Activates the biomagnetic, bioelectrical and biocrystalline properties in the physical body, thereby enhancing communication between the subtle bodies; amplifies the discharge of ethereal toxicity from the system by dispelling any mental or emotional toxins (negative thought-forms) into the subtle bodies and ethers, where they are ultimately transformed and disintegrated; strengthens the etheric body so that the ethereal fluidium can better surround and nourish the blood cells, and removes any disruptions between the astral and physical bodies while strengthening the etheric forces in the blood against the astral forces of disintegration; aligns the mental, emotional and integrated spiritual bodies in order for them to function more as a single unit; aligns the astral, etheric and emotional bodies, thereby creating more emotional stability; strengthens all the chakras, meridians, nadis and subtle bodies, and energizes the entire meridian system and the individual acupressure points by improving the flow of energy along the meridians; activates the brow, heart and solar plexus chakras, and balances the root and splenic/sacral chakras before the energy of these chakras enters the solar plexus chakra; activates the psycho-spiritual properties of each chakra, and balances the creativity of the 2nd chakra with the sensitivity of the emotional (3rd) chakra in order to provide greater feeling to one's personal expression.
Alleviates all emotional imbalances, especially any feelings of despair, despondency or remorse due to fright, shock, grief, anguish, distress, embitterment, self-reproach or self-condemnation, lack of self-confidence, feelings of uncleanliness, accidents or narrow escapes, and limitations caused by illness; dispels any fear or negativity, and removes any form of attachment to negative thought-forms (especially negative emotions); eliminates any feelings of melancholy or excessive worry, low self-esteem, hyperkinetic activity or a sense of uncenteredness, and removes any restricted feelings or deeply repressed emotions; alleviates any self-deprecation or emotional paralysis, and promotes the release of any deep trauma or emotional impurities; releases any dysfunctional aspects of one's personality, and eases any misalignment between the personality structure and its higher components; eliminates any psychological states associated with emotional stress or anxiety that directly affects the abdomen, muscular tissues, nervous system or skeletal frame, thereby rechanneling such tension through the meridian system; protects an individual from any over-indulgent mental or emotional states by developing greater flexibility towards either mental or emotional problems, and prevents the onset of madness by alleviating any loss of control or balance; enhances greater emotional balance by calming the emotions and elevating one's thought processes, and restores mental faculties that are lacking in vibrancy and coherency; eases all forms of mental imbalances (including hysteria, schizophrenia or compulsive neuroses) by releasing any stored memories from the subconscious mind, and eliminates any self-criticism, over-conscientiousness or discontentment with one's efforts; removes any self-disgust caused by negative or spiteful thoughts, unkind spoken words or egotistical forms of behavior towards others, and releases that which assumes too great of importance in the mind of the sufferer that ultimately leads to despondency or self-disgust; alleviates any self-condemnation for having done something not in accord with one's own inner nature, and removes any temporary feelings of inadequacy or of being overwhelmed by responsibilities; relieves any unbearable mental anguish or despair, as well as any anxiety associated with dirt, insects or dangerous bacteria; eliminates any hopelessness, resignation and repeated failure or disappointment, as well as a loss of will-power to improve one's overall conditions; eases any expectations of failure, a lack of energy to try again, or feelings that one will never succeed, which ultimately leads to greater hesitancy or procrastination (along with a sense of inferiority); removes any expectations of failure, due to a lack of self-confidence or an inferiority complex; eliminates any periods of depression, gloom, deep sadness or melancholy that suddenly appears and disappears for no apparent reason from an unknown cause, thereby enveloping the personality like a "black cloud"; removes any paralyzing sorrow following disappointments, bad news, accidents or other shocking events, and alleviates any sudden or escalating anxieties during various physical, mental or emotional emergency situations or circumstances; eases any temporary exhaustion from constant efforts to perform at optimal levels, or any doubts about one's capabilities or suitability for a particular function; relieves an individual's inability to confront the difficulty or magnitude of various tasks they have undertaken, which leads to feelings of being overwhelmed or momentary losses of self-confidence; removes any feelings of despondency when confronting an overwhelming task and having to rely solely on one's own ego forces, and allows an individual to penetrate deep within their subconscious memory to the cause or meaning behind their despair, despondency or remorse; eliminates any phases of despondency or exhaustion in strong characters whose normally excellent self-confidence has temporarily disappeared, and removes any embittered attitudes associated with not feeling responsible for one's misfortunes; eliminates the tendency to "get stuck" in details, thereby causing an individual to lose sight of the overall scheme of things; alleviates any extreme sensitivity towards a lack of order in both public and private life, and strengthens one's will-power in order to better control the passions.
