Activates more appropriate mitosis and longer cell division, and lessens the amount of time required for cellular mitosis to occur; restores the appropriate mitogenetic activity on the cellular level, and enables the entire physical body to assimilate any form of healing process; stimulates greater activity within the DNA process, as well as the repair of any damage to genetically-encoded information; alleviates any genetically-related diseases, including dwarfism, hemophilia, mongolism, cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, and certain mental disorders; enhances the bioelectrical faculties, and facilitates the capability for tissue regeneration in the neuron structures located within the cranial region; reactivates the cellular memory, which has a significant impact upon tissue regeneration; enhances all biomolecular functions on the cellular level, and augments the neurological synapses (junctions or relay points between the nerve cells); alleviates any chromosomal damage from over-exposure to radiation or radiation toxicity, and improves the detoxification process throughout the entire organism; assists most degenerative diseases whenever cellular reproduction is deficient, and retards the aging process; augments one's overall physical vitality by extending the body's longevity, and rejuvenates the heart, musculature, nervous system and skeletal structure; strengthens the thyroid, gallbladder and parasympathetic nervous system, while balancing the stomach and the entire intestinal tract; restores the rejuvenative capabilities of the spleen and abdominal region, and stimulates greater healing within the skin tissues and lymphatic system; energizes the entire endocrine system, and increases the amount of life force (prana) that enters the physical body; invigorates the pituitary and thymus glands, as well as the entire lymphatic system; energizes those bodily processes that are augmented by pituitary gland secretions, and stimulates the glandular secretions from the pituitary gland and the production of white blood corpuscles; increases circulatory flows while promoting increased capillary activity, and assists in the formation or production of hemoglobin, red blood corpuscles and blood plasma; assists in connecting the conscious mind directly to the circulatory flows, and increases one's ability to mentally transport the blood to specific parts of the physical body; provides for greater penetration of blood fluids into the ductless glandular system, and aids the functional capabilities of the chlorophyll in the blood; stimulates red corpuscle consciousness to be more in tune with biofeedback techniques and the circulatory system, and increases the elasticity of the circulatory system while providing greater elasticity in cellular tissues that are directly associated with the lungs, skeletal tissues and cardiovascular system; alleviates any disease-conditions involving the stiffening or hardening of tissues, such as cardiovascular disorders, scleroderma, arteriosclerosis, arthritis or rheumatism; strengthens the neurological and muscular tissues associated with the heart, and balances the heart by stimulating those blood vessels that are critical to the nourishment of the neurological tissues which regulate the heartbeat; strengthens the heart in order for it to deal more effectively with the additional toxins that flow into the system during a cleansing, particularly from a discharge of toxicity in the musculature; provides greater conductivity in order to prevent any blockages or the accumulation of unnecessary electrical capabilities within the neuron and cellular tissues of the brain, and enhances more balanced activity within the cranial capacity (including reflective brain wave activity); stimulates the entire skeletal structure, and regenerates the neurological tissues that extend forth from the vertebrae; activates those sections of the vertebrae that are connected to the parasympathetic ganglia, and provides a sympathetic resonancy with the parasympathetic ganglia; aids in the coordination of basic motor responses, and alleviates any degenerated disk tissues located between the vertebrae by increasing the lubrication of the inner disks that are situated along the vertebrae.



Aids in the assimilation of the entire spectrum of essential vitamins and minerals through the cell walls, particularly throughout the musculature and the nervous system; increases the absorption of calcium, gold, magnesium, oxygen, phosphorus and silver, as well as vitamins A, B-Complex, C, D and E; improves the assimilation of the amino acids in protein that assist the stomach lining, and eliminates any excessive accumulations of aluminum that are stored in the physical body.



