Activates the biomagnetic, bioelectrical and biocrystalline properties in the physical body, thereby enhancing communication between the subtle bodies; amplifies the discharge of ethereal toxicity from the system by dispelling any mental or emotional toxins (negative thought-forms) into the subtle bodies and ethers, where they are ultimately transformed and disintegrated; attracts the etheric body into a temporary state of alignment (in an oscillatory pattern), while energizing and rejuvenating the etheric body by increasing its alignment with the physical body; acts as a retardant or grounding element to the radical patterns of the emotional body, and expands the astral body while strengthening the mental, emotional and etheric bodies; invigorates the etheric portions of the pineal and pituitary glands, and stabilizes the distribution of the ethereal fluidium throughout the physical body; aligns and integrates the causal and integrated spiritual bodies closer to the physical body, and aligns the mental, emotional and etheric bodies; aligns the astral body with its physical/etheric components, and aligns the mental and emotional bodies in order to generate increased sensitivity; energizes the astral and emotional bodies, which provides increased calmness; aligns the mental, causal and integrated spiritual bodies with the astral body, thereby releasing any past-life or psychic information in a more coordinated pattern; aligns the mental, emotional and integrated spiritual bodies, which increases one's overall attraction towards developing more spiritual goals; activates the splenic/sacral chakra, and balances the heart chakra; releases the mental and psycho-spiritual properties that are directly associated with the 3rd chakra, thereby activating one's inner resources in order to better stabilize the emotions; activates the heart, brow and crown chakras, thereby producing a greater alignment of one's higher spiritual visions; energizes the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th chakras, as well as the nadis that are located throughout the forehead and throat regions; aligns the crown and solar plexus chakras, thereby allowing an individual to seek higher inspiration from the level of the hara; activates the minor chakra point that is situated adjacent to the armpits in order to assist in providing an increased or more consistent absorption of orgone energy, which creates a greater sense of vitality; activates the minor chakras that are located behind each knee, while aligning and strengthening all the meridians and nadis; cleanses all the meridians and nadis, thereby enhancing the flow of life force (prana) throughout all the chakras and the meridians; balances the yin and yang qualities, as well as the yin and yang energies throughout the entire meridian system.



Alleviates all emotional extremes, and eliminates various psychosomatic disorders; removes any disassociated mental or emotional states, as well as any form of paranoia or unnatural fears; eases any inattentive, scatterbrained or daydreaming tendencies, as well as any form of absent-mindedness; alleviates any nervous behavioral patterns or unwarranted conduct within the personality structure, and removes any unnecessary stress that is stored within one's personality; restores greater balance in all erratic emotional behavioral patterns, extending from depression to various ecstatic states; eases any form of ego conflict or excessive anxiety, as well as any form of extreme over-reaction; eliminates any overly impulsive or impatient bahavior, as well as the inability to remain centered; relieves any extreme mood-swings or ever-fluctuating emotional states by balancing the emotions and calming the passions, and eliminates any erratic behavioral patterns that lead to destructive or violent tendencies; releases any emotional trauma that may be stored deep within the recesses of one's personality, and eases any erratic sleep patterns or irregular habits; eliminates any inconsistent thoughts or actions, as well as the tendency to vacillate from one choice to another; removes any megalomanic tendencies, as well as various forms of excitation or rage; alleviates any advanced manic-depressive states or schizophrenia whenever an individual has lost complete touch with reality, while energizing and tonifying the entire nervous system (particularly the sympathetic nervous system) by relaxing any tension in the body; removes any inner tension caused by nervous frustration, and eases any form of nervous irritability or jitteriness exemplified by excessive talkativeness or restlessness to the point of insomnia; removes the tendency to become easily caught up in any fanatical or extreme causes, as well as the tendency to become enmeshed in any rigid theoretical maxims or ideas that are completely divorced from reality; eliminates the tendency to rely too extensively upon others in order to receive more self-validation, and eases any inflated sense of self-importance; alleviates the need to over-dramatize one's life experience, as well as the tendency to perceive oneself as suffering disproportionately in relation to one's real experiences; eliminates the tendency to impose one's Will upon others, or the tendency to run "roughshod" over others; allows an individual to transform any feelings of dissatisfaction or disillusionment with the world into more positive energy for change, and enhances greater emotional cleansing while assisting in the assimilation of any newly-released or newly-stabilized emotions.



