Amplifies those biocrystalline properties in the physical body associated with the pineal gland, while energizing and rejuvenating the entire endocrine system; improves all the glandular functions, and re-builds the entire nervous system; strengthens the neurological functions while cleansing the entire lymphatic system, and enhances all biomolecular functions; alleviates any general deterioration of the nervous system, and removes any difficulties or imbalances associated with the pineal and pituitary glands; enhances the metabolic rate of the glandular functions, particularly in the pituitary gland; restores balance in the pineal and pituitary glands, and enhances the secretions of the pituitary gland; activates the pineal gland (which increases one's dream-state), and duplicates the spiral energy-pattern of the pituitary gland; energizes the synapses (which awakens the pineal gland), and activates the neurological system by stimulating the pituitary gland; improves synapse (junctions or relay points between the nerve cells) activity between the individual neurons and the cranial capacity, and prevents any blockages or the accumulation of unnecessary electrical capabilities within the neuron and cellular tissues of the brain; energizes the activities of both the pineal and pituitary glands by means of the balanced activity within the cranial capacity and reflective brain wave activity, as well as by the mild electromagnetic properties of the cranium; energizes these mild electromagnetic fields in order for a greater bond to exist between the pineal and pituitary glands, thereby creating the activities of the third eye; merges the forces of the pineal and pituitary glands on the physical level, thereby regulating the biochemical (intuitive) personality; enhances both the pineal and pituitary glands, especially as an individual consciously approaches such patterns as the alpha state and even deeper states of consciousness; activates the pineal gland on the cellular level, thereby preparing one's consciousness for the opening of the brow chakra; promotes general tissue regeneration in the pineal and pituitary glands, and strengthens the physical body during one's spiritual growth process; stimulates greater rejuvenation and a deeper penetration (and increased oxygenation) of the red corpuscles into the ductless glands, which results in increased longevity; increases the body's overall sensitivity on both the physical and cellular levels, while stabilizing the genetic patterns of the physical body.



Activates the biomagnetic, bioelectrical and biocrystalline properties in the physical body, thereby enhancing communication between the subtle bodies; amplifies the discharge of ethereal toxicity from the system by dispelling any mental or emotional toxins (negative thought-forms) into the subtle bodies and ethers, where they are ultimately transformed and disintegrated; increases the electromagnetic capabilities of the physical and subtle bodies, and removes any energy-patterns that impede the advancement of the life force (prana); acts as a conveyer of certain properties in the ethereal fluidium, and stabilizes the distribution of the ethereal fluidium throughout the physical body; amplifies the ethereal fluidium in the etheric body and the biocrystalline properties in the pineal gland, due to those water soluble and biocrystalline properties that interact in an exchange back and forth from a liquid to a crystalline state; attracts the ethereal fluidium into the physical body in order for it to network between the cells in preparation for the removal of toxicity, and strengthens the etheric forces in the blood against the astral forces of disintegration while acting as a general cleanser of all the subtle bodies; strengthens the astral, mental and etheric bodies, while balancing and harmonizing the action of the astral body with the physical body; strengthens the emotional body and energizes the etheric body, while cleansing both the emotional and etheric bodies; attracts all the chakras, meridians, nadis and subtle bodies into a temporary state of alignment, and aligns the emotional and etheric bodies (as well as the mental, emotional, and integrated spiritual bodies); aligns the etheric body closer to the physical body, which intensifies the capability of the life force (prana) by draining off any negative energy-patterns; aligns and integrates the mental and emotional bodies, thereby allowing the emotions to be examined with greater objectivity; aligns the astral and emotional bodies, which alleviates any general fear or paranoia and increases one's capability for developing their psychic abilities; aligns the mental, etheric and integrated spiritual bodies in order to improve one's personal expression, especially on spiritual and psycho-spiritual levels; aligns the integrated spiritual body with the activities of one's Higher Self, thereby manifesting higher states of awareness; strengthens the 5th and 6th chakras, while enhancing and awakening the pituitary (brow) chakra; energizes the throat chakra, and activates all the properties of the 6th chakra in order to release any stored spiritual information or elevated emotions; removes any blockages in the crown chakra and energizes the 6th chakra, thereby stimulating the regeneration of the pituitary gland; strengthens all the meridians, nadis and subtle bodies, and eases all the miasms; cleanses all the major meridians, while regulating and improving the flow of energy throughout the entire meridian system by stimulating the nerve tissues.



