Activates the biomagnetic, bioelectrical and biocrystalline properties in the physical body, thereby enhancing communication between the subtle bodies; amplifies the discharge of ethereal toxicity from the system by dispelling any mental or emotional toxins (negative thought-forms) into the subtle bodies and ethers, where they are ultimately transformed and disintegrated; enhances the ability of the etheric body to absorb and interact with the vibrational levels from all the other subtle bodies, and cleanses the emotional body; improves the connection between the etheric and physical bodies, and strengthens the mental body; develops a greater state of clarity in the emotional body, and expands the astral body; strengthens the thermal body (a combination of the etheric body and the heat of the physical body), and aligns the astral body with its physical/etheric components; aligns the mental, emotional and causal bodies together, and aligns the mental, causal and integrated spiritual bodies with the astral body; aligns the causal and integrated spiritual bodies closer to the physical body, and magnifies the properties of all the chakras; improves the overall coordination between the 2nd, 3rd and 4th chakras, which produces more energy-transfer and deeper states of relaxation; strengthens and energizes the 1st, 2nd and 3rd chakras, as well as the minor chakras that are situated in the hands and feet; activates the minor chakra that is located adjacent to the armpits in order to allow the body to consistently absorb more orgone energy, which produces a greater sense of vitality; activates the minor chakra that is positioned behind each knee, while strengthening and enhancing all the meridians; cleanses, strengthens and energizes all the nadis, and balances the yin and yang energies throughout the entire meridian system.
Alleviates various forms of escapist tendencies, including helplessness, immaturity, dependency and neediness; eliminates various forms of absent-mindedness, as well as any inattentive, scatterbrained or daydreaming tendencies; eases any self-doubts or confusion concerning one's life direction, as well as any form of lethargic or disassociated states; removes any advanced manic-depressive states where an individual has lost complete touch with reality, and eases any form of emotional amnesia or paralysis; eliminates any fear associated with the conscious observation of one's repressed emotions, and enables an individual to better understand their emotional Self; alleviates the tendency to avoid any honest confrontation with one's true Self, especially when it involves an awareness of the underlying motives for one's outward behavior; removes any tendency to continually reside in a psycho-emotional matrix of family patterns derived from one's childhood experience, and eliminates the tendency to avoid or repress any traumatic or painful parts of one's personality by allowing an individual to confront various traumatic episodes from the past that have been stored in the recesses of the psyche; alleviates any attempts to quickly forget unpleasant experiences from the past, and eliminates the tendency to escape from oneself by refusing to confront one's past experiences; eases the tendency to continually repeat the same mistakes in life, due to an insufficient attempt to absorb their true meaning in order to learn the appropriate lessons; removes the tendency to escape from one's core identity or ego awareness through the continual use of drugs or artificial stimulants, and eliminates the tendency to "blot out" one's conscious awareness through drugs, compulsive overeating, accidents, illness or dubious spiritual practices; eases any difficulties associated with the ability to cope with the normal demands and responsibilities of the adult ego, and alleviates any lack of inner strength to confront the world and shoulder one's responsibilities; removes the tendency to cling to a child-like personality, or to remain in an arrested and over-dependent child-like stage of emotional regression in order to avoid a healthy maturation process; allows an individual to accelerate the release of any emotional blockages during the maturation process, as well as to continually maintain a healthy relationship to their inner child while performing as a fully functioning and mature adult; eliminates the desire to remain emotionally unavailable in terms of an emotional involvement or commitment with another person, due to early childhood trauma or abandonment; alleviates the tendency to avoid any form of commitment in one's interpersonal relationships by the use of deceptive or secretive sexual behavior, as well as the desire to escape into various forms of debasing or dehumanizing sexual activity; removes the inability to experience human warmth in one's sexual experiences, due to a deep fear of sexuality, intimacy or human contact; eases any fear towards risking one's emotional vulnerability by projecting a hostile barrier as a form of protection in one's sexual relationships, and eliminates the tendency to seek sexual relationships that do not engage full-hearted participation or emotional vulnerability; removes the tendency to erect negative barriers between oneself and others by displaying anger, hostility or irritability in order to maintain a "safe" emotional distance, and assists an individual in learning to identify and "own" the softer side of themselves in order to create boundaries that are more inclusive of others; allows an individual to contact the true feelings of the Self, especially the relationship between sexual impulses or desires and the authentic emotions of the heart; eliminates any fear associated with one's inner femininity, or of being engulfed by one's feminine values; alleviates the tendency to avoid confronting any healing process from the inner levels, and removes the desire to escape from any responsibility concerning one's own healing process by developing greater dependence upon therapists or various forms of therapy; relieves any tendency to deny one's true evolution by living too strongly in past events, places or relationships, and removes the tendency to cling nostalgically to a past that seems to have been more appealing; eases the tendency to "gloss over" a past relationship or an earlier phase of one's life with dreamy reverie, while ignoring the actual pain and trauma that was also part of the experience; releases the need to glorify the past (or expect it to return), and alleviates the tendency to escape into the past by not expecting anything positive from the present or the future; relieves the tendency to dwell on memories of the past in order to avoid confronting the pain and challenge of the present, and eases any fear or withdrawal in the face of challenge; alleviates the inability to take a stand for what one believes in, or what one knows to be true; eliminates any confusion or indecision about one's life direction, as well as any profound alienation or dissatisfaction towards one's vocation; removes the tendency to become enslaved by the forces of materialism, or any form of exploitative working environments or situations.
