Activates the biomagnetic, bioelectrical and biocrystalline properties in the physical body, thereby enhancing communication between the subtle bodies; amplifies the discharge of ethereal toxicity from the system by dispelling any mental or emotional toxins (negative thought-forms) into the subtle bodies and ethers, where they are ultimately transformed and disintegrated; strengthens and energizes the etheric body, which augments its role as the gateway between the physical and subtle bodies; activates the soul and integrated spiritual bodies, and aligns the astral, causal and emotional bodies; balances the mental and emotional bodies in order to assist in resolving any inner conflicts, and aligns all the other subtle bodies closer to what the integrated spiritual body is perceiving; aligns the mental, emotional and causal bodies, thereby removing any mental irritation or the inability to speak or express one's feelings; attracts all the chakras, meridians, nadis and subtle bodies into a temporary state of alignment, and activates the brow and throat chakras; cleanses the heart chakra, which produces increased caring and greater sensitivity; activates the minor chakra that is located on the palm of the hand over the area known as the "mount of Venus", and strengthens all the meridians and nadis; balances the yin and yang qualities, as well as the yin and yang energies throughout the entire meridian system.



Alleviates all emotional extremes, and eases any emotional problems; releases any repressed emotions, and eliminates any form of selfishness or self-centered behavioral patterns; eases any tendencies towards frustration, discontentment or unhappiness, as well as any form of stress when dealing with one's outer environment; releases any fear that resides in the mental body into one's conscious awareness in order for it to be confronted and resolved, and eliminates any tendencies towards conceit or supercilious behavior; alleviates the need to be extremely demanding or domineering towards others, and balances any overly aggressive tendencies; eases any form of insecurity associated with male sexuality or male sexual machismo, as well as any feelings of jealousy or possessiveness towards others (due to an underlying emotional insecurity); removes various forms of manipulative or exploitative attitudes, and eliminates the tendency to manipulate the emotions of others for one's own selfish needs or desires; alleviates any tendencies towards emotional neediness, as well as any inappropriate methods of soliciting or manipulating the energy or attention of others; removes any demands for emotional energy or attention from others that is out of proportion to one's real needs, and eliminates the tendency to seek contact with others in a dysfunctional manner in order to "feed off" their attention or sympathy; eases any over-identification with the illusory parts of the Self, and releases any dysfunctional aspects of one's personality; removes any form of negative attachment to one's lower personality, and eliminates any psychological need to establish one's personality more firmly in the physical world as a form of protection or defensive measure against death and mortality; relieves any form of overbearing individuality, as well as an egotistical sense of self-importance towards others; removes the desire to feel important, due to an inner sense of being unloved or unwanted during one's childhood; eliminates any overly exaggerated sense of self-importance in various positions of leadership, and lessens the need for any form of leadership that is distorted by feelings of self-aggrandizement or burdensome dutifulness; removes the need for any over-compensating expression of one's individuality, as well as the tendency to become overly-talkative in an extremely self-absorbed manner; eliminates any excessive preoccupation with one's problems, as well as the compulsive need to discuss them with others; eases the tendency to be overly concerned with oneself or one's problems, or the desire to resolve such difficulties at the expense of others; alleviates any compulsive over-concern towards various inconsequential or trivial aspects of one's life, and eases any over-concern about one's relationship to others; eliminates any excessive concern about one's personal appearance, or the need to continually preoccupy oneself with cosmetic grooming; relieves any desperate need to insure one's self-worth by exterior standards of beauty or excessive grooming, and eases any feelings of self-belittlement or diminished self-worth; eliminates the need to measure one's self-worth by material standards of wealth and power, as well as the tendency to mask one's essential Self with feelings of self-effacement or low self-esteem; eases any suppression of one's individuality, as well as the inability to feel a stronger sense of one's true Self; eliminates the tendency to display anti-social or other forms of obnoxious behavior as an extreme measure in order to acquire a self-image, especially during adolescence; alleviates the need to be disdainful or condescending towards others, as well as any feelings of elitism, classism, racism or cultural bias; eases any form of verbal aggression or hostility, as well as the tendency to misuse the spoken word in a harsh or destructive manner through the use of biting sarcasm or lashing criticism; eliminates the desire to use one's personal power in order to intimidate others through verbal abuse, and promotes verbal communication that is more emotionally balanced; alleviates any lust for power or greed for material wealth, and reduces any disproportionate amount of energy that is directed toward issues of personal power, excessive ambition or personal welfare; eliminates any over-attachment to material values, or the tendency to over-exaggerate the importance of one's life; removes the need to cling too tightly to exterior props of existence through an over-identification with possessions, lifestyle or social recognition, and alleviates the desire to cling to a child-like personality or the tendency to remain in an arrested or overly-dependent stage of emotional development; eliminates the tendency to feign helplessness or extreme dependency, or to assume a child-like role in order to please others; removes the desire to please others in order to receive self-validation, which ultimately leads to a misplaced sense of inner compulsion to serve others; reduces the need for compulsive attention-getting tactics (such as fussiness or tantrums) in order to become the center of attention, as well as the need to conform one's behavior to social norms in order to receive greater approval or acceptance; eliminates any desire for a false social persona, due to a constant need for greater acceptance by others; eases any unbalanced form of egotism, or the compulsive need to receive constant adulation from others; alleviates the tendency to be subject to peer pressure, group mores', family ties or social expectations, which usually results in an inability to be true-to-oneself; alleviates any form of emotional regression or immaturity, and promotes a more healthy maturation process and the acceptance of one's adult responsibilities; eases any retarded phases of mental or emotional development, and assists an individual in better resolving their emotional blockages during the maturation process by maintaining a healthy relationship to the inner child while still performing as a mature and fully-functioning adult; eases any form of emotional congestion or misdirected love forces that result in needy expressions of love, and allows an individual to better distinguish between personal emotions or desires and the impersonal form of love and caring for another; relieves any shyness about sharing one's inner gifts or talents with others, and assists an individual in learning that only by remaining open and risking vulnerability can one truly experience the warmth of human love and affection.



