Activates the biomagnetic, bioelectrical and biocrystalline properties in the physical body, thereby enhancing communication between the subtle bodies; amplifies the discharge of ethereal toxicity from the system by dispelling any mental or emotional toxins (negative thought-forms) into the subtle bodies and ethers, where they are ultimately transformed and disintegrated; strengthens the ethereal fluidium in order for it to be more evenly distributed throughout the cellular level, and energizes the astral, mental and etheric bodies into a greater state of resonance; enhances the mental and emotional bodies, which produces less mental or emotional stress; cleanses the emotional body, and strengthens various resonant principles that exist between the astral, mental, etheric and physical bodies; attracts all the chakras, meridians, nadis and subtle bodies into a temporary state of alignment, and aligns the emotional body with the etheric body; aligns the mental, causal and etheric bodies, and attracts the etheric body into a temporary state of alignment (in an oscillatory pattern); energizes the root, heart, brow and crown chakras into a greater sense of harmony, thereby providing increased relaxation; activates the crown chakra in order to provide greater awareness and alertness, as well as to integrate certain aspects of the Higher Self into the personality structure; augments the brow, crown and solar plexus chakras, and balances the creativity of the 2nd chakra with the sensitivity of the emotional (3rd) chakra in order to provide greater feeling to one's personal expression; activates the minor chakra that is located at the base of the arch on each foot, which provides greater emotional stability; cleanses all the meridians (particularly the liver meridian), and strengthens all the nadis; strengthens and energizes the pericaridum meridian, and energizes all the nadis that are located throughout the throat and forehead region; balances the yin and yang qualities, as well as the yin and yang energies throughout the entire meridian system.



Alleviates all emotional extremes, and eases any emotional problems; removes any negative thought-forms by elevating one's thought processes, and eliminates various forms of obsessive states; relieves any anxiety, inner tension (due to nervous frustration) or over-stimulation of the mental faculties, especially in those individuals with a tendency towards being over-analytical or overly-critical; eases any inner tension or nervousness when confronting various emotional problems or issues, thereby creating a tremendous amount of relaxation throughout the entire musculature; alleviates the tendency to hide any inner turbulance or restlessness behind a mask of jocularity or cheerfulness, and removes the inability to express one's inner feelings; alleviates any strict, unwielding or narrowly-defined principles, and eliminates any form of rigid self-control; eases any extremely strict attitudes towards life, or the crystallization of one's thoughts into hardened dogma; removes the tendency to become subjugated to rigid viewpoints or suppressed inner needs, and eliminates any form of self-disgust or pedantic exactitude; eases any form of self-blame or self-criticism, as well as any feelings of inferiority, unworthiness or self-reproach; alleviates the tendency to blame or criticize others, due to extremely rigid or high standards of perfection; eliminates the tendency to be overly-critical, due to an inner sense of inferiority or hypersensitivity that is often projected onto others; relieves any inferiority complexes by enhancing the ability to fully accept one's Self, and eases any feelings of low self-worth; removes any form of negative narcissism that involves the tendency to completely undervalue oneself, as well as the need to feel emotionally perfect or acceptable; alleviates the tendency to judge oneself by any conventional standards of achievement or success, due to feelings of self-doubt or diminished self-worth; eliminates any inner feelings of inadequacy (or the tendency to cling to one's own faults or inadequacies), as well as any feelings of failure that are directly associated with the lack of success in one's life; eases any tendency towards self-reproach whenever an individual is unable to maintain their self-imposed discipline or self-denial, as well as any feelings of guilt whenever an individual is unable to live up to any extremely high standards or impossible objectives and unattainable goals; removes any form of self-doubt, skepticism, pessimism or uncertainty, due to a lack of faith or self-confidence; eliminates any intolerant or narrow-minded attitudes towards others, as well as any judgemental attitudes that lead to greater intolerance towards the imperfections of others; alleviates the tendency to be judgemental, or to project condemnation towards the faults of others; removes the tendency to be hypercritical towards the inadequacies of others, as well as the inability to display greater understanding or forbearance for the inadequacies of others; alleviates any perfectionistic expectations of others by using one's Will-forces in order to enforce greater obedience, and eliminates the tendency to become easily irritated or upset by the mistakes of others; eases the tendency to rely solely upon the advice of others instead of truly learning from one's mistakes, and removes the tendency to feel partly responsible for the mistakes of others; eliminates the inability to forgive oneself for making errors or mistakes, or the tendency towards unhappiness whenever one's performance is less than perfect; removes the tendency to become upset whenever there are any small details that are out of place, or if any form of impurity or flaw exists; alleviates any obsessive concern over details that are completely disproportionate to their actual importance, as well as the tendency to feel that one's contributions are never good enough; eases any form of temporary exhaustion, due to constant efforts to perform at optimum levels; eliminates the tendency to drain one's energy or vitality, due to excessive worry or concern; removes the tendency to enslave one's Self or body to any impossible standards of performance that may lead to feelings of frustration or overwhelm, as well as the tendency to become a slave to the perfectionistic standards of others by not developing one's own viewpoint; alleviates any tendency to over-emphasize the principle of purity or perfection, as well as any over-sensitivity to the lack of order in both one's public and private life; removes any obsessive preoccupation with impurities, whether real or imagined; eases any compulsive need for cleanliness, as well as any aversion towards anything dirty or out of perfect order; eliminates any negative impressions of the physical body that originated from one's parents or various forms of cultural conditioning, as well as the tendency to perceive one's bodily organs or sexuality as lower or imperfect; reduces any excessive need for one's body or immediate environment to be perfect, and removes the desire to over-plan one's life; eases any tendencies towards over-identification with impossibly high standards of beauty involving one's personal appearance, as well as any desperate attempts to insure one's self-worth by exterior or cosmetic standards of beauty; eliminates any excessive need for approval from others, and relieves any compulsive reliance upon pleasing others in order to receive greater self-validation; removes the need to attach great importance to any impressions that are being made towards others, as well as the fanatical desire for others to adopt one's own beliefs or standards in order to become more perfect; alleviates the tendency to be overly preoccupied with converting others to one's own perspective or way of thinking, and eliminates the tendency to be presumptuous in terms of knowing exactly what is right for others; alleviates any disdainful feelings or condescending attitudes towards one's social relationships with others, or the tendency to retreat from any direct involvement with others; eliminates the desire to remain entangled in self-deprecation or emotional paralysis, and provides greater emotional balance in one's feeling life.



