Activates the biomagnetic, bioelectrical and biocrystalline properties in the physical body, thereby enhancing communication between the subtle bodies; amplifies the discharge of ethereal toxicity from the system by dispelling any mental or emotional toxins (negative thought-forms) into the subtle bodies and ethers, where they are ultimately transformed and disintegrated; cleanses and stimulates the etheric body, and energizes the mental body while strengthening the soul body; calms and relaxes the astral body so that the spiritual ego can attain greater strength and awareness, and aligns the emotional body with the etheric body; attracts all the chakras, meridians, nadis and subtle bodies into a temporary state of alignment, and augments the brow, crown and solar plexus chakras; activates the 5th and 6th chakras, and balances the creativity of the 2nd chakra with the sensitivity of the emotional (3rd) chakra in order to provide greater feeling to one's personal expression; strengthens the 5th, 6th and 7th chakras, as well as the minor chakras that are located in the knees; aligns the 8th, 9th and 10th chakras situated above the head, which produces a greater flow of energy into an individual from higher spiritual levels; energizes all the nadis in the arms and hands, and gradually eliminates all the miasms from the system; balances the yin and yang qualities, as well as the yin and yang energies throughout the entire meridian system.



Alleviates all emotional extremes, and eases any emotional problems; removes any negative thought-forms by elevating one's thought processes, and eliminates any form of obsessive states; eases any fear of being persecuted or punished by others, as well as any feelings of inadequacy or self-doubt; removes the tendency to be easily taken advantage of by others or to become a scapegoat for others, as well as the tendency to be easily influenced or exploited by stronger personalities who take advantage of one's innately helpful nature for egotistical purposes; eliminates the tendency to become a "doormat" by means of an unhealthly surrender to the will of another, and eases the tendency to become overly obligated to the needs of others; alleviates any form of passive, servile or weak-willed nature that is continually over-reacting to the desires or wishes of others, and stabilizes the personality structure with the powers of one's own Will-forces; removes the tendency to deplete one's energies in the desire to assist others, and eases any form of temporary physical exhaustion that occurs as a result of one's constant efforts to perform at optimal levels; eases any form of weariness or extreme tiredness by providing the realization that a new approach, direction or lifestyle is necessary in order to renew one's overall energy and vitality, and removes the tendency to be easily led astray in one's desire to please others (especially when it involves any form of self-denial); eliminates the tendency to rely solely upon others in order to receive self-validation, as well as the tendency to use one's helpfulness as a motivation for attaining greater recognition from others; eases the tendency to unconsciously adopt the gestures, phrases or opinions of a stronger personality, and allows an individual to fully integrate and participate in a group setting without relinquishing their own personality or individual identity; alleviates any form of subservience towards the need to measure one's self-worth through material standards or exterior props of existence, such as one's possessions or other forms of material wealth and social power; eliminates the desire to sacrifice one's own life in order to serve another (such as an employer or an ailing parent), and eases the tendency to become overly resigned to a chronic state of illness; alleviates any form of resistance to the "letting go" of one's physical life or existence, and eliminates any tendency to become completely overwhelmed by assuming too much responsibility; removes the tendency to perceive life's tasks as a joyless burden or duty, and eliminates any lack of interest or enthusiastic involvement in one's daily work or life tasks; alleviates any form of leadership that is distorted by self-aggrandizement or a burdensome form of dutifulness, and eases the tendency to become overly dutiful in any self-chosen or highly stressfull achievement-oriented situations; liberates an individual from any excessive dutifulness to their ideals or traditions, or the dutiful execution of one's responsibilities; removes the desire to become subservient to another person and their human weaknesses, and alleviates the desire to completely disregard the opinions of others by demanding absolute obedience; eliminates any tendency towards harsh asceticism or extremely rigid attitudes toward life in general, and eases the tendency for one's thoughts to become crystallized into a hardened form of dogma; relieves the tendency for self-deception or other negative influences, such as falling under the "spell" of an enlightened teacher; allows an individual to recognize the destructive elements of a situation or circumstance to which they must say no, and provides a greater sense of self-assuredness.



