Activates the biomagnetic, bioelectrical and biocrystalline properties in the physical body, thereby enhancing communication between the subtle bodies; amplifies the discharge of ethereal toxicity from the system by dispelling any mental or emotional toxins (negative thought-forms) into the subtle bodies and ethers, where they are ultimately transformed and disintegrated; strengthens the etheric forces in the blood against the astral forces of disintegration, and enhances the acceleration of energy-flows in the etheric body by way of the lymphatic system; strengthens the emotional body, which enables it to acquire greater resonance with the mental and etheric bodies; cleanses the emotional body, thereby easing any sense of loneliness; removes any confusion from the emotional body, thereby creating more clarity of thought; strengthens the mental body, and aligns all the chakras, meridians, nadis and subtle bodies; aligns the astral, mental and emotional bodies, while aligning the emotional body with the etheric body; aligns the mental, emotional and integrated spiritual bodies together in order for them to function more as a single unit, and activates the brow, heart and throat chakras; augments the brow, crown and solar plexus chakras, and activates the minor chakras that are located on the soles of the feet and the palms of the hands; activates the minor chakras that are situated on both heels, which generates increased self-confidence and a sense of greater stability; activates the psycho-spiritual properties of each chakra, and balances the creativity of the 2nd chakra with the sensitivity of the emotional (3rd) chakra in order to provide greater feeling to one's personal expression; strengthens all the meridians and nadis, while improving the flow of energy throughout the entire meridian system; energizes all the meridians and individual acupressure points, particularly the liver, kidney and gall bladder meridians; balances the yin and yang qualities, as well as the yin and yang energies throughout the entire meridian system.



Alleviates all emotional extremes, and removes any negative thought-forms by elevating one's thought processes; relieves any low self-esteem, a sense of uncenteredness, or any form of hyperkinetic activity, and eases various psychological states associated with stress upon the nervous system; eliminates any nervous irritability, restlessness, jitteriness or inner tension due to nervous frustration, as well as any general tension in the mental body; eases any temporary feelings of inadequacy, as well as any loss of control or balance; overcomes various fears and inhibitions, especially those fears associated with being alone; eliminates the feeling that one is alone when confronted by an overwhelming task, and nourishes any profound feelings of emptiness or isolation; removes the desire to seek social contact by talking incessantly about one's problems to others, and alleviates any form of neediness or greediness for the attention of others; removes the desire to continually seek the companionship of anyone who may be available, and eases the fear of losing one's friends or various interpersonal relationships with others; eases the desire to avoid deep emotional contact or bonding, and removes the inability to reach out to others (due to social forms of insecurity); assists any anxious, compulsive or hypersensitive individuals who need to develop greater personal courage or will-power in order to function better in life, and allows an individual to better recognize and transform any unresolved issues; eliminates the desire to conceal any form of mental anguish or inner restlessness behind a facade of cheerfulness and freedom from care or concern, and removes any sense of separateness or alienation from the past; addresses any rebellious tendencies of the emotional life by refining these into more positive qualities of greater awareness and insight, and eases any form of social alienation by developing more social connectedness; promotes a greater appreciation of social relationships, while relieving any feelings of aloofness or disdain for such contact; strengthens one's courage to take emotional risks with others, and allows an individual to remain open and risk vulnerability in order to experience the warmth of human love and affection; restores greater balance to the emotions, while providing greater emotional warmth and presence.



Allows an individual to feel more integrated with society by increasing one's overall self-confidence, creativity and personal expression, while developing a more capable, tolerant, well-balanced and independent-minded attitude; increases one's overall feelings of sovereignty or self-reliance, while generating an atmosphere of mental calmness and emotional tranquility; enhances the ability to be more comfortable with oneself, as well as to enjoy being on one's own; develops greater self-assurance, and provides a greater feeling of oneness towards others; enhances the soul qualities of confidence, courage, empathy, gentleness, humility, joyfulness, patience, peacefulness, purity, regeneration, responsibility, restored balance, selfless love, steadfastness, wisdom, and the ability to confront others, and generates more objectivity, discernment, trusting optimism, evenness of temper, and a genuine feeling of inner joyfulness; enhances the ability to rely completely upon one's inner guidance and to cheerfully cope with extreme demands, as well as to face the world with cheerful equanimity; provides more inner strength and discipline during periods of increased activity, and strengthens the ego in order to better control and direct the physical body; develops the ability to perceive everything in its proper perspective, as well as the ability to integrate aspects of the Self in order to function more effectively; alleviates the inability to establish "roots" in one's family unit or community life, and removes the feeling of being disconnected or "cut off" from one's community or family ties; eliminates any inability to form committed relationships, or to form true social bonds of caring and commitment; relieves any feelings of coldness or emotional distance within the soul, and eases any difficulty towards initiating and sustaining various friendships; alleviates the tendency to develop a protective shell of defensiveness (or intellectual cynicism), and eases any cynical mistrust of the world; removes the inability to trust in the goodness of others by restoring the soul's original innocence and child-like trust, and encourages an individual towards greater social involvement; strengthens one's ability to overcome any social barriers, as well as to share one's social gifts with others; assists the soul in contacting the strength and purpose of its Higher Self, thereby liberating it in order to experience life with greater curiosity, exuberance and joyfulness; enhances the ability of the human soul to display more nurturance and caring attention for others, and promotes more open-hearted sharing, friendliness and social exchange; allows the human soul to experience the rich glow of social warmth that is derived from a loving exchange with others, as well as to experience a more compassionate and joyful connection to the human family.