Activates the psycho-spiritual dynamics within an individual, and develops more independent judgement and active decision-making capabilities; enhances the soul qualities of adaptability, equanimity, faith, forgiveness, gentleness, gracefulness, humility, inner certainty, inner freedom, order, patience, perfection, purity, responsibility, self-determination, self-realization, sympathy, tolerance and wisdom, as well as the soul potentials of authority, joyfulness, restraint, self-discipline, and the ability to carry conviction or the ability to confront others; develops more penetrating insight, as well as greater clarity and discernment; allows an individual to become a more open-minded idealist, along with the ability to let go of any old or outdated theories or principles whenever they are confronted with new insights or deeper truths; provides more unshakeable confidence (despite any difficult circumstances), and allows an individual to act from the strength of their true inner purpose; develops a stronger sense of one's own spirituality or wisdom, as well as the ability to trust one's inner knowingness in order to become more confident and certain of one's true Self; promotes more trusting optimism, as well as greater self-assurance; provides greater acceptance of one's masculinity or femininity, including any differences or imperfections; develops greater self-acceptance and self-forgiveness, along with a more objective acknowledgement of one's faults; allows an individual to learn that self-acceptance and inner esteem are a pathway to the soul's realization of its own sacredness and divinity, and provides more unconditional acceptance of others by re-establishing a greater connection with the Higher Self; enhances the ability to comprehend the various patterns of human behavior or individual development, as well as the greater understanding that people can only develop according to their own inner potential; provides greater tolerance for the individuality of others, and allows an individual to perceive the goodness within each person or situation; promotes greater tactful reserve, along with a more tolerant, gentle and independent attitude towards others; allows an individual to become more tolerant and well-grounded in life by recognizing the principle of "unity in diversity", and provides greater recognition of oneself; develops a strong and radiant inner sense of Self, as well as a more healthy recognition of one's own needs; removes the inability to acknowledge or directly experience one's own inner light or uniqueness, and allows an individual to recognize and honor the inner value or worth of who they truly are; releases any karmic blockages that prevent one's spiritual progress, as well as the tendency to invalidate one's own sense of truth by seeking inappropriate advice from others; allows an individual to recognize any unresolved issues in order to transform them, as well as to better perceive everything in its proper perspective; removes the tendency to become too enmeshed or overly concerned with the mundane affairs of daily life by instilling a more cosmic overview that places the events of ordinary life in their proper perspective, and allows the soul to acquire more inner fortitude and unwavering trust in the outcome of life events by transforming any doubting or skeptical qualities into deeper faith and assurance; eliminates any tendency to rush ahead of one's life experience by allowing the inner Self to become more receptive to the unfolding moment, and promotes more flowing receptivity that is directly attuned with one's feeling life; allows an individual to "soften" their relationship to physical matter, and provides greater acceptance of (and involvement in) the outer world by removing any overly delicate or over-developed forms of spirituality in relation to one's social forces; relieves any extremely high standards associated with intense forms of spirituality that may ultimately lead to over-sensitivity or nervous afflictions, and eliminates the need to retreat from daily strife into a more reclusive environment that is more spiritually perfect; allows the soul to confront any overwhelming task by relying solely upon its own ego forces, and eases the tendency to over-plan or over-form one's life beyond the natural capability of the body to sustain such intensity; assists the soul in learning how to moderate or regulate various spiritual or psychic energy-patterns in order to balance and utilize its highly sensitive capabilities with the physical needs of the body, while enhancing and harmonizing the higher consciousness in order to integrate one's open and expansive spirituality with the other energy-centers (chakras) in a more balanced manner; liberates any overly-contracted psychic energy by allowing the soul to become more expanded and receptive to spiritual influence, and allows the individual to acquire true objectivity and inner humility; eases any tendency towards spiritual pride, or the illusion that the Self is "spiritually correct"; alleviates any difficulties associated with the true recognition of the pitfalls involving spiritual pride, and removes the tendency to perceive oneself as more spiritually advanced than others; eliminates any tendencies towards strict or narrow concepts of spiritual behavior (including strict spiritual regimens or various ascetic or dietary restrictions), and removes any harsh ascetic standards that deny a more pleasurable involvement of the soul in its life experiences; eases any difficulties associated with the acceptance of various imperfections of the physical plane, and allows an individual to realize that it is only through suffering the pain of imperfection that the soul is afforded the possibility of true evolution; eases the tendency to demand obedience from others by providing more inner obedience and devotion to a higher spiritual authority, and develops greater alignment with one's inner energy and inspiration by integrating these with the true directives of the Higher Self; provides stronger forces of passionate idealism, and allows one's spiritual forces to flow throughout the body in a more dynamic and effortless manner; promotes more lively activity that is balanced with inner ease, and provides more contained moments of reflective activity; develops greater patience, delicacy of feeling, empathy and understanding for others, as well as a more inclusive state of consciousness in order for an individual to experience a more compassionate and joyful connection to the human family.