Alleviates any emotional imbalances or nervous behavioral patterns, and eases all emotional problems; dispels any form of fear or grief, and removes any blockages or negativity in the personality structure; releases any buried or hidden emotions from the subconscious mind, and eliminates any unnecessary stress that is stored within the personality structure; relieves any tension in the abdominal region, as well as tensions located in the atlas, temples and cranial plates by improving the circulation in these areas; eases any psychological states associated with stress upon the nervous system, while releasing any stress in the skeletal or muscular systems; relieves any tensions that are stored in the mental body, and increases one's access to their subconscious mind; removes the inability to release one's emotional tension, and allows any emotional releases to flow in patterns that are usually beneficial; eliminates any tendency towards extremely changeable mood-swings or ever-fluctuating emotions by regulating and harmonizing one's emotional life; regulates the biological (intuitive) personality, and releases any stored memories from the subconscious mind; allows any emotional data to be released into the personality structure in an organized manner, and balances the emotions so that one's spiritual nature and mental Self are more properly aligned; removes any mental imbalances, and enhances greater mental clarity; eases any tendency towards absent-mindedness or forgetfulness that results in a reduced state of consciousness, due to the improper functioning of the higher thinking or spiritual faculties; calms the nerves, and provides a more serene disposition.



Activates the psycho-spiritual dynamics of an individual, while balancing their entire psycho-spiritual structure; generates the capability for tremendous psycho-spiritual self-confidence, and integrates the forces of one's psycho-spiritual dynamics into greater coordination and revelation by translating them into more easily understandable psychic experiences; increases the psychic faculties of the pineal gland, and removes any imbalances caused by the perception of (or a repression of) one's psychic abilities; develops and enhances one's psychic capabilities, and increases spiritual insight and the acuteness of one's senses; develops greater multi-directional clairvoyance, and increases one's clairvoyant faculties and visions; amplifies any telepathic communicative abilities within an individual, and enhances one's visionary capabilities; allows higher wisdom or philosophies and factual academic or linear information to be absorbed more easily, and releases any past-life information that is stored in one's genetic code; allows an individual to learn who they are from their own level and range of perception, and removes any weakened sense of personal identity (including a fear of society in general) by strengthening the pituitary gland; allows a deeper understanding of the Self (that is directly associated with the third eye) to become stronger and more focused, and provides greater knowledge of one's Self as a spiritual being; awakens an individual to personal concepts of God, and aligns an individual closer to thoughts associated with their Higher Self; stimulates a greater understanding of spiritual truths through images and symbols, and affirms one's energy that is directed towards a particular spiritual purpose; enables an individual to attain spiritual goals more easily, particularly when such goals relate to the benefit of all humanity; restores greater balance in all interpersonal relationships, and enhances one's harmonic interaction with Nature; allows an individual to gradually achieve balance within all levels of their form and being, while balancing and re-directing one's spiritual forces; creates a practical form of balance in an individual, as well as greater harmony within one's dream-state; develops a greater sense of responsibility and a healthy conscience, and enhances a deeper understanding about the future; increases one's receptivity to healing, and promotes deeper healing within the collective unconsciousness of Humankind on both genetic and telepathic levels; energizes the pineal gland, which creates a sense of harmony and greater organization through various creative passive states that are applicable to meditation; improves one's meditative states, and provides more meditative insight and synthesis; enhances deeper states of relaxation in order to reveal many levels of existance to an individual, and provides a complete linkage of body, mind and spirit in order to produce greater clarity and inspiration; enhances and harmonizes the higher consciousness in order to integrate one's open and expansive spirituality with the other energy-centers (chakras) in a more balanced manner; manifests greater intelligence directly from the standpoint of one's spiritual love for others, and increases one's overall empathetic response; activates the third eye, thereby enhancing the basic teachings of the pituitary (6th) chakra; develops greater inner discipline while increasing one's overall self-acceptance, and improves one's concentration and eloquence; removes the tendency to accumulate any psychic tension, particularly in the stomach and solar plexus regions; provides greater peace and harmony by balancing the masculine and feminine qualities, and harmonizes one's inner solar forces for greater emotional peace and stability; subdues the many small emotions that vex the soul life by helping to consolidate these into a more fundamental soul essence of serenity and equanimity, and enhances those soul forces that are lacking in warmth and full-bodied presence by providing greater vibrancy and vitality.