Alleviates any extreme states of soul dependency or regression characterized by the lack of an independent ego identity, and eliminates a pessimistic outlook on life by balancing the entire character and promoting a deeper awareness of the inner Self; removes any intense feelings of pessimism or despair, especially concerning one's personal relationship to larger or more impersonal world events; provides greater tenacity and inner strength, thereby enabling an individual to move from personal despair to more impersonal care and service for the welfare of the world; allows an individual to follow their inner "calling" (or above-average potentials) with increased confidence, self-assurance and a greater sense of personal responsibility, and strengthens one's ability to take responsibility for their particular life situation; restores one's ability to respond to challenges or problems with greater resilience and inward mobility, and promotes more inner peace or tranquility when confronting great challenges; provides greater resilience and trust in the unfoldment of one's life, as well as greater encouragement, inner fortitude and unwavering trust in the outcome of various life events or situations; allows an individual to learn the positive attributes of surrender and acceptance of limitation, as well as to overcome all of life's vicissitudes with greater courage and persistence; develops more superhuman endurance and patience, while assisting an individual in their efforts to struggle along untiringly, persistently and bravely without giving up or losing hope in the face of adversity; restores the soul qualities of hope and more luminous insight, and enhances the positive masculine soul traits of inner strength, endurance and perseverance; strengthens one's ability to shoulder great burdens (including the burdens of others) without any complaint, and allows an individual to become free of any anxiety towards one particular thing or situation that weighs heavily upon (or is greatest in) their conscious mind; enhances one's ability to perceive any problems in their proper perspective, along with a sense of the overall picture; promotes greater perseverance to establish attainable goals along with unceasing effort and inner faith to continue, despite any seeming setbacks; promotes more objective acknowledgement of one's faults, and enhances the ability to assess situations more objectively; develops greater patience, humility and simplicity of heart, along with more creativity that permits greater self-expression and the feeling of personal achievement; enhances greater moderation, self-discipline and a more balanced judgement, and controls the temperament by improving one's overall self-acceptance; strengthens an individual's ability to forgive and forget, as well as to develop a deeper understanding of human nature (particularly human feelings) by spiritualizing and sensitizing the emotions; allows an individual to recognize and transform any unresolved issues, while seeking out new experiences, new people or new hobbies in order to become more aware of various facets of their personality; allows individuals to extend beyond themselves in emergencies or crisis situations by mobilizing nearly superhuman powers, and eliminates an acute emergency state for the soul that encompasses the deepest form of soul anguish or despair (often referred to as the "dark night of the soul"); enhances the acceptance of one's adversity or misfortune, and strengthens an individual's unshaken conviction that assistance will always arrive at the right moment; allows an individual to recognize and accept full responsibility for their own fate, including the direct connection between one's conscious thoughts and external events; allows an individual to gain a different attitude towards any hopeless position by accepting their destiny, along with the ability to feel genuine regret rather than guilt; enhances one's realization that hopelessness and despair normally impede the healing process, while simultaneously allowing the individual to attempt another approach (even when in despair); allows an individual to feel more integrated by balancing the masculine and feminine nature on the higher spiritual levels, and enhances the soul qualities of cheerfulness, courage, constructive thought, endurance, forgiveness, hopefulness, personal responsibility, reorientation, self-confidence, inner serenity, stability, strength and steadfastness; strengthens the overall experience of "nothingness" on the soul's threshold to new horizons, and provides increased joyfulness and greater lightness or gaiety.