any muscular degeneration or the deterioration of muscle tissues,
due to the inadequate elimination of toxins from the cellular
tissues of the musculature (muscular structure); removes any form
of physical exhaustion from the muscular tissues (due to a lack
of sufficient sleep), as well as any blood disorders that result
in lowered vitality; eliminates any excessive accumulations of
lactic acid, which usually occurs during periods of strenuous
exercising or increased activity; eases any over-acid conditions
in the body by crystallizing and dissolving these acidic
properties, and alleviates any form of bone demineralization,
chronic exhaustion or neuro-muscular problems associated with
magnesium deficiencies; enhances the detoxification process on
both the anatomical and cellular levels, due to the pulsation of
the body's biocrystalline structures from the liquid to the
crystalline state; improves all the glandular functions of the
body by increasing the penetration of blood fluids into the
ductless glandular system, and acts a a general strengthener for
the entire endocrine system (particularly the pineal and
pituitary glands); invigorates and regenerates one's overall
physical vitality, with special emphasis upon the skin, bone
marrow, muscular tissue, liver, spleen, heart, thymus, pancreas,
pituitary, ovaries, testicles, uterus, red corpuscles and
hemoglobin; increases both the circulatory and capillary flows by
promoting greater capillary action and the formation of red
corpuscles, and enhances cellular mitosis by stimulating the
ability of the red and white corpuscles to reproduce on the
cellular level while providing greater tissue regeneration in the
red corpuscles; strengthens the entire spinal column and all the
bones throughout the body, particularly whenever there exists any
symptoms of molting or bone tissue degeneration; strengthens the
kidneys, heart muscle and entire circulatory system while
cleansing the lymphatic system, and tonifies the nerve and muscle
tissues; energizes the neurological functions, resulting in
greater flexibility within the bone tissue (including the
cartilage, ligaments and tendons); increases the neurological
response, and invigorates the activity of the synapses that
interact between the nerve cells; energizes the neurological
tissues located along the spine that are associated with the
abdomen, and strengthens the genital organs while slightly
accentuating the masculine properties; removes any hormonal
imbalances in both males and females, and retards the aging
process by increasing the amount of vital force (prana) energy
that flows into the cells.
Activates the thyroid gland in order to energize one's
metabolism, thereby accelerating the release of toxins from the
muscular tissues; removes any form of malnourishment associated
with circulatory imbalances, especially when it involves the
blood vessels of the abdominal cavity and the lower extremities;
stimulates greater autolysis, and acts as a digestive aid for the
abdomen and the upper digestive tract (or small intestine);
augments the digestive system by aiding in the production of
certain enzymes, and produces enzymal properties for the red
corpuscles; improves the assimilation of the full spectrum of
proteins, as well as those enzymes that are employed during the
detoxification process; increases the absorption or assimilation
of various essential nutrients, including calcium, cholesterol,
copper, gold, iron, lecithin, magnesium, silica, sulfur, zinc,
and vitamins B-Complex and E; assists the body in the more
efficient assimilation of various proteins and chlorophyll,
particularly throughout the lower intestinal tract.