Activates one's psycho-spiritual structure while balancing the masculine and feminine qualities, and enhances the soul qualities of adaptability, authority, conviction, creative idealism, devotion, gentleness, inner freedom, patience, release, restraint, self-discipline, self-realization and service; transforms any unused creative potential into more physical form by amplifying the thought force that is the source of an individual's creativity or intuition, and allows an individual to make a clearer distinction between theory and practice; enhances the ability to organize one's thoughts or visions into specific goals or priorities, or to translate these goals into more concrete and viable activity; eliminates the tendency to develop any impractical ideals or visions, as well as the tendency to become an impractical visionary; enhances the ability to develop one's ideals into a more practical form of manifestation, and eliminates the tendency to develop any unrealistic or illusory notions when confronting one's personal problems; promotes more decisive action and exuberant manifestation in the world, as well as more clearly directed Will-forces; develops greater control over one's fertile imagination in order to bring the desired results into greater fruition in the material world, and restores greater contact with the powers of one's own Will-nature by concentrating and stabilizing these energy potentials directly into the personality structure; alleviates the tendency to develop any unrealistic goals, and provides increased faith and confidence in order to complete one's tasks; increases one's overall tenacity when pursuing a long-term goal by developing greater persistence, perseverance and patience, despite any external hardships; eliminates the tendency to make fanatical sacrifices in order to achieve one's goals, as well as the tendency to easily overestimate one's own inner resources; develops a more practical form of orderliness to one's daily activities, and enhances one's ability to manage and coordinate many diverse forms of activity; develops more inner flexibility and flowing receptivity by allowing the inner Self to become more receptive to the unfolding moment, rather than attempting to rush ahead of one's life experience; promotes a more exuberant and charismatic presence, as well as more charismatic energy that encourages and motivates others; eases the tendency for one's charismatic capabilities to degenerate into those of a zealot or fanatic, and promotes more contagious enthusiasm and inner joyfulness by developing an extremely positive identification with one's inner ideals; provides stronger forces of passionate idealism, and assists the human soul in centering and grounding its tremendous enthusiasm by regulating and harmonizing one's spiritual forces; eliminates any form of exaggerated ideals or excessive preoccupation with personal perfection or perfectionistic tendencies, and promotes a more adaptable form of idealism that allows an individual to replace any outdated principles or much-lauded convictions whenever they are confronted with new insights and greater truths by maintaining an open mind; promotes greater activation of an individual's true ideals by enhancing the ability to engage the heart forces while performing their life work or purpose, and provides more inner resolve and clarity of purpose; assists those adolescents and young adults who are attempting to discover their own positive ideals, as well as those who are seeking to serve the world through their own particular life-calling or vocation; allows an individual to serve from their own level of inner strength, as well as to act from the strength of their inner purpose; balances one's ego forces between the polarities of servitude and selfishness, and provides more inner obedience and devotion to a higher spiritual authority; develops a greater sense of responsibility and conscience, as well as more positive idealism and altruistic forms of leadership; balances the natural leadership capabilities within the soul by integrating these with the directives of the Higher Self, while stimulating the desire for greater illumination and more harmonious communication with one's Higher Self; promotes stronger spiritual ideals that need to be shared with others, but without the tendency to continually attempt to convert others to one's way of thinking, believing or perceiving; promotes more compassionate caring and activity during one's quest for worthwhile causes, and eliminates the tendency to become over-enthusiastic when supporting a good cause; allows an individual to serve a good cause in accordance with their own rules, without sacrificing their personality in the process; enhances the ability to take a stand for what one believes in, as well as the ability to act upon what one knows to be true for themselves; assists an individual in aligning their own personal identity with forces of good and truth, and enhances one's ability to integrate into group situations while preserving their identity or inner sense of individuality; allows an individual to maintain their spiritual center, despite any external pressure or chaos; provides greater psychic and spiritual balance, as well as a greater source of inner strength when dealing with life's problems or challenges; allows a sense of inner balance to be more consistently maintained during one's psychic awakening, and eases any form of emotional exaggeration in relation to one's psychic experiences; alleviates any susceptibility to various techniques or influences that open the psychic faculties too rapidly, especially before these energies are properly balanced with the heart forces; removes the tendency to seek various forms of spiritual glamour or enticing psychic experiences outside of oneself, rather than engaging in a more balanced process of spiritual growth; eases any excessive form of self-willedness and self-imposed limits or discipline upon the personality, as well as any form of excessive intensity when promoting one's ideas to others; eliminates any extremely rigid attitudes towards life, as well as any strict or narrow concepts of spiritual behavior; removes the tendency to deny oneself those things that make everyday life pleasant and enjoyable, due to the rigid belief that they do not conform to one's ascetic vision of life; allows an individual's emotional vitality to be properly harnessed and harmonized by their spiritual ego, and guides the soul towards a more balanced spiritual awakening and contained emotional presence.

