Activates the biomagnetic, bioelectrical and biocrystalline properties in the physical body, thereby enhancing communication between the subtle bodies; amplifies the discharge of ethereal toxicity from the system by dispelling any mental or emotional toxins (negative thought-forms) into the subtle bodies and ethers, where they are ultimately transformed and disintegrated; augments the etheric body, which allows the ethereal fluidium to flow more freely between the cells in preparation for the removal of any ethereal toxicity; removes any energy-patterns that may impede the advancement of the life force (prana), and acts as a general cleanser of all the subtle bodies (particularly the astral and emotional bodies); calms the astral body so that the spiritual ego can receive greater strength and increased awareness, while consolidating and unifying the astral body through more harmonious interaction with the physical and subtle bodies and the spiritual ego; attracts all the chakras, meridians, nadis and subtle bodies into a temporary state of alignment, and aligns the mental and emotional body with the etheric body; aligns the etheric body more closely to the physical body, which intensifies the ability of the life force (prana) by draining off any negative energy-patterns; aligns the mental and integrated spiritual bodies, which provides increased spiritual inspiration and greater Divine love; aligns the mental, emotional and integrated spiritual bodies, which cultivates greater discrimination; activates the heart chakra, and augments the brow, crown and solar plexus chakras; fuses the splenic/sacral and heart chakras together in order for them to function more as a single unit, and removes any blockages in the crown chakra; energizes the root, heart and crown chakras into a greater sense of harmony, which creates the possibility for energy to flow in patterns that allow for the occurrence of greater relaxation and more ecstatic states; activates the crown chakra so that aspects of one's Higher Self will integrate into the personality structure, and balances the creativity of the 2nd chakra with the sensitivity of the emotional (3rd) chakra in order to provide greater feeling to one's personal expression; cleanses all the meridians and nadis, and stabilizes the meridians and lower chakras; balances the yin and yang qualities, as well as the yin and yang energies throughout the entire meridian system.



Alleviates all emotional extremes, and eases any emotional problems; removes any negative thought-forms by elevating one's thought processes, and clears the conscious mind of any negative thoughts; eliminates any fear associated with negative thought-forms, and removes any blockages or negativity in the personality structure; alleviates all mental or emotional fears and anxieties, as well as amy form of torment or guilt that is caused by extremely persistent mental or emotional thought-forms; generates more positive thought-forms by assisting an individual in regaining their mental repose or a state of inner peace, and promotes a greater need for mental quietude; eases any form of tension throughout the musculature or nervous systems that contributes to stress-related disorders, and revitalizes the entire nervous system; alleviates any form of insecurity or low self-esteem, as well as any unconscious or unknown fears, apprehension or vague anxieties; eliminates any disproportionate amount of worry or apprehension associated with daily life events, and removes any petty worries or anxieties that lead to compulsive or obsessive behavioral patterns; relieves any obsessive states caused by lacerations or "holes" in the aura, as well as any past-life emotional obstructions that seek to fuse with one's aura in a somewhat disjointed manner; eases any recurring or obsessive thoughts or worries, and relieves any fears associated with various forms of mental or emotional breakdown; removes any fear or nervousness associated with a loss of self-control or a tendency towards self-destructiveness, as well as any form of destructive impulses that lead to agonizing or distressful forms of persecution or self-punishment; eases any emotional fears that continually deplete or hinder the psyche, and removes any form of addictive behavioral patterns that are used to anesthetize one's feelings; eliminates any tendency towards the denial or avoidance of one's emotional pain, and alleviates any emotional conflicts that impede one's overall progress or personal growth; allows an individual to ackknowledge and transform their emotional pain in order to obtain true inner peace, and restores greater emotional balance by stabilizing the emotional nature; re-directs any extreme congestion of energy in the mental field by assisting an individual in developing increased awareness of their feeling life, and develops more constructive tendencies within the personality by acknowledging and releasing any feelings of guilt or torment from within the Self; removes any inner torment or conflict that is hidden from others, as well as any excessive preoccupation with inessential matters; eases any extreme mental or emotional agitation or the constant "churning" of the mind, and removes the inability to maintain a centered attitude amidst any form of confusion or distress; eliminates any hostile issues involving cruel or oppressive actions towards others, as well as the tormenting fear that others will receive more love and attention; removes the tendency to be tormented by one's past, and clarifies those patterns within an individual concerning any distress with the mother or father parental image; eliminates the desire to continually live in the past, or the tendency to long for what once was; eases any form of intense suffering or agony associated with the death of a loved one, or the distressful realization of the existence of a life-threatening illness; improves one's overall mental health by controlling the passions, and provides more inner tranquility or serenity.



Alleviates the deepest form of soul anguish, torment or despair, which is commonly referred to as the "dark night of the soul"; increases one's inner trust and confidence to face the unknown, and provides greater courage and self-confidence to the human soul in order to confront any tremendous challenges or problems in life with more self-transcending strength; allows an individual to surrender and trust in the unfoldment of their true destiny, as well as to maintain their spiritual center despite any outside pressure or chaos; promotes greater understanding of certain past-life actions that have produced strong feelings of torment or guilt which disrupt the present incarnation, and enhances one's ability to learn from any previous life experiences by clearly perceiving their true meaning or message; releases any past-life information that is stored in the genetic code, and allows an individual to develop a fuller perception of life by providing a more cosmic overview in order to maintain the events of ordinary life within their proper perspective; allows an inner understanding of God to become more fully integrated into the everyday patterns of life, and assists an individual in developing a more survival mode of consciousness; provides more inner flexibility or adaptability, and allows an individual to make and sustain the shift from a narrow and limited conception of the Self to one that is more expansive and inclusive of others; provides a deeper mental, emotional and spiritual connection towards others, and promotes the highest and most beautiful aspects involving any interpersonal relationships with others; restores one's ability to feel a sacred unity and sense of oneness with others, as well as to enjoy a greater sense of spiritual wholeness and harmony with life itself; provides greater understanding and more objective wisdom by activating those insights that are normally stored in the heart chakra, and crystallizes greater forms of objectivity in the mental and emotional bodies; liberates an individual's mental life for the calm, clear and spacious activity of the Higher Mind, and aligns an individual closer to thoughts associated with the Higher Self; connects an individual to their Higher Self in order to remove any karmic blockages that hinder their spiritual progress, and assists an individual in surrendering and awakening to a new spiritual identity; enhances and harmonizes the higher consciousness in order to integrate one's open and expansive spirituality with the other energy-centers (chakras) in a more balanced manner, and eases any form of over-sensitivity towards any mental, emotional or spiritual activities or influences that are beyond one's comprehension or level of awareness; removes any over-stimulation of one's spiritual forces that ultimately depletes the physical body by balancing and re-directing these forces, and allows an individual to learn how to moderate and regulate their psychic or spiritual energies; relaxes and harmonizes the innate psychic capabilities in those individuals who are overly sensitive to any unseen or unknown influences by allowing the conscious mind to receive and process additional information, thereby producing more inner strength and confidence through the balanced use of one's soul forces; addresses many forms of nervous fear or torment that arise from the overly intense activity of various elemental beings in one's astral body, and strengthens one's psychic forces that are easily torn or shattered when the etheric body is ravaged or depleted by excessive forms of astrality; relieves any oppressed psychic energy by allowing it to become more expanded and receptive to spiritual influence, and develops a more impersonal nature in order to provide greater balance and equanimity; develops more inner fortitude and contentment, and activates those principles wherein an individual needs to stimulate greater joyfulness or cheerfulness; allows an individual to contact the strength and purpose of their Higher Self, thereby liberating them to experience life with greater curiosity and exuberance.

