and strengthens the neurological points along the vertebrae,
including the various sections of the vertebrae that are
connected to the parasympathetic ganglia; removes any imbalances
in the skeletal structure, and aligns all the vertebrae;
alleviates any strains or weaknesses in the spinal column
associated with spinal degeneration or subluxation of the bone
tissue, particularly in the sacrum and the spine; eliminates any
deterioration of the spinal fluid, particularly when it becomes
gelatinous from the natural aging process; alleviates any form of
decalcification in the zero gravity state, as well as any
brittleness in the bone structure (due to over-exposure to
radiation); relieves any form of paralysis associated with a
pinched nerve in the spinal column, and releases any stress that
is stored in the skeletal or muscular systems; heals any
degenerated disk-tissue that is located between the vertebrae and
the heavy metal miasm, and demineralizes various bone diseases
(such as osteoporosis); activates increased regenerative healing
properties in the bone marrow and throughout the entire skeletal
structure, and enhances greater tissue regeneration associated
with bone fractures or the mending and bonding of tissues;
disperses any solidification of the vertebrae that occurs in
various disorders, and corrects any poor postural conditions
while improving flexibility in the spine; provides greater
resilience and flexibility throughout the entire skeletal
structure, and strengthens the bone marrow (especially in terms
of its attachments to the teeth); alleviates certain forms of
periodontal diseases where there is a loss of support in the bone
tissue at the gum-line, and strengthens any soft or cancerous
bone tissue, dentition or teeth enamel; energizes the pattern of
bone tissue regeneration, particularly the enamel on the surface
of the teeth that is necessary for the protection of the more
delicate inner structures; rejuvenates the bone structure in the
jaw, and relieves any tempero-mandibular (TMJ) disorders;
cleanses and activates those substances that produce or replace
spinal column fluid, while providing increased antibody
production against any inflammatory conditions of the spinal
column; provides a greater abundance of red corpuscles, and
increases the oxygenation of the hemoglobin.
Augments the assimilation of essential nutrients through the cell
walls, and enables various minerals and sugar substances to
become more assimilible through pathways in the physical body
that are not usually accessible by other means; enhances the
metabolism of calcium and nitrogen, and improves the absorption
of copper, gold, iron oxide, lecithin, magnesium, phosphorus,
silver, zinc, and protein.
Activates the biomagnetic, bioelectrical and biocrystalline
properties in the physical body, thereby enhancing communication
between the subtle bodies; amplifies the ethereal fluidium in the
etheric body, and aligns the emotional body with the etheric body
so that the ethereal fluidium can more easily penetrate into the
cellular levels; amplifies the discharge of ethereal toxicity
from the system by dispelling any mental or emotional toxins
(negative thought-forms) into the subtle bodies and ethers, where
they are ultimately transformed and disintegrated; aligns the
etheric and integrated spiritual bodies, thereby aiding in the
treatment of any spinal column disorders; activates those chakras
associated with the spine, and properly aligns the kundalini
energy along the spinal column; cleanses the heart chakra,
thereby allowing for increased caring and sensitivity;
strengthens all the meridians, and alleviates the heavy metal
Alleviates any form of mental unrest, including mental pressures
or mental rigidity; removes any feelings of low self-esteem,
inferiority, or self-effacement, as well as any lack of
self-confidence when confronting difficult circumstances;
eliminates any form of disgust, aversion or denial of one's
bodily Self while expanding one's mental flexibility, resulting
in greater elasticity in the body and a more balanced and supple
spinal column.
Assists an individual in softening their relationship to physical
matter, as well as developing greater awareness and respect for
the life processes of the body; provides greater attunement with
one's Higher Self in order to express or release any painful or
buried emotions; strengthens the ego-nature in order to better
control and direct the activities of the physical body, and
develops greater inner discipline and the ability to integrate
certain aspects of support and caring for the Self in order to
function more effectively in life; assists an individual in
establishing a truer sense of identity with their feminine
nature, and provides a more balanced sense of individuality; aids
in the development of greater courage and will-power, and
promotes stronger feelings of nurturance and good-will; provides
greater encouragement, enthusiasm, optimism, upliftment and
ebullient heart-forces, and enhances the quality of personal
warmth or loving compassion.