Activates the biomagnetic, bioelectrical and biocrystalline properties in the physical body, thereby enhancing communication between the subtle bodies; amplifies the discharge of ethereal toxicity from the system by dispelling any mental or emotional toxins (negative thought-forms) into the subtle bodies and ethers, where they are ultimately transformed and disintegrated; augments the ethereal fluidium on the cellular level, while energizing and strengthening the mental body; activates and cleanses the etheric body, and eases any tensions in the emotional body; strengthens the astral and soul bodies in order to prevent the intrusion of any lower astral plane influences, while calming, cleansing and expanding the emotional body; aligns and integrates all the chakras, meridians, nadis and subtle bodies, and aligns all the subtle bodies closer to what the integrated spiritual body is perceiving; aligns the astral, causal, mental and emotional bodies together, thereby producing a more universal form of emotionalism; aligns the mental and integrated spiritual bodies, thereby allowing the psycho-spiritual dynamics of an individual to flow more freely; activates the heart, crown and solar plexus chakras, while mildly energizing the brow chakra; balances the 2nd, 3rd and 4th chakras, and focuses the timing and energy-patterns that flow among all the chakras; strengthens the 5th, 6th and 7th chakras, and integrates the activities of the crown chakra directly into one's conscious mind; strengthens the minor chakras that are located in the knees, and energizes the nadis that are situated in the hands, fingers, feet and chest regions; strengthens, cleanses and tonifies all the meridians, especially the heart meridian; invigorates all the nadis, and allows all the meridians and nadis to transfer energy more easily; balances the yin and yang qualities, as well as the yin and yang energies throughout the entire meridian system.



Alleviates any emotional extremes, and eases any deep anxiety or hysterical states; releases any form of sorrow or negative thought-patterns, as well as any hidden or obvious deep-seated fear or paranoia; eliminates any attachment to negative emotions, and protects an individual against any form of extreme negative emotionalism; alleviates any fear of death, especially the fear that the ego will be utterly annihilated or destroyed upon death; eases any anger associated with death and dying, as well as any deep sense of despair about one's own mortality; eliminates any over-sensitivity to the thoughts or fears of others surrounding death and dying issues, and increases one's courage to confront any negative thought-forms that relate to death and dying; removes the inability to separate one's emotional feelings and mental constructs, which leads to frustration or fears of an unknown quality; enhances one's ability to release pain, to cry, and to allow any inner sadness to surface more easily, and assists an individual in overcoming any grief or heavy-hearted feelings from the death (or impending death) of a loved one while soothing any shock resulting from the knowledge of another's death (or impending death); develops a more appropriate surrender to death, and allows an individual to let go of any attachment to those who are crossing the threshold; assists an individual in more effectively dealing with any emotionally-charged family situations during times of death or terminal illness, and alleviates any extreme emotional hardship or suffering associated with one's terminal illness by developing greater personal courage to accept and endure; assists those who are in denial or avoidance of a terminal illness by providing the courage to perceive and the insight to understand, as well as a greater sense of inner peace; eliminates any feelings of bitterness or resentment towards one's friends or other family members that may still be lingering, and assists an individual in resolving any conflicts with their mother or father by making peace with one's inner masculine or feminine Self; enhances one's ability to confront and transform any death or life-threatening situations that are characterized by violence, murder or revenge, and prevents an overly emotional individual from agonizing excessively over catastrophes; engenders greater calmness and an understanding of the cause of disaster, thereby allowing an individual to better deal with catastrophes in which many others have suffered; eases any extreme mental anguish or a sense of isolation within the soul, such as a feeling that one is "cut off" or separated from God; eliminates any fear that is directly associated with out-of-body states, and provides greater emotional balance by releasing any tensions that are stored in the subconscious mind.



