Activates the biomagnetic, bioelectrical and biocrystalline properties in the physical body, thereby enhancing communication between the subtle bodies; amplifies the discharge of ethereal toxicity from the system by dispelling any mental or emotional toxins (negative thought-forms) into the subtle bodies and ethers, where they are ultimately transformed and disintegrated; re-establishes a proper balance between the emotional and etheric bodies, while energizing the mental body; cleanses the etheric body, and expands the emotional body; allows the etheric body to penetrate directly into the physical, astral and emotional bodies, thereby enhancing the personality structure; aligns the astral, mental, emotional and etheric bodies in order for them to function more as a single unit, and aligns the etheric body with the mental and emotional bodies in order to provide for a smoother distribution of the ethereal fluidium; aligns the etheric body more closely to the physical body, which intensifies the capability of the life force (prana) by draining off any negative patterns; aligns the emotional body with the integrated spiritual body, thereby spiritualizing and uplifting one's emotions; energizes the heart and throat chakras, while magnifying the properties of all the chakras; balances the creativity of the 2nd chakra with the sensitivity of the emotional (3rd) chakra in order to provide greater feeling to one's personal expression, and allows the 3rd and 5th chakras to better exchange energy in order to produce greater clarity in one's expression or motivation; cleanses all the major meridians, and strengthens the entire meridian system and the nadis.



Alleviates all emotional extremes, and removes any psychosomatic imbalances; eliminates any blockages, negativity or negative thought-forms in the personality structure, and eases any attachment to negative emotions; alleviates any form of judgemental attitudes associated with criticizing the faults of others, and eliminates any fault-finding or the ability to perceive only the negative side of issues; eases any criticism that is directed towards the shortcomings of others, without any understanding of the views or situations of others; removes any blame associated with intellectual cynicism or the critical judgement of others, as well as the inability to display greater understanding or forbearance for the inadequacies of others; relieves any annoyance, condemnation or critical attitudes towards small matters, including the oddities, mannerisms or idiosyncrasies of others; alleviates any form of dissatisfaction, intolerance, or irritability with oneself or others, as well as any petty anger, arrogance, cynicism, and judgemental or unsympathetic attitudes towards others; removes any expectations that may lead to annoyance, impatience or frustration, as well as any strong preoccupation with personal perfection; relieves any fussy, complaining, suspicious, self-condemning or domineering natures, as well as any mean, cruel, pedantic or unyielding reactions towards others; eliminates any verbal aggression or hostility, as well as any verbal criticism or abuse (due to misplaced aggression); removes any tendency towards biting sarcasm or lashing criticism, and eases any form of self-criticism associated with self-blame or guilt; alleviates various forms of emotional congestion or misdirected love forces, and eliminates any self-deprecation or emotional paralysis; removes any emotional instability, embittered attitudes or feelings of being victimized, as well as any disproportionate anger, discord, worry or extremely compulsive concerns; alleviates certain forms of bitterness or cynicism that can result from an overly materialistic lifestyle, including self-centeredness, selfish behavior, bossiness, isolation from society, or an intellectualized form of hostility towards others; removes the desire to be isolated from one's fellow human beings, or to judge life by the amount of success which it produces; removes the feeling that others are to blame for one's misfortune, as well as any perfectionistic expectations of others; eliminates any extremely rigid attitudes towards life, as well as the demand for order, exactness or self-discipline; eases any firmly-fixed or narrowly-defined principles, ideas or opinions, as well as any extreme rigidity or self-repression due to strong convictions of what one believes is "right"; removes the desire to continually correct whatever an individual considers "wrong", particularly through the use of excessive interference or secretive forms of manipulation; alleviates any form of self-reproach whenever an individual is unable to maintain a self-imposed discipline or strictness in terms of their living habits, and eliminates any self-denial that is directly associated with any repressed (or suppressed) physical or emotional needs that are important for one's overall well-being; removes the inability to articulate one's feelings in a positive manner, as well as any blocked emotions that make it difficult for an individual to effectively integrate with the feelings of others; alleviates any form of ruthlessness towards the attainment of one's goals, as well as any impatience or a strong dislike for restraint; eases any lack of self-esteem, and negates any form of false pride; eliminates the tendency to be critical as a direct result of an inner sense of inferiority or hypersensitivity that is projected onto others, and eases any self-justification and constant frowning or grumbling; removes any excessive criticism that is directed towards authority figures out of a spirit of rebellion, and removes the tendency to blame authority figures for any personal or world problems; addresses any rebellious tendencies associated with one's emotional life by refining these into positive qualities of awareness and insight, and restores balance to one's emotions while elevating an individual's thought processes; promotes verbal communication that is more emotionally balanced, and provides greater tolerance for the individuality of others.



