Activates the biomagnetic, bioelectrical and biocrystalline properties of the physical body, thereby enhancing communication between the subtle bodies; amplifies the discharge of ethereal toxicity from the system by dispelling any mental or emotional toxins (negative thought-forms) into the subtle bodies and ethers, where they are ultimately transformed and disintegrated; strengthens the ethereal fluidium at the cellular level, and accelerates the energy flows from the etheric body through the lymphatic system; activates the emotional body in order to absorb additional energy from the etheric body, and increases the tendency for subtle energies to proceed from the integrated spiritual body into the other subtle bodies in a natural and integrated manner; provides greater understanding of the relationship that exists between the mental, emotional, etheric and integrated spiritual bodies, and energizes the mental body; balances and expands the emotional body, and cleanses the etheric body; strengthens the astral, mental, emotional, etheric and soul bodies, and aligns all the other subtle bodies closer to what the integrated spiritual body is perceiving; removes any confusion from the emotional body (which creates more clarity of thought) while increasing calmness, thereby providing more emotional stability; aligns the astral, causal and emotional bodies, and brings all the subtle bodies into a temporary state of alignment; aligns the mental body to the point where it actually contacts the outer extremities of the soul body, and integrates the mental and emotional bodies in order to allow one's emotions to be examined with greater objectivity; strengthens all the chakras, meridians, nadis and subtle bodies, and alleviates any energy imbalances in the root (1st) chakra; aligns the 2nd, 3rd and 4th chakras into much deeper states of harmony and balance, and provides greater assistance to those energies that flow from the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th chakras directly into the glandular system; strengthens the 5th, 6th and 7th chakras, as well as the minor chakras located in the knees; activates and cleanses the heart chakra, which produces increased caring and sensitivity; energizes the brow chakra and the minor chakra located at the upper point of the index finger, thereby facilitating the assimilation of higher wisdom and specific linear or academic information; activates the minor chakras located on both heels, which generates increased self-confidence and a sense of stability; augments and regulates the flow of the entire meridian system, and invigorates all the nadis; stimulates and strengthens the nadis located throughout the front of the body, especially those situated in the hands, feet and chest region; balances the yin and yang qualities, as well as the yin and yang energies throughout the entire meridian system.



Alleviates all emotional extremes, and eases any emotional problems or imbalances; releases any dysfunctional aspects of one's personality structure, and eliminates any attachment to negative emotions; alleviates any retarded phases of physical or emotional development during childhood and adolescence, as well as various depressed moods that can overwhelm the adolescent soul; eliminates various forms of emotional moodiness or complex states of depression, such as extremely changeable manic-depressive mood swings or ever-fluctuating emotional states; releases any emotional tensions or extreme mental stress by augmenting the entire nervous system, especially the autonomic nervous system; eases any extreme feelings of rebelliousness, bitterness, resentment or resistance to parents, authority figures or society in general, and eases any anti-social or criminal tendencies; addresses any rebellious tendencies of the emotional life by refining these into positive qualities of awareness and insight, particularly during the adolescent and young adult phases of life; eliminates the tendency to express one's pent-up emotions in a negative manner in either the immediate family or school surroundings, and relieves any feelings of jealousy or rivalry at home or school; balances and eases any issues of conflict or difficulty with one's immediate family (especially the father figure), thereby providing increased understanding regarding an adolescent's anger or hostility toward their father experience; reduces any stormy periods or conflicts with one's mother or other female figures, and relieves any estrangement or other forms of alienation from one's mother (or the mothering process) due to abandonment, abuse or trauma during early childhood; alleviates any feelings of low self-worth or "not being good enough", and eliminates any over-compensation or false bravado in one's personality structure (due to a lack of love as a child); removes any self-doubt, lack of confidence or expectations of failure or harsh judgement from others, and lessens the pain of awakening to adulthood or the tendency to become cynical; alleviates the tendency to develop a protective shell of defensiveness or intellectual cynicism, and provides greater protection for shy or sensitive adolescents by removing any feelings of social insecurity or group pressures; alleviates any extreme feelings of vulnerability, as well as any fear of expressing or exposing one's true Self or feelings; eliminates the tendency to mask one's feelings or essential Self from others, due to a fear of being exposed so that others can see one's pain or vulnerability; removes any mixed messages or feelings a teenager may have about their sexual identity, and eases any confusion about one's goals in life; alleviates any overly feminine tendencies or delayed maturity in adolescent boys, and eliminates the psychological need to cling to a child-like personality or remain in an arrested, child-like state; allows an individual to break free of old habit-patterns and personality traits that are no longer appropriate, such as childhood patterns of behavior or feelings; assists an adolescent in overcoming any insecurities regarding their physical appearance, and removes any self-disgust about acne or other feelings of ugliness or imperfection; assists adolescent boys and girls to deal more effectively with an extremely early onset of puberty, and allows an adolescent to better handle puberty (both emotionally and psychologically) by developing greater self-confidence, emotional maturation and increased emotional stability; enhances one's ability to allow any inner sadness or pain to surface more easily into their conscious awareness, and focuses or concentrates greater energy into the heart region as one's emotions are being resolved; allows for a greater understanding of how the emotions interact with one another by regulating and harmonizing one's emotional life, and provides greater clarity in one's relationships with others by developing a closer understanding or more empathetic feelings between oneself and others; assists an adolescent in ascertaining their hidden resources in order to attain true mental or psychological health, and allows higher wisdom and factual academic or linear information to be more easily absorbed or assimilated.



