Activates the biomagnetic, bioelectrical and biocrystalline properties in the physical body, thereby enhancing communication between the subtle bodies; amplifies the discharge of ethereal toxicity from the system by dispelling any mental or emotional toxins into the subtle bodies and ethers, where they are ultimately transformed and disintegrated; enhances the ability of the etheric body to absorb and interact with vibrational levels from all the other subtle bodies, and removes any energy-patterns in various diseases that block the advancement of the life force (prana); cleanses and strengthens the etheric body, which makes it easier for the life force (prana) to enter the physical body; cleanses, clarifies and focuses the emotional body, while providing greater resonance between the astral, mental, etheric and physical bodies; cleanses and strengthens the mental body, while calming and subduing the astral body so that the spiritual ego can receive greater strength and awareness; calms and strengthens the emotional body, and acts as a general cleanser for all the subtle bodies; attracts all the chakras, meridians, nadis and subtle bodies into a temporary state of alignment, and aligns the astral, causal and emotional bodies with the etheric body; aligns the etheric body more closely to the physical body, which intensifies the ability of the life force (prana) by draining off any negative patterns and enhancing the detoxification process; augments the brow, crown and solar plexus chakras, and cleanses the heart chakra while removing any blockages in the crown chakra; strengthens and energizes the 1st, 2nd and 3rd chakras, as well as the minor chakras located in the hands and feet; increases the coordination between the 2nd, 3rd and 4th chakras, thereby producing more energy-transfer and deeper states of relaxation concerning issues involving nurturance; focuses the energy-patterns that flow among all the chakras, and balances the creativity of the 2nd chakra with the sensitivity of the emotional (3rd) chakra in order to provide greater feeling to one's personal expression; cleanses, strengthens and energizes all the meridians and nadis, and allows them to transfer energy more easily; balances the yin and yang qualities, as well as the yin and yang energies throughout the entire meridian system.
Alleviates all emotional extremes, and eases any emotional problems; removes any negative thought-forms by elevating one's thought processes, and eliminates any blockages or negativity in the personality structure; alleviates any deep fear of death or dying, and removes various obsessive states while easing any self-doubts or confusion; relieves any form of nervous irritability or restlessness at night (to the point of insomnia) by tonifying the entire nervous system, particularly the sympathetic nervous system; eliminates any nervous habit-patterns, such as alcoholism, smoking, or the use of narcotics or opiates (which are removed from the sympathetic nervous system); repairs any shock or trauma caused by drug abuse, especially when the physical and etheric integrity of the nervous system has been damaged; allows an individual to break free of addictive habit-patterns (especially the need for stimulants) by addressing any obsessive or compulsive behavior in the personality structure, and eases any depletion of the mind or body from the long-term use of drugs and other stimulants while allowing an individual to let go of old habit-patterns or lifestyles that may contribute to drug use; removes any feelings of self-effacement or low self-esteem associated with drug usage, and eliminates the desire to use drugs that stupefy or sedate one's consciousness (such as narcotics, opiates or sedatives); accelerates one's recovery from any deep-seated shock or trauma, and lessens the effects of any physical or psychic "burn-out" from extended drug abuse; eliminates the desire to use drugs as a social buffer in order to dull one's sensitivity or to anesthetize one's intolerable emotional pain, and removes the tendency to use drugs in order to effectively mask one's fear of the unknown; eases the tendency to use one's addiction as a form of escapism, especially the need to use drugs in order to escape the responsibilities and pressures of adulthood; alleviates the desire to submerge oneself in drugs (due to feeling that the outer world is too harsh), and removes the tendency to use drugs (especially alcohol) in order to avoid confronting one's psychic pain or loss; eliminates the desire to use drugs in order to hide one's true feelings behind a cheerful facade or false persona, and eases the tendency to hide one's essential Self from others or mask one's feelings (due to fear of exposure or rejection); relieves the desire to use drug addiction as a mask to cover one's soul shame or pain, and eases any form of denial or avoidance of one's emotional pain by providing more emotional honesty; alleviates any form of obsessive sexual promiscuity and strong attraction or fascination with pornography and other forms of illicit or illegal sexuality, and eliminates any desire to become enmeshed or addicted to any form of debased or dehumanized sexual activity or relationships in general or to various forms of perverse sexual stimulation; removes one's desire to remain entangled in relationships that are abusive or addictive, or to become entrapped by the addictive lifestyle of oneself or others; enables an individual to come to know their emotional selves better by enhancing greater understanding of the emotional body and one's deep-seated feelings, and provides a sense of deep unconscious peacefulness while restoring those mental faculties that are lacking in vibrancy or coherency.
