Activates the biomagnetic, bioelectrical and biocrystalline properties in the physical body, thereby enhancing communication between the subtle bodies; amplifies the discharge of ethereal toxicity from the system by dispelling any mental or emotional toxins (negative thought-forms) into the subtle bodies and ethers, where they are ultimately transformed and disintegrated; strengthens the ethereal fluidium in order for it to be more evenly distributed throughout the cellular level, as well as to provide greater immunity against any harmful bacteria or microorganisms; cleanses the etheric body, and stengthens the mental, emotional, etheric and soul bodies; activates and balances the emotional body in order for it to absorb additional energy from the etheric body, and eases any tensions in the emotional body; stimulates the mental body, and strengthens the astral body in order to prevent any intrusion from lower astral plane influences; allows the vibrational energies from the integrated spiritual body to proceed into all the other subtle bodies in a more coordinated manner, and provides a greater understanding of the relationship between the mental, emotional and etheric bodies and the integrated spiritual body; aligns and tonifies all the chakras, meridians and nadis, and attracts all the subtle bodies into a temporary state of alignment; aligns the mental, emotional and causal bodies, thereby releasing any emotional tension and providing increased emotional stability and greater objectivity; aligns the mental body with the outer extremities of the soul body, which allows any factual academic or linear information and higher wisdom to be absorbed more easily; activates the splenic/sacral, heart and brow chakras, and releases the creative forces from the splenic/sacral chakra; energizes the root and solar plexus chakras, and attracts the 2nd and 3rd chakras into deeper states of harmony and balance; strengthens the 5th, 6th and 7th chakras, and balances the heart chakra by coordinating the energies of the heart and thymus gland; integrates the activities of the crown chakra directly into the conscious mind, and magnifies the properties of all the chakras; strengthens the minor chakras that are situated in each knee, while energizing and invigorating all the nadis that are located throughout the anterior portion of the body; strengthens all the meridians, and regulates the flow of energy throughout the meridian system; balances the yin and yang qualities, as well as the yin and yang energies throughout the entire meridian system.



Alleviates all emotional imbalances, and releases any negative thought-patterns; provides greater protection against any negative influences, such as extreme emotionalism; removes any tendency to become overly-absorbent of various negative influences in one's environment, and eases any form of emotional vulnerability to the thoughts or negative intentions of others during the pregnancy cycle; relieves any extreme over-sensitivity towards the emotions of others, as well as any form of emotional vulnerability towards various influences in the home or workplace; eliminates any tendency towards extremely changeable mood-swings or ever-fluctuating emotions, as well as any form of inner restlessness; provides greater calming and soothing effects during the emotional "ups and downs" of pregnancy, especially when nausea or stomach upset are present; increases an individual's ability to understand and interact with their emotions more easily, and actualizes clearer insight into the cause or nature of one's problems; eases any psychological imbalances, such as disorientation or lack of self-confidence; integrates the many diverse aspects of the personality structure or psyche, and enhances the effectiveness of the conscious mind to control all portions of the physical body; restores and maintains greater emotional balance by releasing any tensions that are stored in the subconscious mind directly into one's dream-states, thereby providing a more serene disposition; eases any over-anxiousness and negative worry or excessive concern about one's pregnancy cycle or newly-incarnated child, as well as any obsessive or fearful anticipation of problems that might occur during this period of time; eliminates any extreme over-sensitivity to one's environment that may develop during the pregnancy, and reduces any form of dysfunctional merging with one's incarnating child that ultimately leads to emotional confusion or over-sensitivity; reduces the tendency for the fetus to absorb any toxic emotions during the pregnancy cycle, and eases any conscious or unconscious destructive intent (such as negative thoughts associated with an unwanted child) that are directed towards the fetus while "in utero"; removes any self-doubts about conceiving or "carrying" a child, and eliminates any doubts or indecision during the many biological changes that occur during one's pregnancy by providing more inner serenity and equanimity; alleviates the tendency to seek inappropriate advice from others, or the need to invalidate one's own sense of truth or inner certainty; eases any fear or insecurities involving parenthood or the acceptance of one's femininity, due to prior abuse, neglect or rejection during early infancy or childhood; eliminates any grief or heart pain associated with a miscarriage or abortion, and enhances the ability to mentally and emotionally "let go" of any child that has been miscarried or aborted; increases one's ability to mentally or emotionally cope with any emergency situation, and provides deeper states of relaxation; removes the inability to express one's inner feelings by awakening and regulating one's emotional life into a greater state of harmony and "softness", while improving one's overall mental clarity.