Allows an individual to serve or act from the strength of their inner purpose, along with a healthy recognition of their own needs; provides a greater sense of purpose, peacefulness and inner trust in oneself, and strengthens one's overall spiritual purpose; energizes the Will-forces of an individual to better focus upon their true life purpose, and provides a clearer perception of the path and purpose of others; allows an individual to better perceive their great virtues of devotion and service, especially by serving a good cause according to their own rules or laws; allows the human soul to serve higher principles by developing its own individuality or personality, and allows an individual to better assist others in terms of helping them to find their own way in life; allows an individual to fulfill their own mission or destiny in life, instead of that of others; provides greater courage to follow one's own path or destiny, and assists an individual in better resisting any outside influences in order to follow their own true ambitions or direction in life; addresses the positive masculine soul traits of endurance, inner strength and perseverance, and provides greater attention and positive connection to one's daily work or life tasks; promotes more inner faith and confidence to complete one's tasks, especially when feeling overwhelmed or unequal to the task required; provides greater persistence and untiring efforts stemming from a misplaced sense of duty, and allows an individual to transform any feelings of dutifulness into a more passionate form of commitment; develops greater self-reliance, inner flexibility or self-sufficiency, and promotes more flowing receptivity; enhances the soul qualities of adaptability, authority, composure, conviction, devotion to duty, discernment, discrimination, endurance, fearlessness, humility, inner motivation, inner strength and vitality, openness, overcoming, release, responsibility, resurrection, self-confidence, self-determination, self-realization, steadfastness, unaffectedness, and wisdom, and assists the human soul in learning to take a stand in the world by aligning its own personal identity with the forces of goodness and truth; provides more beneficial strength and integrity in order to assist an individual in assuming greater self-awareness and self-responsibility, as well as increased responsibility for one's own personal development; allows an individual to stand up for their own best interests, and enhances the ability to act upon what one believes or knows to be true; provides the inner strength to speak out or make any appropriate changes, despite any form of cultural inertia or opposition; balances the natural leadership capabilities within the soul by integrating these with the true directives of the Higher Self, and promotes more inner obedience and devotion to a higher spiritual authority; assists the soul in acquiring true humility through a realization that spiritual service is the essence of authentic leadership, and enhances one's ability to delegate and place one's leadership qualities in the service of a greater task; develops the inner radiance of charisma (or contagious enthusiasm) towards a more positive identification with one's ideals in order to better nourish, energize, motivate or inspire others, and enhances the ability to give or serve others by developing a strong and radiant inner sense of Self; assists one's consciousness in moving from a limited personal perspective toward values that include the greater whole, and promotes more selfless service and the altruistic sacrifice of one's personal desires for those of the common good; allows an individual to transform any tyrannical tendencies into more positive service for others, and develops greater cooperation with others for the purpose of mutual support; allows an individual to liberate themselves from the shadows of the past, and provides greater tenacity that enables an individual to move from personal despair to a more impersonal service and care for the welfare of the world; transforms any reclusive spiritual impulses into a more compassionate form of world service, and allows an individual to perceive any difficulties in the world as opportunities for greater service to others; improves one's overall capability for harnessing their spiritual forces in the service of others and of the Earth, and assists the human soul in balancing its ego forces between the polarities of servitude and selfishness; allows the true spiritual Self to expand in order to include all of humanity in the form of a more inclusive state of consciousness, and allows an individual to experience a more compassionate and joyful connection to the human family; enhances a more playful attitude in one's daily activities, and allows an individual to include the qualities of playfulness, laughter and more child-like humor in their daily work and life events; allows an individual to employ their feminine impulses in order to balance the overly masculine form of assertiveness in various business affairs, and assists an individual in learning the positive attributes of surrender and acceptance of limitation by balancing the strong capabilities of the soul with the inner feminine Self in order to yield and receive greater assistance from others; develops greater mothering or nurturing forces in order to better serve the children of the world, and promotes an easier surrendering of the ego whenever the soul must utterly submit itself to a process of spiritualization; removes any strict or narrow concepts of spiritual behavior, and eliminates any denial of the reality or existence of the spiritual world; allows the human soul to surrender to a Higher Power or to the greater wisdom of the Higher Self, especially when any severe form of testing produces extreme anguish or despair; enhances the ability to "let go and let God", and provides greater trust in spiritual guidance when confronting the unknown; eases the tendency to struggle beyond one's limits by not knowing when to surrender oneself, and facilitates a more profound soul awakening by transforming the fear of death into a more conscious awareness of spiritual life; enhances the ability to surrender to one's spiritual identity, especially when confronting the threat of ego death; provides more joyful and conscious liberation and spiritual surrender during the transition of death, or during periods of deep transformation; promotes more inner dignity and elegance, and generates a more positive outlook on life.

