Activates the biomagnetic, bioelectrical and biocrystalline properties in the physical body, thereby enhancing communication between the subtle bodies; amplifies the discharge of ethereal toxicity from the system by dispelling any mental or emotional toxins (negative thought-forms) into the subtle bodies and ethers, where they are ultimately transformed and disintegrated; increases the electromagnetic capabilities of the physical and subtle bodies, and amplifies the biocrystalline properties that are located in the nervous system; energizes the electromagnetic currents in the brain, and removes any dysfunction in the physical body's biochemical patterns on the cellular level; re-integrates the biomolecular structure of the DNA to its normal pattern, and acts as a conveyer of certain properties that exist in the ethereal fluidium; stabilizes the distribution of the ethereal fluidium throughout the physical body, and enhances the ethereal fluidium's role of surrounding and nourishing the cells with the life force (prana); strengthens the etheric body, thereby making it easier for the life force (prana) to enter the physical body; expands the etheric body, thereby creating a deeper sense of relaxation; strengthens the etheric forces in the blood against the astral forces of disintegration, while harmonizing and balancing the action of the astral body with the physical body; strengthens and stabilizes the astral body in order to prevent any intrusion from lower astral plane influences, and augments the etheric body and the ethereal fluidium so that any negative thought-forms cannot penetrate into the physical body or the psyche; strengthens the mental and emotional bodies, while calming, stabilizing and strengthening the mental body in order to develop a more proper perspective; creates logical order from what may appear esoterically as "cracks" or the disorganization of logical information in the mental body, while increasing the ability of the cellular structure to maintain an electrical charge in the brain tissues; increases the subtle communication between the cells in the brain by influencing the synapses or by augmenting the electrical activity of the brain, thereby releasing any negative thought-patterns; relaxes the emotional body, and cleanses the integrated spiritual body in order to draw it closer to the physical body so that decisions are made from a more spiritual perspective; aligns and integrates all the chakras, meridians, nadis and subtle bodies, thereby allowing higher information to manifest within an individual; aligns the mental, emotional and etheric bodies, thereby providing greater integration between the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of an individual; aligns the astral, emotional and etheric bodies, thereby stabilizing the personality structure; aligns the mental, emotional and integrated spiritual bodies, which generates increased mental clarity during any form of hallucinations or disruptive dream-states; balances the heart chakra, while strengthening and energizing the brow, crown and solar plexus chakras in order to provide greater balance to one's emotions; activates the crown chakra in order to temporarily cleanse the subconscious mind, and integrates the activities of the crown chakra directly into the conscious mind; aligns the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th chakras, which creates total awareness of the Self; strengthens all the meridians and nadis, particularly the heart meridian and the nadis located in the heart chakra; improves the flow of energy along the meridians, and eases the heavy metal, petrochemical and radiation miasms that lead to schizophrenic tendencies; balances the yin and yang qualities, as well as the yin and yang energies throughout the entire meridian system.
