Activates the biomagnetic, bioelectrical and biocrystalline properties in the physical body, thereby enhancing communication between the subtle bodies; amplifies the discharge of ethereal toxicity from the system by dispelling any mental or emotional toxins (negative thought-forms) into the subtle bodies and ethers, where they are ultimately transformed and disintegrated; promotes increased vibrational interactions between any heightened movements of the ethereal fluidium or the electromagnetic energies from the Earth, including the natural flow of such energies throughout the entire nervous system; aligns and strengthens certain natural energy-flows through the ethereal fluidium as they become aligned with the Earth's magnetic field, thereby destroying any negative thought-forms and creating a powerful energy-current within an individual that resonates harmoniously with their soul energies; enhances the ethereal fluidium, which intensifies the ability of the life force (prana) by draining off any negative patterns; allows the life force (prana) to extend throughout all the subtle bodies in a conical shape in order to draw information into the system from the Higher Self, thereby resolving any emotional issues; calms the emotional body, while strengthening the thermal body and the life force (prana); cleanses and strengthens the etheric body so that negative thought-forms cannot penetrate into one's psyche or physical body, and repairs any "holes" in the etheric body or aura that allow an individual to be directly influenced by these negative thought-forms; aligns and strengthens all the chakras, meridians, nadis and subtle bodies, and acts as a general cleanser for all the subtle bodies; aligns the emotional body with the etheric body, and bonds the etheric body closer to the physical body; aligns the mental and etheric bodies in order to manifest one's psycho-spiritual forces, and fuses the mental and causal bodies together in order to increase one's insight or ability to more intuitively understand various forms of academic or clairvoyant information; aligns the mental, emotional, causal and integrated spiritual bodies, thereby cultivating greater discrimination, increased mental clarity and higher spiritual inspiration; augments the brow, crown and solar plexus chakras, while energizing the emotional (3rd) chakra; aligns the 2nd and 4th chakras in order for them to function more as a single unit, and removes any blockages in the crown chakra; stabilizes the heart chakra, while enhancing the heart meridian and the heart chakra nadis; activates the crown chakra, which cleanses the subconscious mind; stimulates the psycho-spiritual properties of each chakra, and balances the creativity of the 2nd chakra with the sensitivity of the emotional (3rd) chakra in order to provide greater feeling to one's personal expression; energizes the minor chakra point that is located near the armpits in order to assist the physical body in absorbing orgone energy more consistently, which produces a greater sense of vitality; activates the minor chakras that are situated on both heels, which generates increased self-confidence and a sense of greater stability; cleanses all the major meridians, and acts as a general tonic for the entire meridian system.



Alleviates all emotional extremes, and eases any emotional problems; dispels any fear or negativity, and clears the conscious mind of any negative thoughts (or thought-forms) by elevating one's thought processes; eases any tendency towards absent-mindedness or forgetfulness, as well as any mental confusion or the constant barrage of negative thoughts by removing various obstacles, blockages or negativity in the personality structure; eases any emotional stress in the physical body while removing confusion from the emotional body, thereby providing increased mental clarity; removes any disorientation or stress upon the physical body, due to various chemical imbalances; alleviates any psychological imbalances that are directly associated with the disorientation of one's attention span, including a lack of self-confidence or a sluggish response; removes any form of general disorientation or the lack of focus or direction, due to an improper connection between the physical and etheric bodies; eases any self-doubts, and relieves any type of lethargic or disassociated mental and emotional states; eliminates any disorientation that is usually accompanied by rapid or inarticulate speech patterns, and removes the inability to focus one's thoughts; alleviates any form of disorientated behavior that occurs when one is surrounded by intense activity or crowded and congested areas, such as large cities; eliminates any form of emotional confusion or subjective belief-systems, and assists those individuals who are dominated by a particular system of thought or obsessed by a specific thought-pattern; eases any imbalances in the mental body that may result in memory lapses (such as amnesia or senility) or general tension, and enhances one's ability to integrate any diverse aspects of their nervous system; removes the inability to express oneself by calming the nerves, as well as by improving one's overall mental health; develops a fuller perspective by enhancing the effectiveness of the conscious mind to extend and actually control all portions of the physical body, and promotes more disciplined focus, precise thinking, and a more concentrated state of conscious awareness; reactivates the cellular memory, and improves one's practical nature; provides greater tranquility during the sleep-state, and addresses any rebellious tendencies in one's emotional life by refining these into more positive qualities of awareness and insight.



