Activates the biomagnetic, bioelectrical and biocrystalline properties in the physical body, thereby enhancing communication between the subtle bodies; amplifies the discharge of ethereal toxicity from the system by dispelling any mental or emotional toxins (negative thought-forms) into the subtle bodies and ethers, where they are ultimately transformed and disintegrated; strengthens the astral body, and acts as a general cleanser of all the subtle bodies and major meridians; aligns all the chakras, meridians, nadis and subtle bodies (especially the astral and emotional bodies), while aligning the emotional body with the etheric body; rejuvenates and better aligns the etheric body more closely to the physical body, thereby intensifying the ability of the life force (prana) by draining off any negative energy-patterns; activates and augments the brow, crown and solar plexus chakras, and activates the heart and throat chakras in order to allow for more personal expression while removing any unnecessary energy that is stored in the 3rd chakra and solar plexus region; strengthens all the meridians and nadis, and energizes the meridian system (which relieves any tension in the hara); balances the yin and yang qualities, as well as the yin and yang energies throughout the entire meridian system.



Alleviates all emotional extremes, and eases any emotional problems; removes any negative thought-forms by elevating one's thought processes, and eliminates any form of anxiety, depression, worry, frustration or false hopes; alleviates the tendency to be overcome by a mood of hopelessness or helplessness, and removes any feelings of apathy or resignation; eases any disheartened (heavy-hearted) or low-spirited feelings, as well as any form of morose disposition that involves hopelessness or the expectation of suffering; relieves any nervous exhaustion (neurasthenia), and releases any tension that resides in the abdominal region; alleviates any doubt, lack of faith, skepticism or disappointment, as well as any disheartened attitude toward life; removes any feelings of discouragement associated with the current world situation, or because of a handicap or other personal misfortune; eases any pessimism with regard to one's personal affairs, or in the face of obstacles that are imposed by the current world situation; cleanses those forces from the subconscious mind that may block the development of either the personality or the emotional maturity of an individual, and removes any blockages or negativity in the personality structure; balances and integrates all the emotions, and aids in the assimilation of any newly-stabilized emotions; alleviates any temporary feelings of inadequacy or being overwhelmed by responsibilities, and removes various phases of despondency or exhaustion in strong characters whose normally excellent degree of self-confidence has temporarily disappeared; eliminates any obsessive states or distress caused by a temporary setback, and alleviates various forms of negativity or pervasive gloom associated with a sense of failure; removes any feelings of uncertainty (due to a lack of faith or confidence), and eliminates any discouragement or disappointment due to unexpected difficulties; alleviates any lack of will-power to improve one's overall conditions, and relieves any depression from a known cause (such as a delay or other hindrance); eliminates any sudden or escalating anxieties in both mental or emotional emergency situations, and promotes greater clarity of thought (or mental clarity).



Alleviates the inability to catalyze the Will-forces through the heart, and stimulates the ebullient love-forces of the heart so that the human soul develops greater enthusiasm for earthly life and worldly tasks; eases any sense of profound cynicism or the paralysis of one's soul-forces, and eliminates a cynical mistrust of the outer world; removes the tendency to develop a protective shell of defensiveness, or intellectual cynicism; alleviates the desire to give up after having experienced failure, and eliminates any lack of belief in one's own talents or capabilities; enhances a more survival mode of consciousness, thereby developing a more persevering attitude; enhances one's ability to overcome setbacks by actively confronting any such adversity, and provides more inner peace and tranquility when confronting great challenges; increases one's faith to continue (despite seeming setbacks) by gradually transforming doubt and skepticism into deeper faith, encouragement and resilience, and enables the soul to access reservoirs of self-transcending courage, tenacity and inner resilience that are normally inaccessible to human consciousness; removes the tendency to be overcome by pessimism or despair, especially regarding one's personal relationship to larger or more impersonal events involving uncertainty, upheaval or transformation; allows an individual to perceive problems in their proper perspective, and provides a greater source of strength and unshakable confidence when dealing with life's problems; eliminates any lack of confidence when confronting difficult circumstances, as well as the inability to confront the magnitude of one's tasks; promotes a greater sense of destiny or meaning in one's life, and allows an individual to accept their destiny by developing a different attitude towards any hopeless position; enhances one's ability to trust in the unfoldment of life, and restores more child-like innocence and trust; assists the human soul in acquiring greater inner fortitude and unwavering trust in the outcome of life events, and promotes more positive and optimistic feelings about the world and future events; heals the deepest form of soul anguish and despair (often referred to as the "dark night of the soul"), and enables an individual to move from personal despair to more impersonal service and care for the welfare of the world; impels the soul from a self-limiting to a self-transcending mode of behavior, thereby restoring the quality of hope and a more joyful outlook on life situations; allows an individual to grow beyond the Self in both emergencies and crisis situations, while enhancing the ability to mobilize nearly superhuman powers; develops the realization that hopelessness actually impedes the healing process, and provides an unshakable conviction that assistance will always arrive at the proper moment; liberates the creative potential of the soul, thereby providing an individual with renewed confidence and expressiveness; allows the human soul to become more positive and open in its expressions and actions, and enhances the soul qualities of buoyant courage, enthusiasm, optimism, hope, confidence, self-assurance, reliability, steadfastness and personal responsibility; balances and strengthens one's inner Will-power, while strengthening one's inner convictions; eliminates any constriction of one's creative expression, or a stifling of one's spontaneity; removes the inability to trust in the goodness of others, and allows an individual to create situations that generate good will and more loving inclusion of others; enhances greater meditative insight and synthesis, while balancing and re-directing one's spiritual forces; promotes greater equanimity and equilibrium by helping the Self to balance any extreme polarities of lightness or darkness, while enhancing and harmonizing the higher consciousness in order to more fully integrate one's open and expansive spirituality with the other energy-centers (chakras) in a more balanced manner; eases any form of estrangement from one's Higher Self by aligning an individual closer to thoughts associated with the Higher Self, thereby assisting the soul in surrendering and opening to a new spiritual identity.

