any form of physical strain or rupture, and promotes greater
control over the healing process; strengthens the testicles, and
tonifies the entire endocrine system; enhances the sympathetic
bond between the nervous system and the muscular structure
(musculature), and provides complete tissue regeneration on the
cellular level.
Activates the biomagnetic, bioelectrical and biocrystalline
properties in the physical body, thereby enhancing communication
between the subtle bodies; amplifies the discharge of ethereal
toxicity from the system by dispelling any mental or emotional
toxins (negative thought-forms) into the subtle bodies and
ethers, where they are ultimately transformed and disintegrated;
increases the amount of ethereal fluidium in the etheric body,
and enhances the regenerative properties within the muscular
tissues (musculature) of the physical body; aligns all the
chakras, meridians, nadis and subtle bodies, and acts as a
general cleanser of all the subtle bodies; aligns the emotional
body with the etheric body, while balancing and harmonizing the
action of the astral body with the physical body; aligns the
etheric body with the physical body, thereby intensifying the
ability of the life force (prana) by draining off any negative
patterns; cleanses and strengthens all the major meridians and
nadis, and regulates the flow of energy throughout the entire
meridian system while eliminating all the miasms.
Alleviates all emotional extremes, and eliminates any obstacles
or blockages and negativity in the personality structure; removes
any negative thought-forms by elevating one's thought processes,
and releases any mental or emotional tensions that are stored in
the nervous system or the subconscious mind by properly aligning
the mental body; integrates the mental and emotional bodies in
order to examine the emotions more objectively, thereby enhancing
one's emotional stability; allows any previously unconscious
thought-patterns or ideas from the subconscious mind to surface
and be released, and removes any hidden fears by crystallizing
greater objectivity in the mental and emotional bodies;
integrates all the mental body's influences evenly throughout the
nervous system, thereby allowing the intellect to directly enter
all levels of the physical body so that the conscious mind exerts
greater control over the normal reflexive actions of the body;
promotes greater tranquility and a more serene disposition by
regulating and harmonizing one's emotional life, thereby
eliminating any extremely changeable mood-swings or
ever-fluctuating emotions.
Allows an individual to become more capable of initiating and
sustaining both their emotional and spiritual development, and
eases any tendency towards complacency or stagnation in one's
growth cycle; promotes more fiery and energetic qualities, and
stimulates an energetic response in the body and soul in order to
overcome any apparent blocks to one's progress or personal
transformation; improves an individual's self-esteem and personal
expression, while increasing one's self-acceptance or
self-approval; enhances greater stability by generating the
capability for tremendous psycho-spiritual self-confidence, and
harmonizes one's inner solar forces for greater emotional peace
and stability; subdues the many small emotions that vex the soul
life, thereby helping to consolidate these into a more
fundamental soul essence of serenity and equanimity; eases any
accumulations of psychic tension, particularly in the stomach and
solar plexus regions; addresses many forms of nervous fear, due
to the overly intense activity of various elemental beings in the
astral body; restores a sense of wholeness that imparts greater
strength and active resistance, and aids in consolidating and
unifying the astral body in order to improve its harmonious
interaction with the physical and etheric bodies and one's
spiritual ego; promotes more unitive consciousness while
developing a greater perspective, and enhances one's practical
nature; balances, stabilizes and transforms an individual into
more harmonious qualities, while activating those principles or
ideals wherein an individual needs to develop greater joyfulness
and flexibility; enhances and harmonizes the higher
consciousness, thereby integrating one's open and expansive
spirituality with the other energy-centers (chakras) in a more
balanced manner; provides greater meditative insight and
synthesis, while balancing and re-directing one's tremendous
spiritual forces.