Activates the psycho-spiritual dynamics of an individual in order to awaken an interest in spiritual matters, while tempering and spiritualizing the ego-nature; promotes a deeper understanding of the various subtle bodies, as well as a deeper mindfulness of the subtle realms; increases one's receptive awareness of the subtle states of consciousness, as well as the soul's ability to discriminate or perceive its connection to the subtle sheaths that surround the physical world; eases any denial of the reality of the spiritual world, thereby allowing an individual to shift their awareness from physical sight to a more metaphysical form of perception (clairvoyance or clairsentience) or hearing (clairaudience); assists an individual in making and sustaining the shift from a limited and narrow conception of the Self to one which is more expansive and inclusive of the spiritual realms, and encourages an individual to develop a relationship with the spiritual world by transforming an overly abstract understanding of spiritual forces into a feeling for spiritual presence or spiritual beings; assists the soul in obtaining greater benevolence and protection from the angelic realm, thereby allowing the human soul to receive guardianship and guidance in its daily affairs and protection during times of crisis or threshold experiences through a living relationship with the angelic realm; stimulates greater spiritual or psychic sensitivity so that an individual can establish a more direct means of contacting their spirit guides, and promotes greater awareness of one's karmic connections with those in the spiritual world; enhances one's ability to forge a telepathic link with a loved one who has died, as well as to contact or interact with the consciousness of another who resides beyond the earthly realm; provides the ability to contact the true spiritual ego, as well as to contemplate the impermanent nature of earthly affairs in relation to the Higher Self; integrates an individual closer to their Higher Self, and removes the inability to accept the transitory nature of earthly life by shifting one's awareness from the lower Self to the Higher Self; removes the inability to integrate information into the personality structure in conjunction with the reality of the physical world, and eases the shift from an ego identification with one's personality to that of a higher spiritual identity while eliminating the psychological need of the soul to firmly establish its personality in the outer world as a defense against death or mortality; facilitates a profound spiritual awakening by transforming the fear of death into a more conscious awareness of spiritual life, and allows the human soul to realize that death is a form of birth when perceived from the spiritual realms; develops more soul identification with what is truly eternal, and prevents the soul from losing the connection with its true immortality; allows an individual to perceive death or terminal illness as a challenge or initiation for the human soul, and enhances one's ability to reflect upon and accept life and death as a larger soul-process of evolution; assists the soul in taking more active and conscious responsibility for its connection to the spiritual realms, and encourages the human soul to become more aware of its relationship and responsibility to the human spiritual family; allows an individual to take greater responsibility for the events of one's life, and promotes a greater realization of the lessons that one has learned during their life-span; enhances one's ability to draw greater wisdom from their life experiences, as well as to review or survey their life process from a higher perspective; strengthens one's ability to confront and actively transform any form of threatening situation or circumstances (including issues of death and dying), and provides the human soul with greater upliftment, encouragement, optimism and enthusiasm when confronting the difficult circumstances associated with death and dying; allows the soul to attain more inner stability and peaceful acceptance of its condition throughout the aging process, as well as to provide greater calmness and acceptance to one's heart by forgiving others and making peace with any worldly relationships prior to their death; restores greater courage, inner peace and tranquility to the human soul so that it can face tremendous challenges with more self-transcending inner strength, and aids the soul in responding with greater resilience and inward mobility to life's challenges or problems in order to move more gently and graciously with the flow of life; provides more penetrating insight and awakened consciousness that is fully capable of acknowledging all aspects of the Self, and allows an individual to become more philosophically active; infuses strong forces of self-awareness so that an individual can think in a calm and steady manner, and act from their own center of truth; assists an individual in making transitions and breaking connections, especially when others may "hold on" too tightly and not allow the release of the departing soul; enhances one's spiritual surrender at death or at times of deep transformation, and develops the ability to "let go" and experience any inner emptiness or nothingness as a pre-condition of one's spiritual birth; enhances the ability of the soul to prepare for crossing the threshold into the spiritual world, and assists an individual in anchoring their inner light and awareness as the soul expands beyond the physical world; aids an individual with their encounter with the "double" or "shadow side" at the moment of death, otherwise referred to as the "dweller on the threshold"; restores the soul's ability to feel unity and wholeness, and increases one's faith to trust in a Higher Power.

