Activates the biomagnetic, bioelectrical or biocrystalline properties in the physical body, thereby enhancing communication between the subtle bodies; amplifies the discharge of ethereal toxicity from the system by dispelling any mental or emotional toxins (negative thought-forms) into the subtle bodies and ethers, where they are ultimately transformed and disintegrated; balances the emotional body and strengthens the astral body, which activates the id and the ego; aligns all the chakras, meridians, nadis and subtle bodies, and aligns the astral, mental and emotional bodies; aligns the mental and emotional bodies in order for them to function more as a single unit, and aligns the emotional body with the etheric body; aligns the mental, emotional and integrated spiritual bodies in order to cultivate greater discrimination, and improves the alignment between the etheric and physical bodies for greater attunement of the ethereal fluidium that surrounds the cellular tissues; activates the root, solar plexus, heart, throat and brow chakras, while aligning and amplifying the throat chakra and the medulla oblongata; augments the brow, crown and solar plexus chakras, and binds the 2nd and 4th chakras together in order for them to function more as a single unit; activates the psycho-spiritual properties of each chakra, and balances the creativity of the 2nd chakra with the sensitivity of the emotional (3rd) chakra in order to provide greater feeling to one's personal expression; strengthens all the meridians, nadis and subtle bodies, and slightly energizes the nadis that are located throughout the throat and forehead regions; enhances and energizes the pericardium meridian, while cleansing the liver meridian; balances the yin and yang qualities, as well as the yin and yang energies throughout the entire meridian system.
Alleviates all emotional extremes, and eases any emotional problems; removes any negative thought-forms by elevating one's thought processes, and dispels any fear, guilt or negativity (including any attachment to negative emotions); eases any form of stress or hypertension, and prevents any sudden mental breakdown or extreme emotional trauma; eliminates any extremely fixed opinions or fanatical viewpoints, and negates any false pride; removes various obsessive states, and relieves any inner tension that is caused by nervous frustration (as well as any difficulties associated with anger or nervous tension); alleviates those attitudes that are inflexible, unyielding, condescending, presumptuous or hypercritical, as well as any form of conceit, superiority or superciliousness; eliminates those attitudes in one's personality that are extremely authoritative, domineering, tyrannical or fanatical, and eases any compulsive need to be in control; alleviates the desire to find fault with others, as well as any form of condemnation or judgementalism towards such faults; removes the tendency to judge others, or to hold onto any unrealistic or harsh expectations of others; relieves any perfectionistic expectations of others, as well as the tendency to use harsh words or biting sarcasm; eliminates any excessively mean or pedantic reactions towards others, including any demands for absolute obedience; alleviates the desire to criticize or interfere without any understanding of the views or situations of others, and eliminates the desire to convert others to one's own perspectives; eases any proneness towards misunderstandings or argumentativeness, and removes the desire to use pressure in order to achieve one's own egotistical ends; cleanses those forces in the subconscious mind that may hinder the development of either the personality or the emotional maturity of an individual, thereby allowing access to higher realms of thought; calms the nerves, and balances the emotions; restores greater balance in all interpersonal relationships, and develops more inner flexibility in one's emotional life.
Activates the psycho-spiritual dynamics of an individual, and allows an individual to obtain true objectivity and inner humility; increases one's overall conscious awareness, and develops a fuller perspective and a more practical nature; transforms and stabilizes an individual with more harmonious qualities, and develops greater balance concerning any social issues; removes any extremely rigid attitudes towards life in general, and eliminates any tendencies towards harsh asceticism by attempting to conform one's life into strict and narrow concepts of spiritual behavior; strengthens the need for greater tolerance and inner flexibility towards oneself and others, and provides greater tolerance for the individuality of others; allows an individual to perceive the value of any differences or imperfections in others, and increases one's overall acceptance of the different or slower rhythms and pace of others; allows an individual to become more tolerant and well-grounded in life by recognizing unity in diversity, and enhances one's respect for the free will of others; develops a more sovereign and independent "live and let live" attitude, and allows an individual to perceive the goodness within each person or situation; enhances the ability to be more lenient and understanding of the various ways in which each person and all events or situations are moving towards their own final perfection, and strengthens the ability to grasp the different patterns of human behavior and individual development; assists an individual in allowing others to maintain their own belief-systems, even if they differ widely from one's own strongly-held beliefs or mind-sets; develops more open-minded idealism by being able to let go of any theories or principles whenever one is confronted with new insights or greater truths, and enhances one's ability to perceive events or situations in a much wider context; eliminates any overly rigid standards of perfection in one's lifestyle that inhibits the true flow of life, and increases one's overall understanding that other people can only develop according to their own inner potentials; increases one's ability to display greater kindness and sensitivity to others, as well as to perceive the goodness in all that surrounds an individual; strengthens the ability to show greater understanding or forbearance for the inadequacies of others, and increases one's desire to assist others in learning how to help themselves and discover their own direction in life; provides a general strengthening of one's self-identity, and assists an individual in giving others the right to express their own opinions; enhances the soul qualities of adaptability, gentleness, humility, inner freedom, patience, restraint, self-discipline, sympathy, tolerance, wisdom, and the ability to carry conviction, while providing more empathy, delicacy of feeling and greater understanding for others; develops more tactful reserve and inner dignity, and alleviates any form of spiritual pride; promotes greater healing warmth and flowing receptivity, especially in the use of the spoken word and in dialogues with others; balances the active and receptive modes of communication, and allows the inner Self to become more receptive to the unfolding moment; assists an individual in learning how to balance and apply any emotional priorities or altruistic tendencies, while balancing any left-brain mental priorities with the emotions; awakens an individual to personal concepts of God by increasing receptivity to one's inner Self, and develops a more practical form of spirituality by providing increased feelings of security within the Self in order to then extend one's Self to others with greater confidence; enhances one's overall ability to function better in life, thereby creating more emotional balance; activates the feminine qualities, and attunes an individual to the androgynous state that is naturally inherent in all people; develops more inner obedience and devotion to a higher spiritual authority, and provides greater meditative insight and synthesis; balances and re-directs one's spiritual forces, and provides greater joyfulness and inner peacefulness; assists the soul in making the transition to a more inclusive state of consciousness, and allows an individual to experience a more compassionate and joyful connection to the human family.