Activates the biomagnetic, bioelectrical and biocrystalline properties in the physical body, thereby enhancing communication between the subtle bodies; amplifies the discharge of ethereal toxicity from the system by dispelling any mental or emotional toxins into the subtle bodies and ethers, where they are ultimately transformed and disintegrated; strengthens and energizes the mental body, and activates the astral, mental and etheric bodies into a state of greater resonance; calms, expands and strengthens the emotional body, while cleansing the etheric body; fuses the causal and emotional bodies together, thereby creating a more universal form of emotionalism; aligns the astral, causal, mental and emotional bodies, while aligning all the subtle bodies closer to what the integrated spiritual body is perceiving; balances the 2nd, 3rd and 4th chakras, and energizes the heart chakra and the nadis located in the heart; cleanses the heart chakra, which produces increased caring and greater sensitivity; focuses more energy into the 2nd and 3rd chakras, thereby liberating any new expressions of energy regarding one's emotions; increases the degree of coordination between the 2nd, 3rd and 4th chakras, which produces more energy-transfer and deeper states of relaxation concerning issues of nurturance; clarifies the timing and energy-patterns that flow among all the chakras, and increases one's awareness of the energy that they absorb into their heart that also flows into these other chakras; strengthens the 5th, 6th and 7th chakras, as well as the minor chakras that are located in each knee; assists all the meridians and nadis to transfer energy more easily, while balancing the yin and yang energies throughout the entire meridian system.



Alleviates various forms of helplessness, immaturity, or emotional regression, and removes any feelings of uncertainty, self-doubt, diminished self-worth, or the tendency to invalidate one's own sense of truth; eases various forms of resentment, bitterness or inflexibility, while increasing one's overall understanding of any anger or hostility towards their father; eliminates any tendency towards self-blame, self-criticism or undue guilt by removing the desire to internalize one's guilt, or to accept responsibility or blame for the faults of others; promotes greater self-acceptance and self-forgiveness, and alleviates the tendency to perceive oneself as a victim; eliminates any low self-esteem or self-deprecating behavior, and removes the desire to remain entangled in self-deprecation or emotional paralysis; promotes greater emotional honesty by acknowledging and working with (instead of persisting in the denial or avoidance of) one's emotional pain, and increases the ability to release any painful emotions, to cry, and to allow any inner sadness to come to the surface of one's conscious awareness more easily; allows an individual to become more consciously aware of their emotional nature, thereby providing a deeper sense of understanding the true purpose of their emotions; enhances one's ability to perceive and comprehend their mental or emotional patterns, and increases an individual's basic understanding of the relationship between the cyclical nature of the emotional body and one's overall feelings; protects an individual from any extreme forms of negative emotionalism, and removes any attachment to negative emotional states; eases any emotional congestion or misdirected love forces by increasing one's ability to balance the polarities of love and personal power (or empowerment), and promotes more emotional openness and the courage to take emotional risks with others so that one can directly experience the warmth of human love and affection; eases any avoidance mechanisms for the purpose of emotional distancing or coping, and removes the inability to feel or experience one's own self-worth in social relationships; eliminates the tendency to conform one's behavior to social norms in order to win approval or acceptance, and lessens the need for social approval; eases the tendency to hide one's true feelings, or the use of an outer mask of cheerfulness in order to be socially agreeable; removes the tendency to become subject to peer pressure or social expectations, and lessens one's need to receive approval for any form of child-like behavior; eliminates any form of arrested or over-dependent child-like state, and assists an individual during childhood and adolescence with any retarded phases of mental or emotional development; removes any form of over-identification with the illusory parts of the Self, and cleanses the false persona by releasing any dysfunctional aspects of one's personality; eliminates those habit-patterns that undermine or subvert the real intention of the Self, and eases various forms of unbalanced giving which weakens and depletes the true Self; assists in releasing any nervous habit-patterns or displays of nervous irritability, including any grinding of the teeth or jitteriness that is exemplified by excessive talking or restlessness at night to the point of insomnia; removes the desire to hold on to any destructive habit-patterns or addictions, as well as any form of false identity or life circumstances that are no longer appropriate; eliminates the tendency to become embroiled in vicious cycles of destructive energy, and enhances one's ability to confront and transform any entanglements in abusive, violent or destructive relationships; alleviates the tendency towards being weak-willed, servile, subservient or otherwise dominated by others, and removes any unhealthy need to serve, please or be exploited by others; eases any form of emotional neediness, especially when it involves the tendency to manipulate others for one's own benefit; alleviates any excessive possessiveness or clinging forms of neediness in relationships, and removes any needy expressions of love or negative methods of gaining attention from others in the form of self-centered behavior; alleviates any extreme dependence or lack of ego strength, and eliminates the desire to feign helplessness or over-dependence in any interpersonal relationship; assists an individual in "letting go" of their emotional dependence on others, while harmonizing the various affairs of the heart (including any extreme attachments to other individuals); activates a deeper sense of oneness by enhancing stronger feelings of "letting go", especially in relation to various emotional issues; overcomes any lack of appropriate emotional boundaries, and eases any form of inappropriate merging or enmeshing with other people's feelings; eliminates any over-identification with the problems of others, especially in the form of excessive worry or concern; removes any feelings of abandonment or insecurity from childhood that distorts one's current relationships, and eases various forms of alienation from one's mother or the mothering process itself (due to any abandonment, abuse or trauma during early childhood); removes the inability to make clear and firm decisions for oneself by becoming overly reliant upon the advice of others, and eases any fear associated with letting others down; eliminates the tendency to suppress one's energetic response, or to hold back one's true capabilities; enhances the need to take full responsibility for one's own emotions, as well as the ability to become the true source of one's emotional nature.