Alleviates all emotional extremes, and clears the mind of any negative thought-forms by elevating one's thought processes; eliminates any form of mental or emotional confusion, as well as the constant barrage of negative thoughts or subjective belief-systems and mind-sets; eases any form of psychosomatic illness or severe mental imbalances, such as hysteria, compulsive neuroses, schizophrenic behavior caused by psychic trauma, autism, general paranoia, and various other forms of psychosis; releases any hidden or obvious fear or paranoia, including those obtained from past-life experiences; removes any blockages or hidden fears that are stored within the conscious and subconscious minds, and enhances greater insight into any hidden or conscious fears or paranoias so that these problems can be overcome or resolved; eliminates the inability to separate various emotional feelings from one's mental constructs, which ultimately leads to the formation of fears (especially those of an unknown quality); restores and maintains greater emotional balance by releasing any unpleasant memories or tensions that are stored in the subconscious mind by way of one's dream-states, while removing any form of cluttered dreams or nightmares that produces extreme tension in the abdominal region; provides greater accessibility to one's subconscious mind, and allows an individual to become more emotionally detached in order to deal with their problems in a more objective manner; removes any unnecessary stress that is stored within the personality structure, and eases any psychological states that are directly associated with stress upon the nervous system; alleviates various aspects of the personality that are somewhat disintegrated, and eliminates any inability to integrate various forms of information into the personality in conjunction with the reality of the world; integrates any diverse aspects of the nervous system by increasing communication between the conscious and subconscious minds and the autonomic nervous system, and allows the conscious mind to extend itself into the autonomic process; augments the entire nervous system, particularly by connecting the sympathetic and autonomic nervous systems; activates the motor nerves by stimulating greater nerve-sense activity, and provides increased conductivity in order to prevent any blockages or the accumulation of unnecessary electrical capacities within the neuron and cellular tissues of the right- and left-brain hemispheres that ultimately lead to nervous behavioral patterns, over-aggression, or unwaranted conduct within the personality; prevents the development of any anxieties (that may lead to precancerous states) from extending into the cellular level, and reduces any states of gradual anxiety that are formed over an extended period of time; removes any disorientation or stress that is placed upon the physical body as a result of various chemical imbalances, and eases the full spectrum of mental diseases (particularly those produced by psycho-chemical imbalances); alleviates any form of deterioration in relation to one's intellectual capabilities, due to aggravated inflammatory conditions in the nerve tissue-endings; relieves any mental or emotional exhaustion caused by overexerting the mind, and removes an individual's inability to interact with entirely new schemes of thought or understanding; alleviates any suicidal tendencies or various forms of deep depression, and removes any megalomanic tendencies; allows all the emotions to become more integrated, while sensitizing one's emotional nature; calms any form of troubled mental state by providing stronger and more positive thought-forms, and relieves any inability to retain thoughts; balances one's emotions so that their spiritual nature and mental Self are more properly aligned, and improves one's overall mental health by enhancing greater forms of harmony, inner peace and tranquility within one's being.
Activates the psycho-spiritual dynamics within an individual, and generates the capability for tremendous psycho-spiritual self-confidence; increases an individual's overall level of self-acceptance, and enhances a deeper sense of inner satisfaction; improves one's overall ability to handle the complexities of modern life in a more calm and confident manner, and provides greater understanding concerning an individual's ability to be fully flexible while remaining strongly focused as to what they can and cannot do in relation to their behavioral patterns; acts as a bonding agent that connects the many diverse aspects of the personality structure, and allows an inner sense of oneness to be more easily incorporated into an individual's psyche; allows an individual to gradually achieve balance within all levels of their form and being, and creates a greater sense of Self in terms of comprehending one's total being; increases the basic sensitivity and consciousness of the conscious mind in order to receive greater awareness of one's Self as a soul, and enhances the effectiveness of the mind to extend forth and actually control all portions of the physical body; facilitates the re-mapping of various cellular patterns for any unused portions of the brain, and allows an individual to achieve total amplification of their thought processes; actualizes clearer insight into the cause and nature of one's problems, and provides more intellectual or rational information in order to effectively resolve an issue; develops a more "softened" form of energetic response for those who possess a somewhat rigid disposition, while generating more inner strength and greater flexibility; assists those introverted individuals who feel separated or isolated from their community, or from society as a whole; provides greater protection and inner strength whenever the soul exists in an over-expanded state, thereby preventing any form of physical or psychic vulnerability; eliminates various forms of psychic attack from negative elemental forces or entities, especially during one's sleep-state; assists those individuals who are somewhat overburdened with numerous visionary states, and creates a state of clarity in any form of religious state or experience; harmonizes the higher and lower energy-centers (chakras) in order for an individual to remain connected with their earthly energies, as well as to become more emotionally clear and objective in relation to one's spiritual insight or vision; provides greater integration of one's psychic faculties with the lower energy-centers, and enhances greater overall stability in life; generates the wisdom of understanding, and promotes more grounded inner peacefulness.