Accumulates various toxic influences throughout the body and allows them to be properly eliminated, thereby seeking to cleanse the body as a whole; stimulates the kidneys in order to enhance the removal of impurities from the bloodstream, and alleviates any general nausea that may occur during the detoxification process; flushes any invading bacteria or related toxins from the intestinal tract, and stimulates the activity of the natural flora in the intestines; removes any impurities from the cellular level, thereby providing a more complete detoxification through the pulsation process of liquidization and subsequent recrystallization; eliminates any impurities that are stored in the fatty (adipose) tissues, and removes those toxins that normally prevent other vibrational ingredients from functioning properly; releases any form of toxicity associated with over-exposure to radiation or background radiation contamination while preventing the development of autointoxication, and expels any accumulations of plutonium (which often lodge in the throat region); removes any foreign objects from the body, and retards the growth or formation of any invading organism or tumor; neutralizes any uric acid accumulations that are associated with one's diet or extreme stress, and eases any infectious blood diseases or blood poisoning while increasing the body's ability to recognize the existence of any pre-cancerous states within the cellular tissues; improves the blood circulation throughout the ductless glandular system, and activates a deeper penetration of capillary action into the ductless glands on the cellular level.



Aids in improving the absorption or assimilation of all essential nutrients.



Activates the biomagnetic, bioelectrical and biocrystalline properties in the physical body, thereby enhancing communication between the subtle bodies; amplifies the discharge of ethereal toxicity from the system by dispelling any mental or emotional toxins (negative thought-forms) into the subtle bodies and ethers, where they are ultimately transformed and disintegrated; strengthens the etheric body in order to increase the flow of ethereal fluidium throughout the entire body, and aligns the emotional body with the etheric body so that the ethereal fluidium can more easily penetrate into the cellular levels; aligns all the subtle bodies, thereby enhancing the detoxification process; aligns and cleanses the astral, etheric and emotional bodies, while balancing and strengthening the entire meridian system; alleviates or weakens all the miasms, particularly the cancer and heavy metal miasms; strengthens the aura, thereby lessening the possibility of any form of bacterial invasion or the accumulation of various other toxic substances.



Alleviates any form of stress that may lead to pre-cancerous conditions involving extreme toxicity or malignant tumors, and allows an individual to listen more closely to any messages that may be coming forth from the emotions or from the physical body.



Assists an individual in acquiring more inner fortitude and unwavering trust in the outcome of life's daily events or challenges, and eliminates any tendency toward complacency or stagnation in one's gorwth cycle; stimulates an energetic response in the physical body and soul, thereby assisting an individual in overcoming any apparent blocks to their overall progress or personal transformation; enables an individual to better accept the conditions of life, especially when these relate to one's personal karmic patterns; provides greater perseverance, resilience, confidence, and deeper faith to continue, despite any seemingly difficult setbacks; promotes more fiery and energetic qualities, while balancing and re-directing one's spiritual forces; promotes more lively activity that is balanced with inner ease, thereby allowing one's spiritual forces to flow through their physical body in a more dynamic and effortless manner; stimulates and awakens the true inner Self, while restoring the soul's true Self-identity and essential dignity; enhances one's ability to contact and maintain an integrated sense of the Self, especially when severely challenged; increases one's overall creativity and self-expressive capabilities, and promotes more open and expansive spirituality; enhances one's meditative insight and synthesis, as well as a greater sense of joyfulness and increased lightness.