Allows an individual to perceive and experience both the conception and pregnancy processes in a more positive manner, and develops increased understanding and greater empathetic feelings between couples; removes any difficulties involving the inability to adjust to various transition periods in one's life, and enhances the soul's ability to make metamorphic changes during those life passages when the Self must be completely transformed in order to continue its evolutionary growth; provides greater versatility and flexibility during any major biological changes, as well as greater assistance during each transitory stage of the pregnancy (especially when releasing the child at birth); enhances the ability to manifest bodily changes more easily by developing an increased identification with the physical body, and provides greater acceptance of one's physical body during the pregnancy in order to offset any feelings of ugliness or awkwardness; allows an individual to experience their body as the "spiritual temple" of the incarnating soul, and promotes more conscious alignment with the feminine creative Self; eases any form of psychological imbalance in one's relationship to the feminine principle, as well as any difficulty regarding one's identification with the earthly aspect of the feminine; assists the feminine soul in experiencing a more vibrant relationship to its female body, and provides greater acceptance of one's femininity that is grounded in a deeper experience of the female body; removes the inability to catalyze or reconcile any feelings of inner strength or personal power with those essential qualities of the feminine Self, and provides more active femininity that is properly balanced with the inner masculine Self; removes any mixed messages concerning the sexual identity of the fetus when "in utero", and eliminates any strong preference for a male or female child that ultimately produces great confusion for the incarnating soul; develops greater clarity about one's sexual identity, and provides greater integration and a more harmonious soul expression between the masculine and feminine qualities; integrates the higher feminine forces (or the soul's feminine and female selves) with the consciousness of the physical body by promoting greater circulation and energy-exchange between the higher and lower energy-centers (chakras), while balancing and stabilizing the abundant "light" that radiates throughout the upper energy-centers by directing it into the lower chakras so that the Self possesses more vitality and solidity; develops the capability to listen and respond to one's inner Self, and enhances the receptive quality of the psyche so that the Self can discover greater insight concerning the affairs of daily life; provides greater decisiveness and clarity of purpose in order for the soul to choose greater involvement in relation to its experience of earthly life, and balances any transitions between day and night consciousness in order to assist an individual in remaining connected with the practical and physical world in a more healthy manner; promotes a more positive direction and greater self-confidence regarding one's feminine creative forces and the mothering process, and provides stronger creative forces for biological mothering and family nurturing; eases any profound sense of alienation or apathy towards one's own mothering instincts, thereby developing greater forms of maternal conscious awareness and more positive mother-child bonding capabilities; creates a sense of nurturance (or the recognition of a need for nurturance) within an individual by developing the maternal aspect of their personality, and enhances the ability of the soul to feel and embrace the warm and loving presence of its maternal consciousness; assists those women who must remain strong and competent in the outer world and more receptive and nurturing at home, and enhances the ability to demonstrate a combination of gentle and nurturing qualities along with firm disciplinary techniques and greater objectivity; strengthens the ability of the human soul to display greater nurturance and caring attention towards their incoming child, and provides a greater connection with the incarnating spirit by enhancing an individual's ability to remember their karmic involvement with the spiritual world; develops greater telepathic communication with one's incoming child, along with a more sensitive awareness of its true needs; provides a more balanced exchange of heart energies between the mother and the fetus, and harmonizes the entire incarnating soul process by allowing more compassionate awareness and beneficent healing forces to flow more freely between the mother and the incoming child; develops more buoyant courage and optimism, as well as stronger and more ebullient heart forces; enables the soul to contact greater reservoirs of personal courage and resilience that are normally inaccessible to human consciousness, and enhances the ability to forbear any difficult life circumstances with more inner fortitude; develops greater strength of character and moral fortitude, and provides more inner strength to persevere during any challenging or difficult pregnancies involving much physical stress; allows an individual to develop greater trust in relation to their inner knowingness, as well as the ability to rely upon the strength of their inner guidance when selecting a particular form of pre-natal or natal care; provides a greater sense of balance, inner strength and trust that enables an individual to store various psychic energy-patterns within the physical body for extended periods of time, and enhances greater spiritual or psychic sensitivity; eases any excessive accumulation of psychic tension, especially in the stomach and solar plexus regions; promotes more inner peacefulness, and harmonizes one's inner solar forces for the purpose of developing greater emotional peace and stability; subdues the many small emotions that vex the soul life by helping to consolidate these into a more fundamental soul essence of serenity and equanimity, and assists an individual in "softening" their relationship to physical matter by directing their spiritual forces into the physical body; releases the "moon" or "flowing forces" whenever one's pregnancy is overdue, and eases any tendency towards premature birth by enhancing one's ability to "hold in" the forces of their pregnancy; assists an individual who is experiencing a difficult pregnancy by enhancing their ability to "anchor" the new life on Earth, and eases any form of birth trauma for those incarnating souls who have a tendency to refrain from full participation in earthly life; assists the incarnating soul to better assume its responsibilities and forthcoming tasks while on Earth, and provides greater spiritual protection and guidance for the incoming child from various spiritual beings during threshold experiences (such as the birthing process); removes the inability to contact one's Higher Self by providing more sensitive and receptive attunement, and integrates an individual closer to the Higher Self in order to better communicate with angelic forces; enhances greater receptivity (or the ability to listen) to the Higher Self, especially in relation to one's moral values when considering choices such as abortion; enhances the soul qualities of adaptability, empathy, endurance, gentleness, inner strength, motherliness, personal courage, responsibility, self-confidence and selfless love, as well as the soul potentials of balance, inner certainty, intuition, love of one's fellow human being, new beginnings, poise, solicitude and unaffectedness.