Activates the biomagnetic, bioelectrical and biocrystalline
properties in the physical body, thereby enhancing communication
between the subtle bodies; amplifies the discharge of ethereal
toxicity from the system by dispelling any mental or emotional
toxins (negative thought-forms) into the subtle bodies and
ethers, where they are ultimately transformed and disintegrated;
increases the electromagnetic capabilities of the physical and
subtle bodies, and strengthens the etheric body in order for it
to integrate more gracefully with the physical body; augments and
strengthens the ethereal fluidium in the cellular walls, thereby
enhancing the proper elimination of metabolic waste products;
creates a deeper resonance between the mental body and one's
emotions, and augments the emotional body in order to dissolve
any emotional tensions; aligns all the subtle bodies, especially
the astral, causal, mental, etheric and integrated spiritual
bodies; increases the alignment between the physical and the
etheric bodies, thereby enhancing the detoxification process;
aligns the integrated spiritual body so that the psycho-spiritual
dynamics of an individual can flow more freely, while balancing
and harmonizing the action of the astral body by removing any
weaknesses associated with a false sense of hope; activates the
splenic/sacral chakra (which is directly associated with
emotional issues), and releases any blockages in this chakra so
that one's creative energy can be channelled into more worthwhile
endeavors; invigorates and tonifies the heart chakra, which
spiritualizes the forces of the primary energy; activates the
minor chakra located at the base of the arch of each foot,
thereby stimulating the absorption of various minerals that
enhance one's emotional stability; cleanses and strengthens the
etheric body and the entire meridian system, and eases all the
Alleviates any form of mental confusion or nervous exhaustion, as
well as any mental stress that becomes lodged in the musculature
(muscular structure); releases any form of stress that is placed
upon the immune or ductless glandular systems, as well as in the
skeletal or muscular systems; eliminates any mental exhaustion
caused by the over-exertion of one's mental faculties, and
relieves an aggravated mental body that is directly associated
with muscular tensions; removes any form of extreme tension,
especially throughout the musculature; releases any tensions that
are stored in the nervous system or the subconscious mind,
thereby allowing any previously unconscious thought-patterns and
ideas from the subconscious mind to surface and be resolved;
removes various mental blocks by relieving any fear or
nervousness when confronting any mental or emotional issues,
while creating tremendous relaxation throughout the entire
muscular structure; integrates the mental body's influences
evenly throughout the nervous system, thereby allowing the
intellect to directly enter all levels of the body so that the
conscious mind exerts greater control over the normal reflexive
actions of the body; connects the conscious mind directly to the
circulatory flows, and increases one's capability to mentally
transport the blood to specific parts of the body; enhances
greater mental clarity, and promotes a more expanded form of
mental flexibility; develops an increased understanding of one's
suppressed feelings or emotions while promoting greater emotional
freedom and more sincere open-heartedness, and balances the
emotions so that one's spiritual nature and mental Self are more
properly aligned.
Assists an individual in learning how to allow, welcome and
accept positive changes in their life, and creates various
self-regulating mechanisms that counteract any resistance towards
new experiences; promotes an honest confrontation with the basic
cause behind one's thoughts or actions, thereby allowing more
constructive tendencies to develop within the personality
structure; improves one's overall self-acceptance or self-esteem,
and generates the capability for tremendous psycho-spiritual
self-confidence; restores and revitalizes the soul by activating
greater inspiration, as well as promoting more inspired
creativity that is filled with inner meaning; removes any lack of
vision in one's life, and improves an individual's capability to
truly express what they want to accomplish; gradually transforms
any doubting or skeptical qualities of the soul into a deeper
faith to continue, despite any seeming setbacks or obstacles;
provides greater encouragement by helping the soul to shift its
mental perspective, and spiritualizes the intellect; releases any
past-life information that is stored in one's genetic code,
thereby enhancing greater decisiveness on the conscious mind
level; strengthens the soul's capability to respond with greater
resiliency (as well as to trust in the unfoldment of life), and
assists the soul in acquiring more inner fortitude and unwavering
trust towards the outcome of various life events; removes the
inability to perceive the higher purpose and meaning behind one's
life events, and allows an individual to review and survey the
life process from a higher perspective; enhances one's ability to
draw greater wisdom from various life experiences, and allows the
soul to attain greater inner stability and a more peaceful
acceptance of its condition; enables the Self to learn and
reflect about its life experience, particularly by enhancing
one's capability to experience a sense of harmony and deep inner
peace; increases one's overall sensitivity, and balances the
entire character by developing greater balance within all levels
of one's being; stimulates the masculine traits and the feminine
qualities, and balances both the male and female natures on the
spiritual level; enhances one's ability to honor and nourish the
Self, and allows one's spiritual forces to flow through the body
in a more dynamic and effortless manner; promotes more lively
activity that is balanced with inner ease, and provides more
contained moments of reflective activity; promotes a more
balanced exchange of heart energies, and impels the soul to
create and cultivate greater beauty within itself and the world
at large; initiates and sustains the soul's development, thereby
harmonizing the inner life of the human soul with the Soul of
Nature in order to become more truly alive and vibrant.