Activates the biomagnetic, bioelectrical and biocrystalline properties in the physical body, thereby enhancing communication between the subtle bodies; amplifies the discharge of ethereal toxicity from the system by dispelling any mental or emotional toxins (negative thought-forms) into the subtle bodies and ethers, where they are ultimately transformed and disintegrated; allows the etheric body to bind itself closer to the cellular level, thereby strengthening the formative forces in the etheric and physical bodies; activates and strengthens the etheric body and the ethereal fluidium by aligning them with all the subtle bodies, particularly the mental, emotional and soul bodies; re-establishes the equilibrium between the astral and etheric bodies in order for them to function more as a single unit, and aligns the emotional body with the etheric body so that the ethereal fluidium can more easily penetrate into the cellular levels; aligns all the major chakras, and balances the 3rd chakra; activates the 2nd, 3rd and 5th chakras, and strengthens all the meridians and nadis; balances the yin and yang qualities, as well as the yin and yang energies throughout the entire meridian system.
Alleviates all emotional extremes, and eases any emotional problems; removes any negative thought-forms by elevating one's thought processes, and restores greater emotional balance; eliminates various forms of greed, stinginess, selfishness or carelessness by developing greater sensitivity and understanding towards the needs of others, and removes any extremely rigid attitudes toward life by developing more inner flexibility; alleviates any form of self-centeredness or excessive self-concern for one's personal well being, and removes any greediness or lust for power or possessions; eliminates any excessive attachment to material values, as well as the need for material possessions in order to firmly establish one's social position; alleviates any excessive clinging to exterior props of existence through an over-identification with personal possessions, lifestyle or social recognition, and eases the tendency to hoard or carefully guard one's material possessions (due to insecurity, uncertainty, selfishness, greediness, or a lack of overall confidence in the future); eliminates any form of materialistic consciousness, especially among those who attempt to establish monetary power as a protection against one's mortality; removes certain forms of bitterness that can result from a materialistic lifestyle, including feelings of isolation from society, self-centeredness, selfish behavioral patterns, or an intellectual form of hostility; alleviates any form of self-condemnation or a condescending attitude towards others, as well as any selfish forms of conditional love in one's interpersonal relationships; alleviates any over-identification with youthfulness or with fame and fortune, and eliminates that particular form of fanaticism and greediness for perfection or power over others that ultimately leads to entrapment.
Alleviates any over-identification with the illusory parts of the Self, and eliminates the psychological need of the human soul to more firmly establish its personality structure in the physical world as a defense against death and mortality; provides more inner security with less dependence on external objects, and enhances more positive identification with one's inner ideals; activates all the positive emotional qualities within the Self, and awakens a greater sense of altruism by promoting a more altruistic sacrifice of one's personal desires for those of the common good of others; allows an individual to become extremely mindful of the greater needs of others by enhancing their ability to help others to help themselves or to find their own way, and inspires an individual to sacrifice themselves in the correct context by expanding their perspectives for the greater good of all humanity; develops a more generous and sharing nature, along with the ability to feel an inner sense of abundance; allows an individual to provide greater security and an overall sense of protection towards others, and develops the ability to give to others without expecting or needing anything in return; alleviates the desire to utilize one's leadership capabilities for selfish ends, and allows an individual to delegate and place their leadership qualities in the service of a greater task; liberates and purifies those forces contained within the base or root (survival) chakra, thereby increasing one's overall capability to harness and stabilize their spiritual forces in the service of others and of the Earth; nourishes the inner neediness of the human soul by allowing an individual to shift from ego identification with their personality to that of a higher spiritual authority, and enhances greater soul identification with what is truly eternal; allows an individual to contemplate the impermanent nature of earthly affairs in the light of the Higher Self, and provides more inner obedience and devotion to a Higher Power; enhances the soul qualities of adaptability, inner certainty, self-discipline, restraint, prudence, inner freedom, versatility and selfless love, and develops the ability to trust one's inner knowingness; promotes more flowing receptivity and emotional self-sufficiency, and provides greater attunement to new behavioral patterns; develops more inner self-reliance, and promotes more open-minded idealism by enhancing the ability to let go of any old theories, principles or belief-systems whenever an individual is confronted with new insights or deeper truths; eases any tendency for the physical body to harden or crystallize, due to rigid thoughts or mind-sets; spiritualizes the mental body and the intellect of materialistically-oriented individuals, thereby increasing one's spiritual insight and a greater acuteness of the senses; balances the masculine and feminine qualities in both sexes, and enhances a sense of joyfulness and greater lightness.