Allows an individual to establish a true sense of identity with their feminine nature, and attracts an individual closer to a sense of androgyny within the Self; alleviates any misuse of one's Will-forces, and aligns the superconscious mind's spiritual values with the heart chakra; develops a more well-balanced and independent-minded individuality that displays more tactful reserve and self-confidence, and provides more beneficial inner strength and integrity in order to assist an individual in assuming greater self-awareness and self-responsibility; tempers and spiritualizes the male ego, and enhances the soul qualities of Divine love, empathy, equanimity, gracefulness, humility, motherliness, readiness to help, self-determination, self-love, self-realization and wisdom; provides greater warmth, kindness and sensitivity, as well as more elegance, inner dignity and refinement; develops a more tolerant attitude, as well as a desire to never interfere in the affairs of others; allows an individual to respect the freedom and individuality of others, as well as to better appreciate the value of their daily life experiences and relationships; enhances one's ability to trust the warmth of others, and to become more appreciative of one's social interactions; assists an individual in making and sustaining the shift from a limited and narrow conception of the Self to one that is more expansive and inclusive of others, and allows the human soul to develop a more inclusive state of conscious awareness in order to experience a more compassionate and joyful connection to the human family; promotes a more elevated spiritual perspective, along with the ability to share with others while remaining true to oneself; provides a deep inner sense of Self that is balanced with any group or social consciousness, as well as a strong and radiant inner sense of Self that strengthens one's ability to give to (or serve) others; enhances the ability to release any old distorted or inappropriate images of one's Self, or the ability to experience a form of "nothingness" (or "no-Self") as a prerequisite for the development of a new identity; assists an individual in shifting from an ego identification with their personality to that of a higher spiritual identity, and provides greater soul identification with that which is truly eternal; develops a more exuberant or charismatic presence, along with more lively emotional and psychic energy; enhances the need for a more balanced ego awareness, and allows one's emotional vitality to be properly harnessed and harmonized by the spiritual ego; enhances the soul's ability to contact its true spiritual ego, as well as to contemplate the impermanent nature of earthly affairs in relation to one's Higher Self; balances one's ego forces between the polarities of servitude and selfishness, and promotes more selfless service and an altruistic sacrifice of one's personal desires for those of the common good; reduces any over-emphasis on one's inner world in order to insulate the Self from any direct involvement or challenge, and removes any lack of altruism or the desire for leadership that is accompanied by selfish motivations; develops true spiritual leadership by providing more inner radiance or charisma (contagious enthusiasm), thereby allowing the human soul to develop more positive identification with its inner ideals in order to better nourish, encourage, energize, inspire or motivate others; alleviates any overly-delicate or over-developed spirituality (in relation to one's social forces) that make it difficult to cope with the stress or strain of modern society, and provides more inner strength to confront the world and shoulder one's responsibilities; eliminates any excessive or compulsive concerns with the mundane affairs of the world, and allows an individual to make a fundamental shift in their overall perception by instilling a more cosmic overview in order to place the affairs of the daily world in their proper perspective; encourages an individual to shift their awareness to a more transpersonal level in order to derive a greater sense of well-being from a relationship to a Higher Power, and removes the inability to acknowledge or experience one's inner "light" and unique individuality; promotes greater detachment towards one's outer recognition or fame, and allows an individual to recognize and honor the inner value and worth of who they truly are in order to avoid judging themselves by the more conventional standards of achievement and success; promotes more healthy pridefulness in one's accomplishments, even if these are not considered great by societal standards; develops more healthy pride and confidence towards one's creativity, as well as a healthier sense of pride in that one's personal appearance provides only a mere reflection of one's true inner beauty; eases any form of spiritual pride or spiritual egocentric behavior, due to an over-developed crown chakra in relation to all the other energy-centers (chakras); alleviates any spiritual pride that is directly associated with perceiving oneself as more spiritually advanced, and eliminates the need to appear more spiritually or psychically developed in the eyes of oneself or others; enhances and harmonizes the higher consciousness in order to integrate one's open and expansive spirituality with the other energy-centers (chakras) in a more balanced manner, and guides the soul towards a more balanced form of spiritual awakening and contained emotional presence; eliminates the tendency to inflate one's psychic or emotional experiences, or the need to attach greater importance on one's Self by creating intense psychic experiences; alleviates the tendency to confuse any inflated or exaggerated psychic or emotional activities with those of true spiritual experiences, and reverses any psychic energy-currents that are directed too strongly towards the Self; eliminates the need for an individual to manipulate psychic energy so that others are more compelled to listen or attend to their problems, and releases any overly contracted psychic energy by allowing it to become more expanded and receptive to spiritual influence; balances and re-directs one's psychic energy-currents, especially as they flow through the heart and solar plexus regions; removes the tendency to evade a more quiet and sustained development of one's spiritual life, while balancing and re-directing one's spiritual forces; allows an individual to acquire true objectivity and inner humility, along with greater meditative insight and synthesis; restores the soul's ability to feel unity, wholeness and universal compassion, and promotes more inner tranquility and emotional self-sufficiency.