Assists an individual in breaking free of any overly repetitive or habitual patterns that retard the soul's full development, and allows the human soul to break through any deeply resistant karmic patterns; stimulates the cognitive capabilities so that an individual is able to more completely and rapidly grasp the essential nature of the experience at hand and learn the appropriate lessons, thereby liberating them from the compulsive need to repeat mistakes and re-create any regressive patterns; allows the human soul to release any emotional blocks or problems by enhancing one's ability to understand their cyclical patterns, as well as providing overall healing support for any form of addiction therapy; assists the human soul in re-living the emotional trauma that accompanied the original experience, thereby providing greater courage in order to confront and actively transform any addictive, destructive, negative or threatening situations or circumstances; allows an individual to learn that true inner peace is derived by honestly acknowledging one's pain and transforming it, rather than masking it with a superficial veneer of good cheer; enhances one's desire to purify or cleanse the Self in order to release any dysfunctional aspects of the personality, and allows an individual to find peace as an inner soul reality rather than an outer state of behavior that others validate; assists the soul in attaining greater awareness of those portions of the psyche or physical body that may be insufficiently being utilized in the individuality's full expression of its true Self, and eliminates the need to escape from self-awareness by providing an individual with the awareness of a greater purpose in their life; relieves any difficulty involved in coping with the normal demands or responsibilities of the adult ego, thereby enhancing the ability of the soul to cope with the ego or individuated Self; eases any extreme states of soul dependency or regression that are characterized by the lack of an independent ego identity, and allows an individual to shift from ego identification with their personality to that of a higher spiritual identity; eliminates the desire to cling to a child-like personality, due to the suppression of the child's true identity during its development; assists the human soul in releasing any emotional blocks during the maturation process by maintaining a healthy relationship with the inner child as a fully functioning and mature adult, and by imparting a deeper sense of nurturance to one's inner child; removes any over-identification with youthfulness or fame and fortune, thereby easing one's excessive attachment to material values instead of identifying with what is truly eternal; alleviates the tendency to cling to exterior props of existence through an over-identification with the illusory parts of the Self, such as one's possessions, lifestyle or social recognition by others; removes the tendency to develop a protective shell of defensiveness or intellectual cynicism by allowing an individual to become more positive and open in their expressions and actions, and providing greater trust in the goodness of people or various life events; promotes greater self-acceptance or emotional openness and honesty, including the courage to take emotional risks with others; assists an individual in learning that only by remaining open and risking vulnerability can they experience the warmth of human love and affection, and assists an individual in building a sheath that both protects and shields them while still providing access to their innate sensitivity; removes any attachment to psychic experiences or the need to have spiritual or psychic "highs", and assists those who may have prematurely opened their astral sheaths through drug use or occult rituals; removes the tendency to use drugs in order to stimulate false psychic "highs", and lessens one's desire to evade a more quiet and sustained development of their spiritual life in favor of an intense, overly-dramatic and emotional exaggeration of various (so-called) psychic experiences; calms and harmonizes the innate psychic capabilities by allowing the conscious mind to receive and process more information, while promoting a more balanced use of one's soul forces; balances and re-directs one's spiritual forces, while enhancing and harmonizing the higher consciousness in order to integrate one's open and expansive spirituality with the other energy-centers (chakras) in a more balanced manner; aligns an individual closer to thoughts associated with their Higher Self, while lessening the disconnection of the Higher Self from one's physical body during periods of shock or trauma; develops a true connection to one's spiritual Self, and guides the soul towards a more balanced spiritual opening and contained emotional presence; allows the soul to acquire true objectivity, as well as to experience more natural states of energy or energetic patterns; restores the soul's original innocence and child-like trust, and provides a deep sense of wellness or wholeness and a more balanced sense of one's true individuality.