Activates the biomagnetic, bioelectrical and biocrystalline properties in the physical body, thereby enhancing communication between the subtle bodies; amplifies the discharge of ethereal toxicity from the system by dispelling any mental or emotional toxins (negative thought-forms) into the subtle bodies and ethers, where they are ultimately transformed and disintegrated; augments the etheric body in order to allow the ethereal fluidium to flow more freely between the cells, and repairs any lacerations or "holes" in the etheric body; energizes the astral body, and removes any energy-patterns that block the advancement of the life force (prana); attracts all the subtle bodies into a temporary state of alignment, and acts as a general cleanser of all the subtle bodies; aligns the etheric body more closely to the physical body, which balances the emotions and intensifies the ability of the life force (prana) by draining off any negative energy-patterns; aligns the emotional body with the etheric body, and aligns the mental, emotional and causal bodies; aligns the mental and integrated spiritual bodies, which creates more spiritual inspiration and Divine love; aligns the mental, causal and integrated spiritual bodies with the astral body in order to release any past-life or psychic information in a more coordinated manner, and augments the brow, crown and solar plexus chakras; stabilizes the heart chakra, and removes any blockages in the crown chakra; increases the alignment of the brow chakra with the pineal gland, thereby augmenting the impact of the brow chakra upon the physical body; energizes the splenic/sacral, heart, throat and crown chakras, and enhances the heart meridian and the nadis of the heart chakra; activates the psycho-spiritual properties of each chakra, and balances the creativity of the 2nd chakra with the sensitivity of the emotional (3rd) chakra in order to provide greater feeling to one's personal expression; enhances the ability of the 3rd and 5th chakras to exchange energy in order to provide greater clarity of expression or motivation, and releases those insights that are normally stored in the heart chakra; activates the minor chakra that is located behind each knee, which increases one's overall flexibility; strengthens and cleanses all the major meridians and nadis, and eases all the miasms; balances the yin and yang qualities, as well as the yin and yang energies throughout the entire meridian system.
Alleviates all emotional extremes, and clears the conscious mind of any negative thought-forms by elevating one's thought processes; releases any unwanted thoughts or constant mental "chatter" that continually circulates throughout one's conscious mind, and removes any blockages, obstacles or negativity in the personality structure; eases any form of disorientation, and reduces any mental hyperactivity by providing a more balanced state of mind; alleviates any compulsive ideas or delusions, as well as any excessively strong or rigid convictions; removes any rigid obsession with strict standards of perfection for oneself, as well as any harsh or perfectionistic expectations or inflexible demands of others; eliminates any excessive pre-occupation with various non-essentials, including an excessive self-concern with one's own problems; alleviates any excessive concern over the mundane affairs of daily life, especially one's personal problems or worries; eases any form of mental congestion, recurring thoughts or disproportionate worries, and reduces any obsessive preoccupation that obstructs one's overall mental clarity; removes any compulsive or obsessive need to be in control, and relieves any form of obsession with one's diet, hygiene, impurities or various personal difficulties; alleviates any obsessions associated with strict details, faults or trivialities, especially with regard to personal cleanliness or health issues; eliminates any over-zealous need to convert others, as well as any fanaticism or over-enthusiasm towards the support of a good cause; eases any form of excessive talkativeness or obsessive questioning, and removes the tendency towards workaholism or various forms of compulsive sexual activity; alleviates any obsessive desire for sexual relationships or sexual stimulation, as well as any obsessive form of sexual promiscuity or extreme fascination with pornography; eliminates various forms of sensory or emotional congestion or misdirected love forces, and provides more inner tranquility and emotional self-sufficiency; accelerates greater emotional cleansing, and eases any extreme mental agitation by providing greater mental repose and inner peace; removes any obsessions caused by lacerations or "holes" in one's aura, due to past-life emotional obstructions that seek to fuse with the aura in a disjointed manner; allows an individual to utilize their powers of thought more constructively by providing greater clarity of thought, while controlling one's emotions or passions; develops greater stability and self-confidence, and improves one's overall mental health.
Alleviates any overly firm, unwielding or narrowly-defined principles, and removes any extremely strict or rigid viewpoints; allows an individual to acquire true objectivity, as well as to let go of any old and outdated theories or principles whenever they are confronted with new insights or deeper truths; provides a greater understanding of one's life-pattern by allowing an individual to penetrate deeply into their subconscious mind, and thereby integrate the insights discovered there into one's life experience; allows an individual to recognize any unresolved issues in order to transform them, and activates those principles or ideals wherein an individual needs to stimulate greater flexibility; allows an individual to feel the quiet soul nourishment that is gained by appreciating the value of their daily life experiences or relationships, and provides clearer insights into one's personal vision or spiritual awareness; assists an individual in making a fundamental shift in their overall perception by instilling a more cosmic overview, thereby placing the affairs of the daily world in their proper perspective; alleviates the inability to gain broader perspectives on daily events, and promotes more creative activity that is balanced and centered in vital life energy; develops more inner flexibility and flowing receptivity, and allows an individual to learn the positive attributes of surrender and acceptance of limitation; provides greater singularity of purpose and increased clarity of vision, and allows an individual to focalize their intentions in a more powerful manner; enhances the soul qualities of adaptability, composure, discernment, inner freedom, openness, order, perfection, purity, sympathy, tolerance and tranquility, as well as the soul potentials of authority, conviction, creative idealism, endurance, restraint, self-discipline, self-love, solicitude and strength; allows an individual to forgive and forget, and to let go of any emotional bonds that are outdated; increases the activities of Divine love versus limited self-love, and provides more inner obedience and devotion to a higher spiritual authority; alleviates any emotional exaggeration of one's psychic experiences, and eases any soul addiction to various forms of disincarnated psychic activity; removes any susceptibility to various techniques or influences that open one's psychic faculties too rapidly, especially before these energies are properly balanced with the heart forces; balances and re-directs any psychic energy-currents, particularly those that flow through the heart and solar plexus regions; reverses any psychic energy-currents that are directed too strongly towards the Self, and eases any form of harsh asceticism that is directed towards more strict or narrow concepts of spiritual behavior; liberates any overly-contracted psychic energy of the soul by allowing it to become more expanded and receptive to spiritual influence, and guides the soul towards a more balanced spiritual awakening and contained emotional presence; balances and re-directs one's spiritual forces, while balancing the soul forces of passionate idealism; aligns an individual closer to thoughts associated with the Higher Self, and enhances greater personal warmth, kindness, sensitivity and emotional self-sufficiency.