Activates the biomagnetic, bioelectrical and biocrystalline properties in the physical body, thereby enhancing communication between the subtle bodies; amplifies the discharge of ethereal toxicity from the system by dispelling any mental or emotional toxins (negative thought-forms) into the subtle bodies and ethers, where they are ultimately transformed and disintegrated; increases the electromagnetic capabilities of the physical and subtle bodies, while balancing and harmonizing the action of the astral body with the physical body; stabilizes the distribution of the ethereal fluidium throughout the physical body, and amplifies the amount of ethereal fluidium in the etheric body; strengthens the astral and etheric bodies, thereby allowing the life force (prana) to more easily enter the physical body; promotes greater dominance of the astral body over the etheric body, while strengthening the etheric forces in the blood against the astral forces of disintegration; calms the emotional body, and re-establishes a proper balance between the emotional and etheric bodies; energizes the astral and emotional bodies, thereby producing greater calmness; aligns all the chakras, meridians, nadis and subtle bodies, especially the emotional and etheric bodies; aligns the mental, emotional and integrated spiritual bodies, and aligns the emotional body with the etheric body; aligns the root, splenic/sacral, solar plexus, heart and throat chakras, thereby creating more total awareness of the Self; activates the psycho-spiritual properties of each chakra, and balances the creativity of the 2nd chakra with the sensitivity of the emotional (3rd) chakra in order to provide greater feeling to one's personal expression; strengthens all the meridians and nadis, while augmenting and improving the energy-flow along the meridians; balances the yin and yang qualities, as well as the yin and yang energies throughout the entire meridian system.



Alleviates all emotional extremes, particularly hysteria; removes any negative thought-forms by elevating one's thought processes, and relieves any psychosomatic illnesses or serious mental imbalances; eases any nervous behavioral patterns, over-aggression, or other forms of unwaranted conduct within the personality structure, and eliminates any widely fluctuating mood-swings; eases any form of over-excited mental activity that is accompanied by rapid or inarticulate speech patterns, and removes any susceptibility to mass hysteria or anxiety; alleviates any panic or hysteria during extreme situations, particularly when confronted with ego death, destruction or annihilation; eliminates any form of hyper-emotionality that acts as a shield to cover more deep-seated emotional pain or trauma, and promotes the release of any emotional impurities or traumatic experiences; provides greater emotional catharsis in order for one's feeling life to become more genuine by conveying greater depth and renewed emotional presence, and alleviates any suppression or denial of one's core feelings; eases any deeply internalized sadness or constriction of feeling that pervades and colors one's entire emotional life, especially when it is stored in the chest region; alleviates various oppressive states of consciousness, including any deep depression or suicidal tendencies; eases any psychological states that are directly associated with stress upon the nervous system, and releases any stored tensions or traumas by removing any unnecessary stress that is stored in the personality structure; overcomes any fears or inhibitions by releasing any painful memories from the subconscious mind, and eliminates any form of low self-esteem or mental exhaustion (due to over-exertion of the mental faculties); removes any tendency towards melancholy, delusions or delirious states, as well as the inability to retain one's thoughts; assists the manic individual who displays megalomanic tendencies, including extreme excitation or rage; restores greater balance in any form of erratic emotional behavior, extending from depression to various ecstatic states; provides an overall cleansing effect upon any form of negativity in the personality by completely integrating all the subtle bodies, and assists those anxious, compulsive, hysterical or hypersensitive individuals who need to develop greater courage and Will-power in order to function in life; develops greater mental serenity, and balances the emotions so that one's mental Self and spiritual nature are more properly aligned or integrated.



Activates the psycho-spiritual dynamics of an individual, and generates the capability for tremendous psycho-spiritual self-confidence; enhances greater insight into one's personal problems, and uplifts an individual to a lighter and more expanded form of conscious awareness in order to examine one's basic difficulties in a more objective manner; allows an individual to acquire true objectivity, and increases one's overall self-acceptance; eases any extreme states of soul dependency or emotional regression that are characterized by the lack of an independent ego identity, and strengthens the ego in order to control and direct the physical body; removes the inability to cope with one's daily affairs, and eliminates any difficulties involving one's ability to cope with the normal demands and responsibilities of the adult ego; strengthens the ability to maintain one's own sense of individuality, and develops more inner discipline and the ability to integrate various aspects of the Self in order to function more effectively; eliminates the tendency to become easily influenced by panic or other forms of group thought, and provides more inner peace and tranquility when facing great challenges; promotes a more calm and steady presence, especially in emergency situations; removes the desire or need to escape from self-awareness by enhancing more self-aware behavior, and infuses strong forces of self-awareness so that an individual can think in a calm and stable manner and act from their own center of truth; enhances the soul qualities of courage and steadfastness, and activates more lively and mercurial capabilities of thought and speech; provides more clear articulation of one's thoughts, especially when speaking; harmonizes one's thinking and speaking patterns with the higher soul functions, and allows the higher mental bodies of the soul to become properly integrated with the thinking and speaking functions of the nervous system; extends the conscious mind's activities through the mental body in order to access certain levels of the Higher Self, and draws increased amounts of information into the system from the Higher Self in order to resolve any emotional issues; removes various forms of sensory congestion or an over-stimulated form of hypersensititivy towards one's environment or outer activities, and allows the soul to learn to discriminate and clarify sensorial experience by enhancing its ability to absorb and experience the fullness of life (especially sensorial impressions); assists the soul in transforming any overwhelming sensorial impressions into an ability to perceive the sense world as a manifestation of spiritual archetypes, and balances any transitions between day and night consciousness by assisting an individual to remain connected with the practical world in a more healthy manner; promotes greater multi-dimensional consciousness, as well as more balanced psychic and dream-state experiences; enhances the receptive quality of the psyche, thereby allowing for greater awareness of one's dreams in order to access increased guidance and direction from the spiritual world; reduces any form of psychic over-sensitivity that leads to emotional imbalance, as well as an overly active psychic life that is out of touch with the physical world; removes the inability to harmonize one's psychic forces, and eases any emotional exaggeration of one's psychic experiences; cleanses the psychic properties of the blood, where the spiritual ego resides; harmonizes one's psychic life within the context of one's daily work and modern living conditions, and enhances greater meditative insight and synthesis; balances and re-directs one's spiritual forces, while enhancing and harmonizing the higher consciousness in order to integrate one's open and expansive spirituality with the other energy-centers (chakras) in a more balanced manner; enhances greater vitality that manifests directly from one's increased mental clarity, and guides the soul towards a more balanced spiritual awakening and contained emotional presence.

