Activates the biomagnetic, bioelectrical and biocrystalline properties in the physical body, thereby enhancing communication between the subtle bodies; amplifies the discharge of ethereal toxicity from the system by dispelling any mental or emotional toxins (negative thought-forms) into the subtle bodies and ethers, where they are ultimately transformed and disintegrated; strengthens the etheric body, which augments its role as the gateway between the physical and etheric bodies; enhances the ability of the etheric body to absorb and interact with vibrational levels from all the other subtle bodies, and strengthens the ethereal fluidium; activates the etheric body and the ethereal fluidium by aligning them with all the subtle bodies, particularly the mental, emotional and soul bodies; eases any deterioration of the etheric body's ability to assimilate the life force (prana) into the physical body, and prevents any weakening of the bond between the physiological cellular structure and the ethereal fluidium that surrounds each cell; strengthens the thermal body (a combination of the etheric body and the heat of the physical body), and attracts the harmonics of the subtle bodies into the physical body in order to alleviate any mental or emotional stress-related disorders; strengthens those resonant principles that exist between the physical, astral, mental and etheric levels, which creates more unity between all the chakras in the body by way of the crown chakra; energizes the mental body, while balancing and strengthening the emotional body in order to better direct its energies into the etheric body; activates the causal body, which aids in harmonizing an individual's telepathic abilities with higher levels of consciousness; allows a deeper sense of peacefulness to permeate throughout the mental, emotional and etheric bodies, and provides greater understanding of the relationship between the mental, emotional and etheric bodies to that of the integrated spiritual body; energizes the soul body, and allows the energies of the integrated spiritual body to flow more easily into all the other subtle bodies; attracts all the chakras, meridians, nadis and subtle bodies into a temporary state of alignment in order to eliminate any form of ethereal toxicity that might prevent the proper functioning of vibrational remedies, and aligns all the other subtle bodies closer to what the integrated spiritual body is perceiving; aligns the emotional and etheric bodies in order to sensitize and merge the emotions with one's spiritual forces, as well as restore a greater sense of humor by uplifting an individual's overall outlook on life; aligns the astral, mental, emotional and causal bodies, thereby generating greater clarity in order for an individual to better understand their feelings in any diverse areas (such as spiritual topics); fuses the mental and causal bodies together, which increases one's ability to hear what is being spoken on clairvoyant levels; aligns and energizes the 4th, 5th and 6th chakras, and magnifies the properties of all the chakras; activates and strengthens the splenic/sacral and solar plexus chakras, and allows the 2nd and 3rd chakras to be drawn into deeper states of harmony and balance; cleanses and strengthens the heart chakra, which produces increased caring and greater sensitivity; balances all the chakras, particularly the 1st, 3rd and 6th chakras; activates the crown chakra, which stimulates the pineal gland and the neurological processes; enhances the throat chakra, and allows the energy that is closely associated with the 5th chakra to better connect with the 3rd and 7th chakras in order to enhance the ability of the physical body to transfer medicinal properties; energizes the minor chakra that is situated in the center of the ear lobe, which opens and cleanses the nasal passages; activates the minor chakra that is located where the breast bones intersect below the throat region, which spiritualizes the emotions and increases one's humility; enhances those energies that flow from the chakras directly into the glandular systems, especially the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th chakras; cleanses and strengthens all the meridians, while energizing and tonifying all the nadis; balances the energy-flows of the meridians, especially any imbalanced energy that flows from the front to the rear (or from left to right) of the meridian system; balances the yin and yang qualities, as well as the yin and yang energies throughout the entire meridian system.