Assists an individual in making and sustaining the shift from a limited and narrow-minded conception of the Self to one that is more expansive and inclusive of others, and allows an individual to become more tolerant, lenient and understanding of the various ways in which each person and all things are working toward their own final perfection; uplifts an overly self-critical individual to a lighter and more expanded form of consciousness in order to better assist them in overcoming any difficulties by being able to examine them more objectively, thereby producing a healthier perspective; allows an individual to be more tolerant and well-grounded in life by the recognition and support of "unity in diversity", and enhances one's ability to flow with the pace of life; promotes greater tolerance and unconditional acceptance of the various differences or imperfections in others, thereby allowing an individual to perceive the good within each person or situation; assists an individual in learning to recognize goodness in others and in the world in order to become more comfortable with themselves, as well as more positive and open in their expressions or actions; allows an individual to take greater responsibility for their overall life situation, and promotes greater self-acceptance and a more objective acknowledgement of one's faults; assists an individual in making a fundamental shift in their overall viewpoint by instilling a more cosmic overview, thereby helping them to put the affairs of the daily world in their proper perspective; allows an individual to seek physical means of balancing any inner rigidity, while enhancing the need to feel more goodness and beauty in all that surrounds them; increases one's overall appreciation of the various worldly pleasures and enjoyments, while allowing an individual to take greater pleasure in the achievements or successes of others; improves one's overall self-esteem, and allows individuals to be more kind or sensitive towards themselves; provides for greater attunement to new patterns of behavior in humans, as well as a more loving exchange and greater mercy towards others; develops inner harmony and a more profound understanding of human emotions, as well as feelings of selflessness and a true dedication to the interests of others; enhances more universal compassion, empathy and selfless service towards others, and restores one's ability to feel unity and wholeness; increases one's ability to better absorb and experience the fullness of life, especially sensorial impressions; eliminates any excessively strict standards that cause an individual to become too hard on themselves, and eases any attempts to adjust one's life-pattern into any form of strict or narrow concepts of spiritual behavior; promotes more inner flexibility and flowing receptivity by allowing the inner Self to become more receptive to the unfolding moment, and enhances more open-minded idealism by confronting new insights or deeper truths that can only be found within oneself at the right moment; allows an individual to consciously recognize, accept and utilize the connection between one's thoughts and any external situations or events, whether they are positive or negative; provides more mental acuity and greater diagnostic faculties, as well as the realistic perception that people can only develop in accordance with their own inner potential; allows an individual to respect the freedom and individuality of others, and restores an individual's original innocence and child-like trust; assists an individual in learning to distinguish between personal emotions or desires and genuine impersonal love and caring for another; stimulates the spiritual essence behind one's interpersonal relationships, and aids an individual in learning that self-acceptance and inner esteem act as a pathway to the soul's realization of its own sacredness and divinity; spiritualizes the mental body and the intellect, thereby improving one's spiritual insight and increasing the acuteness of the senses; liberates any overly-contracted psychic energy, thereby allowing it to become more expanded and receptive to spiritual influence; balances and re-directs any psychic energy-currents, especially as they flow through the heart and solar plexus regions; allows an individual to become the master (rather than the victim) of their own fate, as well as to respond to any challenges or problems with greater resilience and inward mobility; enhances the soul qualities of adaptability, compassion, empathy, gentleness, inner freedom, patience, sympathy, tolerance, understanding and delicacy of feeling for others, while providing a greater sense of joyfulness and lightness.

