any dizziness associated with inner ear imbalances, and amplifies
the discharge of toxicity associated with inner ear infections;
eases any minor inflammations of the inner ear (including
inflammatory aggravation to the nerve tissue-endings of the inner
ear), and eliminates any middle ear disorders that affect one's
balance or equilibrium; enhances the ear canals by strengthening
the cellular tissue in the inner ear, particularly the bone
tissue and the specific tissue that relates to the sense of
hearing; balances all the activities of the inner ear,
strengthens the neurological functions, and enhances general
tissue regeneration.
Activates the biomagnetic, bioelectrical and biocrystalline
properties in the physical body, thereby enhancing communication
between the subtle bodies; amplifies the discharge of ethereal
toxicity from the system by dispelling any mental or emotional
toxins (negative thought-forms) into the subtle bodies and
ethers, where they are ultimately transformed and disintegrated;
increases the electromagnetic capabilities of the physical and
subtle bodies while easing all the miasms, and aligns, activates
and strengthens all the chakras, meridians, nadis and subtle
bodies in order to manifest higher information in an individual.
Alleviates all emotional extremes or imbalances associated with
deafness or stubbornness, as well as a refusal to listen to one's
inner voice; addresses many forms of nervous fear, and releases
any hidden fear or anger; relieves any emotional trauma, anxiety,
confusion or mental unrest, and alleviates any extremely
changeable mood-swings or ever-fluctuating emotions; removes the
inability to release emotional tension, as well as the tendency
to create barriers; balances the emotions by removing blockages,
obstacles or negativity, while clearing the conscious mind of any
negative thoughts in order to generate more harmonious
thought-forms; alleviates any excessive stress associated with
hearing loss, and removes various forms of escapist tendencies;
eliminates any tendency towards stagnation, as well as any
patterns of resistance or procrastination; eases any hostile
issues associated with parental images, and assists in the
reconciliation of any heated arguments; stimulates various forms
of cellular memory associated with one's family relationships,
and provides greater emotional balance by regulating and
harmonizing one's emotional life.
Activates greater hearing capabilities, and develops greater
sensitivity and audibility to various sounds in one's personal
environment; enhances the broadcasting and amplification of one's
thought-forms, as well as greater attunement towards what others
are really saying; allows an individual to recognize that even
the smallest inner voice is valuable and needs to be looked at,
whether it is positive or negative; actualizes clearer insight
into the cause and nature of one's problems, and improves an
individual's ability to integrate information into the
personality in conjunction with the reality of one's personal
environment; increases one's overall self-acceptance, and
generates the capability for tremendous psycho-spiritual
self-confidence; enhances greater attunement to one's Higher
Self, and increases an individual's ability to hear what is
spoken on clairvoyant levels; encourages greater
self-responsibility and quiet inner development, and promotes
more highly perceptive sensitivity and an elevated spiritual
perspective; addresses the soul's experience of compression and
restriction by quickening the thinking and perception processes,
and promotes more unitive consciousness; eliminates any
accumulated psychic tension, especially in the stomach and solar
plexus regions; enhances an individual's capability for
initiating and sustaining both their emotional and spiritual
development, and creates a sense of wholeness that imparts
greater strength and active resistance; promotes more fiery and
energetic qualities, and stimulates an energetic response in the
body and soul in order to assist in overcoming any apparent
blocks to one's overall progress or personal transformation;
encourages an individual towards greater social involvement by
promoting more open-hearted sharing and friendliness, and
enhances one's ability to share with others while remaining true
to one's Self; increases the awareness of one's ability to give
and receive love, while enhancing the ability to trust the warmth
of others; provides a more fundamental soul essence of serenity
and equanimity, and harmonizes one's inner solar forces for
greater emotional peace and stability.