessness, or the attachment to darkness and suffering; assists an individual through any intense personal anguish or suffering that ultimately pushes the soul to the breaking point, otherwise referred to as the "dark night of the soul"; eases any cyclical patterns, especially those that are difficult for an individual to handle; lessens the tendency to become involved in various cycles of destructive energy, and increases one's ability to confront and actively transform any destructive, negative or threatening situations or circumstances; allows the soul to experience "darkness" as a transformative process, and restoresthe quality of hope to those souls who have internalized either "darkness" or pessimism in their outlook on life; allows the soul to learn to use "light" as an alchemical agent for change and healing, and assists the soul in circulating this "light" throughout the physical body and directly into the Earth; allows the soul to learn to live in greater equilibrium and equanimity by helping the Self to balance any extreme polarities between "light" and "darkness", and provides a more balanced use of both one's animal and astral forces by allowing an individual to transform the instinctive into what is truly human; removes one's inability to properly integrate their animal-like desires with their sense of human individuality, resulting in a splitting-off of their desire-nature (or astrality) from the physical/etheric vehicle; assists the soul in balancing the immense forces of astrality and instinctual desire so that these energies can further strengthen one's physical vitality, and thereby serve human spirituality; promotes more earthly vitality, especially when it involves the integration of the more instinctual and bodily aspects of one's Self; lessens any over-identification with one's earthly life or persona, and enhances one's ability to integrate their soul purity with bodily sexuality; alleviates the tendency to polarize the experiences of one's sexuality and spirituality, which often leads to clandestine behavior or marital stress; eases any conflict about the sexual Self that results in an imbalance, either towards promiscuity (which degrades and damages the astral body) or prudishness (which severs the soul from the life forces of the lower body); removes any split between one's sexuality and spirituality, especially when the lower Self perceives its sexuality as a secretive or shameful experience; enhances one's ability to integrate both their sexuality and spirituality into a more sacred wholeness, and provides an increased integration of soul warmth with one's sexual passion; develops a stronger relationship to feminine warmth and positive sexuality, and enables the soul to fully utilize the psychic energy-currents that are associated with the sexual and reproductive organs; develops greater integration of the emotions and one's sexuality with their psychic life, thereby eliminating any form of distorted or subjective clairvoyance; stimulates the integration of the soul's feminine and female Selves, thereby providing greater circulation and an increased exchange of energy between the higher and lower energy-centers (chakras); harmonizes both the "higher" and "lower" energies, so that one can remain connected with the Earth and one's earthly energies and yet become more emotionally clear and objective in terms of one's spiritual insight or vision; promotes more objective acknowledgement of one's faults, and eases various forms of spiritual pride which eventually disowns the lower energy-centers (chakras); harmonizes the lower energy-centers, particularly libido energy that becomes misplaced as verbal hostility or aggression; assists the soul in transmuting any overly hostile or aggressive tendencies into positive social impulses, and enhances one's ability to extend their feminine forces into more social or sociable situations; promotes more cooperative service with others by enhancing one's ability to shift from any competitive or aggressive models of behavior to those that are more cooperative and inclusive of others, and develops greater harmony and balance by promoting more inner peace and harmonious interaction as a foundation for interpersonal relationships; allows an individual to shift their awareness to a transpersonal level in order to derive a sense of personal well-being from a relationship to a Higher Power, and develops inner obedience and devotion to a higher spiritual authority while establishing more inner obedience to the higher spiritual Self; eases the tendency of the soul to feel weighed down by cynicism, thereby allowing an individual to lose their ability to make spiritual contact with their higher spiritual Self; removes the inability to contact one's Higher Self (due to estrangement), and promotes greater contemplation of the impermanent nature of earthly affairs in relation to the Higher Self; assists the soul in surrendering and awakening to a new spiritual identity, thereby providing a shift from ego identification with one's personality to a higher spiritual identity; provides more penetrating insight and awakened consciousness that is capable o acknowledging all aspects of the Self, and develops greater enthusiasm that is directed towards one's spiritual awakening; enhances the desire to spiritualize one's Will-nature, and provides an individual with a clearer understanding of a greater purpose in their life; eliminates the tendency for an individual to negate or reverse its positive spiritual connections, due to any feelings associated with a lack of trust or support from the spiritual realms; assists in restoring the soul's original innocence and child-like trust, as well as in learning that self-acceptance and inner esteem are a pathway to the soul's realization of its own sacredness and divinity; aids the human soul in learning how to recognize goodness in others and in the outer world, thereby allowing the soul to become more comfortable with itself and more positive and open in its expressions or actions.

