Activates the biomagnetic, bioelectrical and biocrystalline properties in the physical body, thereby enhancing communication betweeen the subtle bodies; amplifies the discharge of ethereal toxicity from the system by dispelling any mental or emotional toxins (negative thought-forms) into the subtle bodies and ethers, where they are ultimately transformed and disintegrated; strengthens and rejuvenates the etheric body (while increasing its alignment with the physical body), thereby maintaining a proper balance between the physical and subtle bodies; allows the etheric body to penetrate directly into the astral, emotional and physical bodies, and attracts the ethereal fluidium into the physical body in order for it to network between the cells in preparation for the removal of ethereal toxicity; stabilizes the distribution of the ethereal fluidium throughout the system, and aligns all the chakras, meridians, nadis and subtle bodies while aligning the mental, emotional, etheric and integrated spiritual bodies together in order for them to function more as a unit; aligns the astral, emotional, and etheric bodies, thereby aligning the entire personality structure to the level of the biological (instinctual) personality; activates and balances the solar plexus and heart chakras, while energizing the throat and crown chakras; allows the 4th, 5th and 7th chakras to become more properly integrated into an individual's conscious awareness, thereby enhancing the release of any old patterns; activates the psycho-spiritual properties of each chakra, and balances the creativity of the 2nd chakra with the sensitivity of the emotional (3rd) chakra in order to provide greater feeling to one's personal expression; strengthens all the meridians and nadis, and balances the yin and yang energies throughout the entire meridian system.



Alleviates all emotional extremes, especially those involving extreme hatred, animosity, rage and various other forms of malevolent, ruthless or vicious behavioral patterns; eases all emotional problems, including any disorientation, jealousy, suspicion, vengefulness, a hardened heart, or an embittered attitude; eliminates any form of bitterness or resentment, as well as the tendency to become attached to negative emotions; clears the conscious mind of all negative thought-forms by elevating one's thought processes, and removes an overall sense of hostility (due to feelings of separation); alleviates any actively verbal expressions of hostility towards others, or the tendency to lash out at another; eliminates certain forms of bitterness that can result from a materialistic lifestyle, including self-centeredness, selfish behavior, feelings of isolation from society, or an intellectual form of detached hostility that masquerades as cynicism; removes the desire to project hostility towards others as a way of avoiding intimacy or that is caused by a lack of love, and allows an individual to transmute any hostile or aggressive tendencies by developing more balance with their inner feminine Self; eases any form of ego conflict or frustration in life, and releases any anxiety, buried emotions, or stored tensions and traumas from the past; alleviates any nervous behavioral patterns, over-aggression, or unwarranted conduct within the personality, and dispels any fear or negativity; eliminates any unconscious fears or hatreds, as well as any anger that smolders beneath the surface of one's conscious awareness; removes any form of self-disgust or self-hate that is caused by negative thinking patterns, unkind spoken words, or egotistical behavior towards others, and relieves any obsessive states while negating any sense of false pride; eliminates any refusal in one's mind to accept and "own" their negativity, and alleviates any difficulties associated with anger or tension by restoring greater balance to the emotions while calming the passions; aids in the assimilation of any newly stabilized emotional states, and improves an individual's overall mental health by calming and relaxing the entire nervous system; promotes more inner tranquility and peace of mind, and enhances verbal communication that is more emotionally balanced.



Activates the psycho-spiritual dynamics of an individual, and balances the psycho-spiritual structure; assists the human soul in transmuting any overly hostile or aggressive tendencies into more positive social impulses, and allows one's consciousness to move from a limited personal perspective towards those values that include the greater whole; enhances one's ability to more fully integrate the inner feminine (anima) part of themselves, and assists the human soul to gently awaken by learning to identify and "own" the softer (or inner feminine) side of themselves in order to create boundaries that are more inclusive; removes one's inability to trust in the goodness of others, and eases any cynical mistrust of the world; restores more child-like innocence and trust, and allows an individual to become more positive and open in terms of their actions and expressions; balances any excessively yang or contracted energy, and eliminates any form of estrangement from one's Higher Self; develops and improves one's conscience, as well as the integrity of both mind and soul; increases one's overall self-confidence and self-esteem, and provides a greater sense of personal responsibility for one's actions towards others; promotes a more altruistic nature, and enhances the soul qualities of constructive thought, order, purity, personal responsibility and Divine (or all-encompassing) love; stimulates increased personal expression, especially on spiritual and psycho-spiritual levels; allows an individual to recognize and accept the interaction between their conscious thoughts and various external events, as well as to recognize any unresolved issues and transform them; enhances the ability to welcome change, while allowing an individual to better accept any new changes or perspectives; promotes a greater sense of the overall "picture" by observing everything in its proper perspective, and allows an individual to respond with greater resilience and inward mobility to life's challenges or problems; assists the human soul in better distinguishing between its usage of the creative forces, especially those that radiate from the lower energy-centers (chakras) and those which are used for the spoken word; balances and re-directs one's spiritual forces, while enhancing and harmonizing the higher consciousness in order to integrate one's open and expansive spirituality with the other energy-centers (chakras) in a more balanced manner; assists an individual in making and sustaining the shift from a limited and narrow conception of the Self to one which is more expansive and inclusive of others, and restores the human soul's ability to feel greater unity and wholeness; allows an individual to become more aware of their inability to give or receive love, and provides a more profound understanding of human emotions; develops a more positive attitude towards life, and activates those principles or ideals wherein an individual needs to stimulate greater joyfulness and lightness.