Assists in the removal of one's emotional blocks during the maturation process by maintaining a healthy relationship with the inner child as a fully functioning or mature adult, and eases any hardening of one's childhood forces; removes any difficulties associated with developing the maternal aspect of one's personality by creating a sense of nurturing (or the recognition of a need for nurturing) within an individual, and improves the development of the masculine Self by tempering and spiritualizing an overbearing male ego; heals any disturbances or distortions in the adolescent soul's relationship to the father or masculine aspect of oneself, and allows an adolescent to adjust to any delays in their puberty cycle; enhances a more positive integration of an individual's creative forces with their sexual energies (associated with a voice change in adolescent boys), and provides more balanced development of the creative forces in teenage girls; promotes a healthy relationship or attitude during the onset of one's menstrual period or breast development, and increases the ability to harmonize one's feelings about their female Self with the emotions and feelings in their heart; removes any difficulty in identifying with the earthy aspect of the feminine, thereby providing greater acceptance and loving support of one's femininity; develops a more balanced sense of positive individuality in adolescent boys and girls, and assists the adolescent soul to integrate the qualities of male and female into a more harmonious expression; eases any distorted sense of the Self by eliminating any over-identification with illusory parts of the Self, and eliminates any desire to display anti-social or obnoxious behavior as an extreme measure in order to acquire a self-image (especially during adolescence); provides an increased sense of social responsibility, especially when one is exhibiting anti-social behavior; alleviates any problems associated with making or keeping friends, and removes any false persona in group situations; eases one's inability to reach out to others, and encourages an individual towards greater social involvement by promoting more open-hearted sharing, friendliness and social exchange; removes various forms of deep-seated social alienation (or the feeling of being disconnected from one's community), thereby enhancing greater social connectedness and commitment to one's community; assists those adolescents with destructive social ties (such as gangs) to find a healthier sense of community by encouraging greater social participation, and allows adolescents to become more positive and open in their expressions or actions; alleviates the tendency to constrict one's creative expression or stifle one's spontaneity, and liberates the creative potential of the soul by providing an individual with renewed confidence and expressiveness; allows the soul to discover greater enthusiasm for earthly life or worldly tasks, and restores the soul's ability to feel greater unity and wholeness; removes the tendency to be easily influenced by group or social pressures, expectations or conventions, which leads to conforming one's behavior to social norms in order to win approval and acceptance; provides greater courage to follow one's own convictions, despite any peer pressures or societal judgements; enables the soul to tap into greater reservoirs of personal courage, as well as to acquire greater strength and inner conviction; promotes greater conscious alignment with the feminine creative Self in order to more clearly perceive one's choices or destiny, and allows an individual to assume greater responsibility for their life situation; assists an individual in making healthy transitions in their life, and develops greater courage to pursue one's own path or destiny; provides greater assistance during adolescent or young adult life when the soul seeks to discover its own positive ideals, or to serve the world through its own personal life-calling or vocation; allows an individual to recognize and respond to their true life-calling by seeking those forms of work that provide the Self with a sense of higher purpose or meaning, and improves one's ability to forbear any difficult life circumstances with more inner fortitude by responding with greater resilience or inward mobility towards life's challenges and problems; allows an adolescent to deal more effectively with minor setbacks or challenges during any athletic or scholastic events by impelling them from a self-limiting to a self-transcending mode of behavior, and assists an individual in making and sustaining the shift from a limited or narrow conception of the Self to one that is more expansive and inclusive of others; provides greater courage to take emotional risks with others, thereby allowing an individual to learn that only by remaining open and risking vulnerability can one experience the warmth of human love and affection; enhances the need to establish one's own inner values or belief-systems, and aligns the superconscious mind's spiritual values with the heart chakra; provides greater strength and alignment of one's spiritual purpose, as well as a clearer perception of the path and purpose of others; establishes a more conscious relationship to spiritual authority or guidance, and harmonizes one's inner solar forces for greater emotional peace and stability; lessens the tendency to accumulate psychic tension throughout the day, particularly in the stomach and solar plexus regions; provides a greater sense of inner peacefulness and trust in oneself, and promotes more flowing receptivity to life.

