any imbalances associated with blood sugar levels, and relieves
any improper functioning of the endocrine system; eases any
disorders associated with a collapse of the immune system,
including diabetes; assists in focusing the body's immune system,
including the blood flows of any imbalanced areas; augments the
activity of the pancreas, energizes and rejuvenates the glandular
functions associated with pancreatic activity, and strengthens
the pancreas by activating increased tissue regeneration in the
pancreatic tissues; stimulates the entire endocrine system by
improving blood circulation throughout the ductless glands, while
enhancing deeper capillary activity into the ductless glandular
system; assists the pancreas in the production of natural insulin
(inulin), and energizes the entire immune system; strengthens the
endocrine system or the ductless glandular system, and regulates
blood sugar levels; distributes glucose more evenly, and modifies
any extreme behavioral patterns associated with high or low blood
sugar levels; transforms one form of sugar into another in order
to adjust any sugar imbalances in the system, and assists the
body in transforming glucose and fructose into one form or
another in order to be properly utilized for the body's energy
requirements; eases any allergic reactions involving the
transference of one form of sugar into another (including any
inflammatory conditions in the skin tissues), and enables sugar
substances to be more easily assimilible through pathways in the
physical body that are not usually accessible by other means.
Balances the metabolism, enhances the assimilation of foods
(especially proteins); and stimulates the absorption of various
minerals that enhance one's emotional stability.
Activates the biomagnetic, bioelectrical and biocrystalline
properties in the physical body, thereby enhancing communication
between the subtle bodies; amplifies the discharge of ethereal
toxicity from the system by dispelling any mental or emotional
toxins (negative thought-forms) into the subtle bodies and
ethers, where they are ultimately transformed and disintegrated;
enhances all biomolecular functions, and cleanses the emotional
body; prevents any mental agitation in the mental body from
moving into the etheric body, thereby alleviating any undue
stress upon the liver and kidneys; aligns the causal body with
the mental and emotional bodies in a more balanced manner, and
aligns the mental and emotional bodies; strengthens the etheric
body, thereby enhancing the distribution of the ethereal fluidium
throughout the physical body on the cellular level; aligns the
etheric body with the physical body, which intensifies the
capabilities of the life force (prana) by draining off any
negative patterns; activates the heart and solar plexus chakras,
which aids in balancing the emotions; cleanses, energizes,
strengthens and tonifies all the meridians, while balancing the
yin and yang energies throughout the entire meridian system.
Alleviates all emotional extremes, and eases any psychosomatic
illnesses; eliminates any disorientation or stress (particularly
in urban environments), and removes any blockages in the
personality structure; controls the temperament while easing any
mood-swings (especially depression) that are directly associated
with blood sugar imbalances, and removes any gradual states of
anxiety that are created over an extended period of time;
eliminates any extreme tension that is stored in the physical
body, especially throughout the entire musculature; prevents any
dysfunctional merging with others, and eases any profound
alienation; reduces any addictive tendencies towards an
overindulgence in food substances with a high sugar content,
thereby engendering a sense of physical and emotional relaxation;
alleviates the various states of moodiness associated with
diabetes, and allows an individual to become more emotionally
detached in order to deal with their problems in a more objective
Aids in balancing the personality structure by improving
moderation and self-discipline, and by allowing easier access of
one's consciousness to the levels of the endocrine system;
promotes more lively activity that is balanced with inner ease,
and provides more contained moments of reflective activity;
eliminates various forms of psychic toxicity, and eases one's
vulnerability to the thoughts or negative intentions of others;
restores and revitalizes the soul's true Self-identity and
essential dignity, and enhances the ability to contact and
maintain an integrated sense of one's Self (especially when
severely challenged); develops a more positive spiritual identity
by stimulating and awakening the true inner Self and by imparting
greater objectivity and containment; initiates and sustains the
soul's development while protecting and unifying the essential
Self, thereby allowing compassionate healing qualities to flow
more freely from one's soul to others; promotes more grounded
peacefulness, as well as the transition from a macrocosmic to a
microcosmic soul consciousness; aids in balancing and guiding the
soul in expressing its vast spiritual nature through the
limitations of the physical world and a physical body, while
balancing and stabilizing the abundant light that radiates from
the upper energy-centers (chakras) by directing it into the lower
centers so that the Self can generate more vitality and solidity;
promotes more loving awareness of others from a Self-contained
level of consciousness, and develops more compassionate awareness
and inclusive sensitivity; impels the soul to create and
cultivate beauty within itself or with the outer world, and
assists the inner life of the human soul to harmonize with the
Soul of Nature.