Aids in
balancing the entire cardiovascular system on both the physical
and cellular levels, and eases any constriction or contraction of
the blood vessels while protecting against the onset of high
blood pressure; eliminates various cardiovascular disorders,
especially when any deterioration of the cellular walls or
hardening of the arteries exists; alleviates the development of
senility that is associated with hardening of the arteries, and
restricts the formation of excessive cholesterol; re-integrates
the biomolecular structure of the DNA to its normal pattern,
improves capillary action, and increases overall tissue
regeneration; strengthens the entire circulatory system,
particularly those veins associated with the brain; stimulates
and regenerates the complete restoration of elasticity in the red
corpuscles and blood vessels, as well as throughout the entire
arterial system.
Activates the biomagnetic, bioelectrical and biocrystalline
properties in the physical body, thereby enhancing communication
between the subtle bodies; amplifies the discharge of ethereal
toxicity from the system by dispelling any mental or emotional
toxins (negative thought-forms) into the subtle bodies and
ethers, where they are ultimately transformed and disintegrated;
alleviates any degenerative disorders, especially those
associated with a deterioration of the etheric body's ability to
assimilate the life force (prana) into the physical body; aligns
and integrates all the chakras, meridians, nadis and subtle
bodies, without actually altering these forces in any way;
energizes the ethereal fluidium that surrounds each cell, and
strengthens the entire meridian system.
Alleviates any tension or resistance in the personality
structure, as well as any emotional imbalances; promotes more
open-hearted sharing and friendliness, and provides greater
intellectual or rational information in order to resolve any
underlying issues associated with arteriosclerosis or excessive
cholesterol deposits; enhances the effectiveness of the conscious
mind to extend itself, as well as to more effectively control all
portions of the physical body.
Actualizes clearer insight into the nature and cause of one's
problems, and removes any tendency to create barriers; encourages
an individual towards greater social involvement, thereby
releasing any obstructions to one's feeling life so that the soul
can experience the rich glow of social warmth that comes from a
loving exchange with others; increases one's capability for
developing and sustaining a loving and more compassionate nature,
and develops a sense of enthusiasm and good will; enhances and
harmonizes the higher consciousness in order to more fully
integrate one's open and expansive spirituality with the other
energy-centers (chakras) in a more balanced manner; balances and
re-directs one's spiritual forces, and promotes greater
meditative insight and synthesis; develops more open-minded
thought-processes, and provides a sense of joyfulness and greater
lightness or gaiety.