Activates the biomagnetic, bioelectrical and biocrystalline properties in the physical body, thereby enhancing communication between the subtle bodies; amplifies the discharge of ethereal toxicity from the system by dispelling any mental or emotional toxins (negative thought-forms) into the subtle bodies and ethers, where they are ultimately transformed and disintegrated; attracts the ethereal fluidium into the physical body in order for it to network between the cells in preparation for the removal of any ethereal toxicity, and improves the alignment between the physical and etheric bodies for the purpose of greater attunement of the ethereal fluidium that surrounds the cellular tissues; calms and relaxes the emotional body, thereby providing greater emotional stability; strengthens the astral and emotional bodies, while balancing and harmonizing the action of the astral body with the physical body; cleanses the astral, emotional and etheric bodies, and alters the astral and emotional bodies so that they are in better communication with each other; attracts all the chakras, meridians, nadis and subtle bodies into a temporary state of alignment, and aligns the mental, emotional and integrated spiritual bodies together in order to function more as a single unit; aligns the mental and integrated spiritual bodies in order to provide more spiritual inspiration and Divine love, and aligns the mental, emotional and soul bodies in order to produce greater wisdom, maturity and patience; increases the alignment between the astral, mental, emotional, soul and integrated spiritual bodies, and aligns the emotional body with the etheric body; aligns the mental, etheric and integrated spiritual bodies in order to increase one's personal expression, especially on spiritual and psycho-spiritual levels; activates the brow and heart chakras, and augments the brow, crown and solar plexus chakras; energizes the throat chakra, and strengthens the heart and solar plexus chakras; activates the psycho-spiritual dynamics of each chakra, and balances the creativity of the 2nd chakra with the sensitivity of the emotional (3rd) chakra in order to provide greater feeling to one's personal expression; strengthens and energizes all the meridians, nadis and individual acupressure points, while cleansing and amplifying the nadis; balances the yin and yang qualities, as well as the yin and yang energies throughout the entire meridian system.
Alleviates all emotional extremes, and eases any emotional problems; removes any negative thought-forms by elevating one's thought processes, and eliminates any form of disorientation or confusion; allows the thinking processes to become more clarified and objective, and develops clearer thought-forms by providing greater control over the emotions; removes the inability to express one's inner feelings, and allows an individual to express or release any buried emotions; eliminates the tendency to avoid or repress any painful parts of one's personality, and eases any form of estrangement or isolation from the earthly world; alleviates any form of anti-social behavior or self-destructive tendencies, as well as any profound sense of social alienation; eliminates any form of immature behavioral patterns by developing greater balance and stability within the personality structure, and cleanses the subconscious mind in order to provide greater access to higher realms of thought; eases any form of low self-esteem or other personality imbalances, and removes any form of social insecurity or the tendency to create negative barriers towards greater friendship with others; assists an individual in overcoming any insecurities about their physical appearance, and eliminates the excessive need for social approval; removes the inability to focus or collect one's thoughts, and eases any form of mental breakdown or extreme emotional trauma; releases any internal stress or inner tension, and stimulates greater mental self-control; eliminates any form of emotional amnesia or paralysis, and alleviates the many small fears associated with ordinary or everyday events; removes any introverted characteristics in the personality structure, as well as any specific fears or phobias in various social situations that ultimately results in greater withdrawal or introversion; eases any form of timidity or the need for greater attention or affection, and enhances greater emotional calmness and harmonious interactions with others; increases one's emotional confidence by creating more emotional balance, and improves one's overall mental health by providing more inner peacefulness and tranquility.
Activates the psycho-spiritual dynamics within an individual, and generates the capability for tremendous psycho-spiritual self-confidence; develops greater courage and confidence in order to confront life's challenges, and increases one's overall self-esteem and self-acceptance; provides greater security within the Self in order to extend oneself to others with greater confidence, and allows an individual to gradually achieve balance within all levels of their form and being; promotes a general strengthening of one's self-identity, as well as the ability to function better in life; enhances total awareness of the Self by providing greater receptivity to one's inner Self, and rekindles greater confidence in the true inner Self through increased contact with one's Higher Self; restores greater conscious awareness by integrating or transforming any unclaimed parts of the psyche, and provides a more awakened form of consciousness that is capable of acknowledging all aspects of the Self; allows an individual to better attune to new subject matter, new contextual understanding, and new forms of mental stimulation, and enhances one's ability to speak their mind in a true and penetrating manner; improves one's overall clarity of speech or articulation, and develops greater eloquence as a speaker by improving one's overall self-expression and communication capabilities; assists an individual in feeling more integrated with society by developing greater social compatibility between oneself and others, and allows an individual to become more warm and personable by developing more open-hearted sharing and friendliness towards others; enhances greater social exchange by allowing an individual to experience the social warmth that is derived from a loving exchange with others, and assists an individual in learning to trust the feelings that are buried deep within their heart in order to encourage them towards greater social involvement; removes the inability to reach out to others, as well as the inability to form true social bonds of caring and commitment; creates a stronger sense of social responsibility by allowing an individual to develop a social commitment to life, and enhances greater commitment and social connectedness to one's community; balances the emotions so that the spiritual nature and mental Self are more properly aligned, and develops a greater sense of enthusiasm and good will towards others; activates those principles or ideals wherein an individual needs to stimulate greater joyfulness and flexibility, and assists an individual in contacting the strength and purpose of the Higher Self in order to liberate them to experience life with greater curiosity and exuberance.