Activates the biomagnetic, bioelectrical and biocrystalline properties in the physical body, thereby enhancing communication between the subtle bodies; amplifies the discharge of ethereal toxicity from the system by dispelling any mental or emotional toxins (negative thought-forms) into the subtle bodies and ethers, where they are ultimately transformed and disintegrated; strengthens the etheric body and the ethereal fluidium in order to provide a closer integration on the cellular level, and acts as a bonding agent by connecting the various subtle bodies to the ethereal fluidium in the etheric body; activates the etheric body and the ethereal fluidium by aligning them with all the subtle bodies, particularly the mental, emotional and soul bodies; attracts the harmonics of the subtle bodies into the physical body, thereby alleviating any mental or emotional stress-related imbalances; aligns all the chakras, meridians, nadis and subtle bodies, particularly the emotional and etheric bodies; activates the balancing capabilities of the heart chakra, and amplifies the qualities of the throat chakra; augments the brow, crown and solar plexus chakras, while stabilizing and enhancing the heart meridian and heart chakra (including the nadis of the heart); activates the psycho-spiritual properties of each chakra, and balances the creativity of the 2nd chakra with the sensitivity of the emotional (3rd) chakra in order to provide greater feeling to one's personal expression; strengthens and tonifies all the meridians, and balances the yin and yang energies throughout the entire meridian system.



Alleviates all emotional extremes, and eases any emotional problems; removes any negativity or negative thought-forms by elevating one's thought processes, and eases any inner conflict between the conscious and subconscious minds; overcomes any emotional blockages by intertwining various etheric energies within the atmosphere, thereby connecting them with the electromagnetic energies of the Earth; cleanses those forces within the subconscious mind that may block the development of either the personality or the emotional maturity of an individual, and alleviates any internal mental dialogues, conflicts or arguments; eliminates any repetitive or constant mental chatter (mental hyperactivity), as well as any unwanted thoughts that continuously circulate in one's conscious mind; removes all strange or outdated thought concepts, as well as any mental preoccupations that obstruct one's clarity of mind; relieves any subconscious guilt or fears, thereby removing the strain from the DNA in the cells; removes the desire to cling to feelings of guilt by promoting more acceptance of one's faults, and releases any repressed feelings of guilt associated with early childhood experiences; alleviates any assumption of guilt that is out of proportion with the actual events or circumstances, and eases any form of low self-esteem, self-reproach, self-blame, self-criticism or feelings of despondency, while removing any difficult mood-swings or a tendency towards depression; alleviates any self-deprecation or emotional paralysis, and reduces one's desire to cover up any profound shame (due to fear of exposure or by not trusting that others will understand); relieves any repressed childhood memories associated with shame-producing experiences, including the profound sense of shame associated with the feeling that others will discover something terrible about oneself; eliminates the paralyzing fear associated with being shamed or exposed to the ridicule of others, and removes the feeling that one's emotional shadow must be hidden and repressed or that it is "lower", shameful and dangerous; eliminates any feelings of shame associated with one's physical appearance, or the feeling that one is ugly or unlovable; removes any shame based upon distorted cultural images of female sexuality or beliefs that were absorbed from the family unit (particularly the mother), and eases any form of deep alienation towards the female body; alleviates the confusion and shame associated with sexual feelings regarding sexual orientation or same-sex (same gender) attraction, and allows an individual to perceive and transmute any form of careless demeanor which hides one's inner torment (or the covering of one's shame with a mask of cheerfulness); enhances greater acceptance of one's powerful emotions by eliminating any form of denial or avoidance of emotional pain, and eases various kinds of addictive behavior that may be used to anesthetize one's feelings; stimulates the cathartic release of any painful emotions from the past, including the release of tears as a form of emotional discharge; promotes greater emotional honesty by acknowledging and working with one's emotional pain, thereby allowing an individual to obtain true inner peace; alleviates any tension located throughout the system, especially in the musculature and nervous system; eases any form of stress, hypertension, disorientation, mental congestion, obsessive states or mental torture, and removes any negative forms of narcissism (or the desire to extremely undervalue the Self); balances the emotions and the emotional body, while enhancing greater emotional stability; provides more inner tranquility and greater inner peace, while improving one's overall mental health.



Activates the psycho-spiritual dynamics of an individual in order for it to flow more freely, thereby allowing one's spiritual inspiration to more fully integrate with the psyche or the personality structure; encourages an honest confrontation with the basic causes behind one's thoughts or actions, and removes the feeling that one's life is a failure; allows more constructive tendencies to develop within the personality by acknowledging and releasing any feelings of guilt from within the Self, and enhances the ability to feel genuine regret rather than man-made guilt; promotes more objective acknowledgement of one's faults, thereby impelling the human soul from a self-limiting to a more self-transcending mode of behavior; releases any past-life information that is stored in one's genetic code, and enhances various past-life therapies associated with resolving certain past-life actions which have produced strong feelings of guilt that continually disrupt the present incarnation; assists the human soul in achieving greater moral fortitude and uprightness by allowing an individual to listen more closely to the voice of conscience, thereby developing more strength of character and a greater moral sense of right and wrong; enhances greater self-recognition of one's true merits, thereby allowing an individual to learn that self-acceptance and inner esteem are a pathway to the soul's recognition of its own sacredness and divinity; allows an individual to love, accept and approve of themselves exactly as they are, while enhancing the ability to forgive and forget (both oneself and others); allows an individual to utilize their powers of thought more constructively by enhancing the soul qualities of forgiveness, discernment and tranquility, and provides a more balanced and clarified state of mind; enhances greater meditative insight or synthesis, and harmonizes the higher consciousness in order to more fully integrate one's open and expansive spirituality with the other energy-centers (chakras) in a more balanced manner; provides a deeper understanding of human nature (especially when it involves human feelings), and activates those principles or ideals wherein an individual needs to stimulate a greater sense of joyfulness and lightness.