Alleviates any general deterioration of the nervous system, and eases all emotional problems; releases any negative thought-forms by elevating one's thought processes, and eliminates any difficult mood-swings or a tendency towards depression; eases any self-doubts or confusion, as well as any form of low self-esteem, stress, anxiety, or feelings that produce an inability to cope with life; assists those individuals who are actively involved in certain therapeutic practices, including various techniques where anger and screaming are expressed and emotional pain is released; allows any fear that is stored in the mental body to be released into one's conscious awareness in order for it to be confronted and resolved, and increases the ability to more easily understand how various emotions interact with one another; focuses and concentrates more energy into the heart as one's emotions are being dealt with, and provides greater relaxation during periods of intense or prolonged stress; engenders a greater sense of physical and emotional relaxation, and allows an individual to attain greater levels of mental, emotional and psychological well-being; provides greater understanding of the pain and suffering of others, and imparts greater insight into the broader meanings and larger patterns of various mental or emotional experiences; stabilizes an individual who is working with emotionally disturbed people, so that they do not become too empathetic in order to maintain a more proper perspective; eases any tendency to become enmeshed in the lower and more difficult emotions of others, and eliminates the tendency to "sponge up" any emotional debris from one's clients; alleviates any form of excessive worry or anxiety concerning the problems, safety or well-being of one's clients, and eases any over-absorption towards the suffering of others; eliminates any form of unconscious emotional identification with one's client, or the tendency towards greater emotional merging with others; eases any obsessive worry or fearful anticipation of problems for others, and alleviates the tendency to become overly somber or serious when continually exposed to the daily suffering of others; removes any form of inner tension caused by extremely rapid mental activity that eventually leads to "burn-out" or exhaustion, and eases any tendency towards workaholism or other forms of unbalanced intensity; promotes more evenness of temper, and removes the tendency to hide any inner turbulance, mental strain or restlessness behind a mask of jocularity and cheerfulness; dispels any dysfunctional or egotistical barriers of the Self, so that an individual can learn to make more sensitive contact with others and truly learn from them; eliminates the tendency to mask one's own inner pain and suffering, due to an excessive need to be in control; eases the tendency towards pompous Self-glory, ego inflation, self-effacement, or any other distorted sense of the Self, and alleviates any fear of self-exposure or other form of vulnerability associated with being a healer; eliminates any tendency towards impatience that ultimately leads to precipitate decisions, and provides more patience, gentleness, empathy, delicacy of feeling and greater understanding for others; enhances an individual's ability to manifest bodily changes more easily, since most energy that is directly associated with changes on the physical level is derived from the emotional body; generates greater mental maturation by invigorating the entire endocrine system, and provides more emotional honesty in order to obtain true inner peace and harmony.



Addresses the capability of an individual to become involved with (and take responsibility for) their own healing journey or mission, and strengthens an individual towards their specific karmic purpose in life; develops deeper understanding and a higher spiritual purpose, and provides greater attunement to one's true inner purpose; promotes a sense of Self that is closer to the life force incarnating motivation, or the soul's true purpose for being physically incarnate in this particular life; enhances one's motivation to attempt new projects, to move in new directions, or to perceive new ways of doing things, and provides an inner strengthening of one's being; allows an individual to live in accordance with their own true mission in life, as well as to better understand the inner purpose behind any difficulties they may be experiencing in their life; releases any past-life information that is stored in the genetic code so that it can be applied in one's daily life, and provides a significant enhancement of an individual's idea of the true nature of their spirit; assists those individuals who are seeking to alter their belief structures, while allowing an individual to see through another's heart in order to receive the inner message of their particular belief structures; provides an increased understanding of who others are and how they really feel, thereby producing greater counseling capabilities; develops more spiritualized ego forces and a balanced sense of individuality, and promotes more humanized spirituality that is warmed with caring for all that is human and earthly; enhances the soul qualities of self-determination, the ability to confront others, patience, gentleness, self-realization, solicitude, and the love of one's fellow human being, and provides greater discernment, objectivity, trusting optimism, and a sense of inner joyfulness or lightness; enhances an individual's ability to absorb deeper levels of personal courage and inner strength whenever necessary, and removes the tendency to become overly drained or depleted (rather than replenished) by one's healing work; develops a greater sense of combined force and gentleness in order to allow this inner strength to provide more direction in various group situations, such as group counseling sessions or encounter groups; allows for deeper absorption and easier expression, which results in a greater sense of power and strength in the world; clarifies one's expressive capabilities, so that an individual is more willing to express the truth, to better understand what other people are saying, and to speak the truth to others in a manner in which they can perceive the truth more easily; enhances one's ability to provide more positive influence and guidance for others, and imparts greater objectivity and more loving awareness of others from a Self-contained level of conscious awareness; promotes more healing warmth and greater sensitivity, especially in the use of the spoken word or in dialogues with others; strengthens the desire to remain completely receptive and fully engaged in the healing process without becoming overly