Allows an individual to fully express the love they feel as well as to activate their will in the world with this love, and to better absorb any new teachings that are being shared with them; infuses strong forces of self-awareness so that an individual can think in a calm and steady manner, and thereby act from their own center of truth; promotes greater acceptance of one's adult responsibilities by providing more beneficial strength and integrity, thereby assisting an individual in assuming greater self-awareness and responsibility; allows an individual to fully retain their individual integrity in various interpersonal relationships or social situations, and promotes an inner sense of Self that is balanced with group or social consciousness; strengthens the ability to maintain one's own sense of individuality, while removing the inability to acknowledge or perceive one's inner light and uniqueness; allows an individual to act from the strength of their inner purpose, while providing a clearer perception of the path and purpose of others; strengthens one's overall spiritual purpose, and provides a greater sense of trust in oneself and in the unfoldment of life; develops greater self-reliance, inner conviction, as well as the ability to trust one's inner knowingness; promotes more patience, tenacity and penetrating insight, while providing greater forces of discrimination and freedom from limiting influences; assists the soul in responding with greater resilience and inward mobility to any challenges or problems, and eases any cyclical patterns (especially those that are difficult for an individual to handle) by making these energy-patterns more sensible, understandable and therefore knowable in the physical body; assists the soul in progressing through various emotional blocks during the maturation process, thereby maintaining a healthy relationship to the "inner child" while performing as a fully functioning and mature adult; imparts a deeper sense of the nurturing or loving side of one's inner Self or inner child, and enhances the ability to release one's problems and truly love oneself or another individual; develops the more nurturing aspect of one's interpersonal relationships, as well as the ability to project energy of a feeling and nurturing nature to another individual that one does not normally care for; heals the mother-child bonding principle, as well as any afflicted forms of masculinity that can distort one's current relationships; allows an individual to balance their active femininity (anima) with the inner masculine (animus) part of their soul, and draws an individual closer to a sense of androgyny within the Self; removes the tendency to relate to others as parental figures, and enhances the ability of the soul to feel and embrace the warm and loving presence of the Divine maternal or archetypal mother; allows the soul to gather greater inward strength in order to consolidate its essence, while allowing an individual to learn that self-acceptance and inner esteem are the pathway to the soul's realization of its own sacredness and divinity; aligns an individual with the true energy and inspiration of their Higher Self while balancing the natural leadership capabilities within the soul, especially in terms of integrating these with the true directives of the Higher Self; develops more independent judgement, and promotes more active decision-making capabilities; allows an individual to become more decisive and straightforward in their response to others and to life itself, and improves the integration of one's receptive and assertive qualities; increases one's ability to feel more radiant and assertive, due to a healthy sense of ego; alleviates any extreme states of soul dependency or regression, characterized by the lack of an independent ego identity; allows the soul to learn to experience more natural energy-states, as well as a greater awareness and respect for life and all the life processes; eliminates the desire to withdraw from human contact, thereby preventing one from experiencing a deeper sense of lovingness; promotes more genuine impersonal love and caring for another, and enhances one's ability to respond to others with loving kindness; imparts greater objectivity and containment in order to avoid any dysfunctional merging with others, and promotes more loving awareness of others from the standpoint of a Self-contained level of consciousness; removes any dysfunctional ties to the family unit or other social mores that prevent the full actualization of one's goals or life destiny, and assists the soul in terms of its ability to create metamorphic changes; allows an individual to make healthy transitions in life, along with the personal courage to follow one's own path or destiny; enhances the development of healthy non-attachment in one's interpersonal relationships, as well as the ability to let go of the past by assisting in dispelling any form of enchantment, illusion or spell which may bind the soul to the past; allows an individual to let go of any non-essential aspects of oneself, and removes the tendency to develop a false persona in an effort to please others; lessens an individual's reliance upon pleasing others in order to receive self-validation, and promotes a more healthy recognition of one's own needs; provides the ability and courage to confront (rather than avoid) and actively transform any abusive, destructive, negative or threatening situations or circumstances, and promotes greater harmony and a sense of inner peacefulness; provides more objective acknowledgement of one's faults, while easing any conscious states that focus upon one's negative traits; reduces the inability to clarify one's own values, and aligns the superconscious mind's spiritual values with the heart chakra; balances and re-directs any psychic energy-currents, especially as they flow through the heart and solar plexus regions; cleanses the psychic properties of the blood, where the spiritual ego resides; allows an individual to respect the freedom and individuality of others, and provides more open-hearted ability to love others unconditionally; promotes more loving compassion and a more balanced exchange of heart energies, and provides a greater appreciation and deeper understanding of the joyfulness of life.