Alleviates any form of extremely rapid, over-excited or inarticulate speech patterns, and eliminates any difficulties associated with anchoring or centering oneself; promotes clearer articulation of one's thoughts, especially when speaking; integrates the higher mental body with the speaking and thinking functions of the nervous system, while harmonizing the thinking and speaking patterns with the higher soul functions; promotes more lively and mercurial capabilities of thought or speech, and quickens the thinking and perception processes; enhances the ability to manage and coordinate diverse forms of activity, and allows an individual to maintain their spiritual center despite any chaos or stressful external pressures; allows an individual to orchestrate greater activity from their conscious Self, and improves one's ability to organize their thoughts into specific goals or priorities; infuses strong forces of self-awareness so that an individual can utilize their thinking processes in a calm and stable manner, as well as act from their own center of truth; allows an individual to focus and direct their energy in a clear and productive manner, and promotes more self-aware behavioral patterns; acts as a bonding agent in order to combine together the many diverse aspects of one's personality structure, and removes the inability to integrate various types of information into the personality in conjunction with the reality of the world; actualizes clearer insight into the cause and nature of one's problems, and provides more intellectual or rational information in order to resolve an issue; provides greater inspiration by stimulating one's desire to possess more knowledge of the Self as an integrated being, and unifies the body, mind and spirit in a more organized manner; provides greater attunement to one's inner purpose, and activates those principles or ideals wherein an individual needs to generate more flexibility or increased negotiation skills that are necessary to resolve or reach a decision; enhances the ability to maintain one's own sense of individuality, and promotes greater meditative insight and synthesis; provides a deeper understanding of the future, and allows one's choice of direction to be more easily understood in order to assist an individual that is in a quandary over their spiritual beliefs; eliminates any confused psychic impressions, while increasing the higher intuitive aspects of one's psychic faculties; purifies, refines, sensitizes and stabilizes the soul's clear-sighted capabilities by removing any debris in the emotional lens of the soul that may distort this process, and enhances the soul's ability to perceive and discriminate its connection to the subtle sheaths that surround the physical world; manifests greater wisdom within an individual by increasing one's overall conscious awareness, while enhancing and harmonizing the higher consciousness in order to integrate one's open and expansive spirituality with the other energy-centers (chakras) in a more balanced manner; aligns an individual closer to thoughts associated with the Higher Self, while generating an increased number of messages directly from their Higher Self; alleviates any severe form of disruption in an individual's communication with their spirit guides or teachers, thereby allowing such information to be received in a more organized manner; provides a greater awareness of one's Self as a soul by increasing the basic sensitivity or the consciousness of the conscious mind to receive this information, and aids an individual in better distinguishing between any soul or delusional messages; develops the ability of apportation (or the movement of an object through the ethers from one location to another) by stabilizing the interior molecular dynamics of the specific object that is being transported, and allows those forces (primarily confused or negative thought-forms) to dissipate more easily so that the natural capability for developing apportation remains unimpeded; restores greater balance in one's interpersonal relationships, thereby providing increased stability and self-confidence; removes the inability to take inner responsibility for one's own healing process, and enables the Self to believe in and affirm its own capability for complete recovery or restoration by contacting their individual healing potential; balances and re-directs one's spiritual forces, and promotes more inner harmony and a deeper sense of wellness and wholeness.