Activates the biomagnetic, bioelectrical and biocrystalline properties in the physical body, thereby enhancing communication between the subtle bodies; amplifies the discharge of ethereal toxicity from the system by dispelling any mental or emotional toxins (negative thought-forms) into the subtle bodies and ethers, where they are ultimately transformed and disintegrated; amplifies the biocrystalline properties, especially those that are located in the cell salts, circulatory system, fatty tissue, nervous system, and the lymph and pineal glands; acts as a conveyer of certain properties in the ethereal fluidium, and stabilizes the distribution of the ethereal fluidium throughout the physical body; strengthens the ethereal fluidium by extending it into the cellular level of the organism, and enhances the stimulation of the ethereal fluidium from the etheric body; attracts the ethereal fluidium into the physical body in order for it to network between the cells in preparation for the removal of toxicity, such as stored petrochemicals, etc.; enhances greater electromagnetism and etheric power, as well as the purity of prana (life force) in the etheric body; stabilizes the astral body and calms the emotional body, thereby creating more emotional stability; strengthens the emotional and etheric bodies, due to their close association with cellular mitosis; integrates the energies of the astral and etheric bodies, which is projected into the DNA and then into the biological (intuitive) personality; activates the causal body, which allows an individual to harmonize telepathically with higher levels of consciousness; strengthens the etheric body so that it can integrate more gracefully with the physical body, and attracts all the chakras, meridians, nadis and subtle bodies into a temporary state of alignment; aligns the emotional body with the etheric body, thereby enhancing greater tissue regeneration; aligns and stimulates the mental body to proceed toward the integrated spiritual body while aligning the astral, emotional and etheric bodies, thereby stabilizing the personality structure; aligns the mental, emotional, and integrated spiritual bodies, thereby cultivating greater discrimination; aligns the emotional body with the mental body, which alleviates any tension located throughout the intestinal tract; aligns the mental and integrated spiritual bodies, which creates more spiritual inspiration and Divine love; aligns the emotional body more closely to the etheric body, which balances the emotions; aligns the mental, etheric, and integrated spiritual bodies, thereby stimulating one's increased personal expression on both spiritual and psycho-spiritual levels; activates the brow, crown and solar plexus chakras, and energizes the throat chakra in order to better stimulate one's personal expression; aligns the root and heart chakras, which spiritualizes the forces of the primary energy; balances the creativity of the 2nd chakra with the sensitivity of the emotional (3rd) chakra, thereby providing greater feeling to one's personal expression; releases the mental and psycho-spiritual properties associated with the 3rd chakra, thereby activating one's inner resources in order to better stabilize the emotional nature; aligns, cleanses and strengthens all the meridians and nadis, particularly the heart and kidney meridians and the heart chakra nadis; eases the heavy metal, petrochemical and radiation miasms while balancing the yin and yang qualities, as well as the yin and yang energies throughout the entire meridian system.



Alleviates all emotional extremes, and eases any emotional problems; clears the conscious mind of any negative thoughts, and removes any negative thought-forms by elevating one's thought processes; eliminates any nervous or anti-social behavioral patterns, over-aggression, or unwarranted conduct within the personality structure, and removes any unnecessary stress that is stored within the personality by allowing an individual to express or release their buried emotions; alleviates any general stress, inflexibility, or any difficulties associated with taking a firm stand on anything, and stabilizes an individual who is undergoing both mental and emotional stress; improves one's mental health by developing greater mental balance, and provides increased tranquility; stimulates greater mental clarity or vitality, and enhances one's overall thought-form amplification capabilities.



Activates those principles or ideals wherein an individual needs to stimulate greater flexibility and joyfulness, and balances the psycho-spiritual structure; releases any past-life information that is stored in the genetic code, and aids in the direct recall of one's past lives that are relevant to the psychological well-being of an individual; assists those individuals seeking to alter their belief structures, thereby promoting greater healing in the collective unconsciousness on both genetic and telepathic levels; generates higher states of consciousness by developing one's inner discipline and a fuller perspective that provides greater meditative insight or synthesis, and harmonizes the higher consciousness in order to integrate one's open and expansive spirituality with the other energy-centers (chakras) in a more balanced manner; produces greater spiritual awareness and clearer insights into one's personal vision of life, and enhances one's gracefulness towards the acceptance of new ideas; creates a greater sense of strength, vitality, and social responsibility, thereby promoting the proper actualization of one's practical nature; creates balance in any spiritual endeavors, and strengthens the physical body during times of spiritual growth; balances the male and female qualities, and stimulates a greater understanding of oneself as a spiritual being; balances and re-directs one's spiritual forces, while stabilizing and transforming an individual into the qualities of harmony and serenity.

