all forms of respiratory, lung or pulmonary imbalances, and
removes any inflammatory conditions in the throat, esophagus,
larynx or upper bronchial passages; eliminates any mucus
congestion and the early stages of inflammation, and reduces any
mucus accumulations in the throat, nasal passages or respiratory
tract; alleviates various throat disorders, including coughing,
hoarseness, laryngeal catarrh and difficulty in swallowing;
relieves various symptoms, including chills, fevers, nausea,
dizziness, sore throat, heat flashes, and night fevers or sweats;
eliminates various blood disorders or infectious diseases, as
well as any intestinal disorders or viral inflammations;
energizes all the mucous membrane tissues, especially the
interior lung tissues; eases any form of stomach pain or
glandular swelling, and restores any depleted vitality during
convalescence; amplifies the discharge of toxicity from the
system, while increasing oxygenation of the cellular tissues;
cleanses and invigorates the lymphatic system and the intestinal
tract, and fully energizes the immune defense mechanisms;
improves and strengthens the circulation and one's overall
breathing capabilities, and promotes general tissue regeneration
throughout all the organs in the body.
Augments the absorption or assimilation of essential nutrients
through the cell walls.
Activates the biomagnetic, bioelectrical and biocrystalline
properties in the physical body, thereby enhancing communication
between the subtle bodies; transports the ethereal fluidium
directly into the physical body in order for it to act as a
network between the cellular tissues, thereby enhancing the
removal of toxic waste material; amplifies the discharge of
ethereal toxicity from the system by dispelling any mental or
emotional toxins (negative thought-forms) into the subtle bodies
and ethers, where they are ultimately transformed and
disintegrated; aligns the emotional and etheric bodies, and acts
as a general cleanser of all the subtle bodies; strengthens all
the meridians, and eases all the miasms; balances the yin and
yang qualities, as well as the yin and yang energies throughout
the entire meridian system.
Alleviates all emotional extremes, and removes any negative
behavioral patterns; eases various forms of anger or hostility,
as well as any argumentative behavior or hostile issues; removes
any blockages or negativity, and alleviates any form of
disorientation or lack of self-confidence; eliminates any form of
emotional confusion or over-sensitivity, as well as any extreme
tension (especially in the musculature); eases any tendency
towards dysfunctional merging with others, and promotes clearer
articulation of one's thoughts (especially when speaking);
accelerates one's thinking and perception processes, and enhances
more lively and mercurial capabilities of thought and speech.
Allows an individual to experience more contained moments of
reflective activity, and promotes more lively activity that is
balanced with inner ease; stimulates an energetic response in the
body and soul in order to assist in overcoming any apparent
blocks to one's progress or transformation, and enhances one's
capability for initiating and sustaining their emotional and
spiritual development; assists those souls whose higher mental
bodies are not properly integrated with the speaking and thinking
functions of the nervous system, and harmonizes the thinking and
speaking patterns with the higher soul functions; imparts greater
objectivity and containment, and promotes more loving awareness
of others from a Self-contained level of consciousness.