vulnerable, and allows one's inner Self to become more receptive to the unfolding moment instead of rushing ahead of experiences; eliminates the inability to be totally receptive to a client's true needs, due to the tendency to over-schedule or become rushed or impatient with any difficult clients; balances the active and receptive modes of communication, and enhances all forms of healing and teaching functions whenever the art of communication must be more intensively developed as a soul force; encourages a more delicate and gentle expression of the Self, and enhances one's ability to project the more sensitive and delicate aspects of themselves to others; refines the soul life by developing one's capability for more receptive and insightful social presence, as well as more sensitive empathy or attunement to the feelings and experiences of others; expands and refines the empathetic soul qualities, so that an individual can intuit and act upon the deeper meaning and message of other beings; enhances one's capability to radiate calm and loving thoughts or unconditional regard for another, and refines the sensitivity and awareness of the Self so that it becomes more actively responsible and truly compassionate and caring; strengthens the ability to convey more warmth, inner radiance and a more compassionate presence, and allows an individual to project more compassionate awareness, inclusive sensitivity and strongly beneficent healing forces; enables a healer to establish a deeper and more sympathetic bond with their clients, and promotes a more positive father or mother archetype to one's clients; enhances one's ability to radiate more positive and comforting thoughts of security, well-being and personal courage to those who are experiencing difficult situations, and allows more compassionate healing forces to flow freely from one's soul to others; enhances one's ability to convey qualities of personal warmth and nurturing in one's healing practice, as well as the ability to impart more feminine forces of nurturance and caring attention; creates a sense of nurturance within an individual by allowing them to develop the maternal aspect of their personality, or to better acknowledge and accept their inner masculine (animus) or feminine (anima) Self ; promotes more conscious alignment with the feminine creative Self, as well as more open-hearted sharing and friendliness; improves one's ability to intuit their client's Higher Self, as well as the ability to act upon one's own inner sense of what is truly required for their client's healing process; facilitates a more intuitive understanding of the unity behind whatever process that one is studying, and allows an individual to become more capable of achieving an archetypal or holistic form of conscious awareness by enhancing their ability to synthesize ideas or emotions into a living wholeness; enhances one's ability to think more holistically about a client's condition, as well as the ability to integrate the many diverse aspects of one's symptomatology into a more meaningful perspective; increases one's ability to remain in a state of telepathic empathy, or to truly see through the eyes of another; allows an individual to contact their true inner healing capabilities by shifting the focus from their own personality as a healer to the healing process itself, and eases any form of excessive attachment to one's identity as a healer; allows an individual to provide extremely wise and unobtrusive service by following one's own inner objectives, and eases the tendency to easily over-estimate one's own inner resources in their eagerness to serve others; alleviates any false ideals of service to others that ultimately lead to overly-servile behavioral patterns, and allows the human soul to balance its ego forces between the polarities of servitude and selfishness; increases an individual's ability to recognize and catalyze their true higher motives behind their healing work, and allows the soul to acquire more inner truthfulness in order to act with clear intention and nobility of purpose; provides more self-observation and constant inner scrutiny by the personality in order to align one's inner motives with their outer deeds, as well as to allow one's outer actions to become more resonant with their inner being; provides more beneficial strength and integrity in order to assist an individual in assuming greater self-awareness and self-responsibility, and aligns the superconscious mind's spiritual values with the heart chakra; assists the soul in directing all that they have developed within their inner life to project outward as a gift for helping and healing others, and enhances one's ability to diplomatically utilize their healing gifts for the greater benefit of humanity as a whole; increases the absorption of those psychic gifts that have been expressed in one's life, but have not yet been fully acknowledged or accepted; provides greater assistance in the development of one's psychic healing abilities, especially when an individual is out of touch with what others are really conveying to them; develops one's telepathic abilities and various other psychic powers, while enhancing the need for more psychic detachment in one's healing sessions; removes the tendency to become unconsciously enmeshed in the psychic space of another, particularly the mental imbalance that this condition produces; provides greater protection against negative influences or negative thought-forms, due to extreme emotionalism or various forms of psychic attack; enables the entire system to better assimilate any form of healing modality, while balancing and stabilizing the abundant "light" that radiates from the upper energy-centers by directing it into the lower chakras so that the Self possesses more vitality and solidity; heightens one's overall consciousness and the vibrational frequencies of the body, and magnifies the capability for increased spiritual enlightenment; tempers and spiritualizes the male ego, and attracts an individual closer to a sense of androgyny within the Self; enhances the capacity to laugh at one's Self in order to balance the somber heaviness of self-consciousness, while accentuating and enhancing a more solitary child-like state of joyfulness; strengthens the need to provide more humor and light-heartedness to one's healing approach, and allows the qualities of playfulness and laughter to become integrated with one's daily work and life experience; promotes a deep sense of wellness and wholeness, and motivates an individual to seek and affirm the wholeness of life; provides a deeper sense of grace and inner spiritual reserve, as well as a greater state of inner peacefulness and a sense of overall well-being.