Alleviates any form of inertia or lack of inner mobility by promoting greater decisiveness, inner resolve and clarity of purpose, and eases any form of vagueness or lack of direction in one's life by enhancing the ability to fully recognize and develop one's true potential; eliminates the tendency to neglect one's basic responsibilities or the simple and practical orderliness of one's daily activities, and removes the tendency to avoid any commitment towards one's adult responsibilities by encouraging more self-responsibility and quiet inner development; alleviates the inability to remain focused on long-term goals or a definite commitment towards one's career by developing greater persistence and tenacity when pursuing a specific goal, and allows an individual to recognize and respond to their true life "calling" by seeking those forms of work that provide a sense of higher purpose and meaning to the Self; provides more inner flexibility and adaptability, and enhances the soul qualities of creative idealism, learning capability, materialization, purposefulness, vocation, the capacity for change, and the ability to establish links; removes the tendency to escape into fanatical causes in order to avoid the more practical aspects of one's daily life, and enhances the need to provide more conscious awareness of one's life situations; eliminates the tendency to escape from the outer world by withdrawing into one's own imagination, and develops more positive control over one's fertile imagination in order to bring its creative resources into greater fruition in the material world; eases the preference for inner fantasies, rather than a more vibrant involvement with the outer world; alleviates the tendency to attach little importance or significance to one's physical reality, as well as the desire to focus only on unimportant or non-essential concerns in order to avoid any significant breakthroughs that may provide greater understanding or major transformation; eliminates the tendency to repeat one's experiences rather than confront the real issues or lessons, and allows an individual to become liberated from the compulsive need to repeat mistakes or re-create any overly repetitive, regressive or habitual patterns that retard the soul's full development; allows an individual to learn from every new experience that life has to offer by stimulating the cognitive capabilities so that they are able to grasp the essential nature of the present experience more rapidly and completely, and thereby learn the appropriate lessons; restores more conscious awareness by assisting the soul in transforming and integrating any unclaimed portions of the psyche, and promotes more awakened consciousness that is fully capable of acknowledging all aspects of the Self; assists the soul in developing a greater awareness and respect for life or the life processes of the body, and eliminates the tendency to become an impractical visionary by direct avoidance of the present through various forms of excessive daydreaming; allows an individual to live in the present moment, while experiencing a living relationship with their past; eliminates the tendency to become too enmeshed or overly concerned with the mundane affairs of daily life, thereby losing one's proper perspective; assists an individual in making a fundamental shift in their overall perception by instilling a more cosmic overview, thereby allowing them to place the affairs of the daily world into proper perspective; eliminates the tendency to refrain from full participation in one's earthly life, and removes the inability to take a personal stand in any worldly or community affairs; eases the tendency to refrain from full participation in group life or community affairs, due to the fear of losing one's personal identity; eliminates the need to hide one's essential Self from others, due to fear of exposure or rejection by another human being; eases the tendency to avoid making choices in one's life, as well as the tendency to compromise one's basic integrity in an attempt to please others; enhances one's ability to trust the warmth of others, as well as the ability to share with others while remaining true to one's Self; allows an individual to attain greater wholeness by enhancing the ability to choose and define their true nature, and assists the human soul in breaking through any deeply-resistant karmic patterns; alleviates any extreme states of soul dependency or regression that are usually characterized by the lack of an independent ego identity, as well as any state of self-willedness or self-centeredness in one's personality by allowing the soul to follow the inner guidance of the Higher Self; develops the ability to contact the true spiritual ego, as well as to contemplate the more impermanent nature of earthly affairs in relation to the Higher Self; alleviates any lack of honesty in one's interpersonal relationships, or in one's personal interactions with the countless affairs of daily life; removes any form of self-deception or illusion by aligning one's inner motives with their outer deeds, particularly through the process of self-observation and constant inner scrutiny by the personality; allows the soul to acquire more inner truthfulness, as well as to act with clear intention and nobility of purpose; assists the soul in developing an inner purity of mind and heart in relation to its motives and deeds, and allows an individual's outer actions to become more resonant with their inner being; removes the tendency to evade a more sustained development of one's spiritual life in favor of more intense and overly dramatic psychic-emotional experiences that often display an illusory appearance of being more real or important, and eliminates the desire to seek spiritual glamour or enticing psychic experiences outside of oneself rather than engaging in a more balanced process of spiritual growth; alleviates the tendency to evade the manifestation of one's Will-forces by assisting an individual in making a more viable connection with their Will-nature, and addresses the capability of the Self to become more involved with (and take responsibility for) its own healing process; enhances an individual's motivation to seek and affirm the wholeness of life, as well as to believe in their own capability for recovery and restoration by the ability to contact their own healing potential; liberates any overly-contracted psychic energy by allowing it to become more expanded and receptive to spiritual influence, and guides the soul towards a more balanced spiritual awakening and contained emotional presence.